Adultery/Affair in Marriage or in a

Creation Date: 4-Sep-2015

Committed Relationship.

Last updated: 21-Mar-2025

(Stop, God's Love, Restitution, Restoration, Blessing)  
A A A  help


1 Introductory Points 2 Clarifications
3 Adulterers Need to Recognize 4 Estimates on Percentages
5 Penalties from Adultery 6 Adulterers who Inflict more Damage
7 Restitution and Actions 8 Blessing for the Adulterer to Receive
9 Victims Pain's and the Victim's Consequences 10 What about Polyamorous / Open Relationships?
11 Know an Adulterer that will not Stop? 12 Summary on Adultery and the Offense Against God
13 Admonishment for a Church Leader 14The Punitive Costs and Emphasis on Restoration

Jesus Christ demonstrated extreme Grace and Mercy in forgiveness to the woman with five husbands, John 4:16-18, while living in adultery, and also to Tax Collectors.  God loves all people who repent and make restitution.  The only events that Jesus Christ did not demonstrate His Authority to forgive was with specific evil Priests of the Temple whom were destined to the separation from God as they were hypocritically representing God to the people.

John 4:16-18 16 Jesus told her, Go, call your husband and come back. 17 I have no husband, the woman replied. Jesus said to her, You are correct to say that you have no husband. 18 In fact, you have had five husbands, and the man you now have is not your husband. You have spoken truthfully.
Proverbs 28:13 He that covereth his transgressions shall not prosper; But those who confess and forsakes them shall obtain mercy.
Matthew 23:13 But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you shut the kingdom of heaven in people s faces. For you neither enter yourselves nor allow those who would enter to go in.

Introductory Points

The first thing to know is God does forgive Adultery and every sin that mankind commits.  This topic is about: consequences, actions, restitution, forgiveness, stopping it from ever happening, and reoccurring along with getting a blessing.  When all of us do wrong in our life, there is always God's Grace and Mercy, so never doubt God's love and desire for all of us to live in greater and greater righteousness through the guidance of the Holy Spirit because of our having Jesus Christ as our Savior.

This author agrees with a few Biblical Scholars, that have stated that Adultery is the number one family problem in most of the world as it destroys the family and causes the inevitable disruption of the required productivity in the fabric of the work force of people that are required to maintain a stable economy that supplies a family's monetary needs.

There are a few Internet sources that state that for a woman to have an affair on her husband means she does not love her husband.  This is myopic, not true for all affairs, and simply not an all-encompassing assumption.  Details on what causes adultery is greatly detailed throughout this topic.  Simple internet searches of woman confessing they loved their husband, and lustful interest took over to cause an affair.  An interesting recent theory, as of the year 2023, states that women having affairs after menopause, called gray affair, make up the largest age group of women having affairs over younger women.

Quote from this article link, titled "Older women cheat, too: What research reveals about the extramarital affairs of women over 55".  If links is missing, click here.

"One of the more interesting discoveries from her research is that 90% of the women surveyed (of all ages) had no guilt or remorse about their actions. Women reported actively pursuing their affairs with a sense of entitlement."

A man or a woman can start an affair without love, and then have the affair develop into love where they no longer are loving their spouse in the way God intended, but statistically that love between the two adulterers does not last for two primary reasons:

  1. Adultery starts with many types of emotional intrigues, curiosity, and lust which are not sustainable and dwindle.
  2. God is not mocked where consequences happen as absolute as there is gravity.
Galatians 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

Adultery is extremely dangerous and hazardous.  The adulterer is risking their personal relationship, reputation, and safety in the adultery.  The adulterer is believing the rewarding of emotional and sexual experience is worth the dangerous risk of losing their spouse, reputation, safety, and most importantly the extreme negative consequences from God.  Research exposes Christian adulterers are not understanding the lifelong ramifications of removal from specific spiritual leadership, rewarding experiences, and the severe damage to themselves by falsely representing God to everyone that:
  • Will believe God does not exist because the Believer is an adulterer, or
  • Will believe God does not change anyone to avoid extremely offensive and hurtful activities against others.

Stages of Adultery

The following are this author's explanations of the different stages of Adultery which includes information from the "do adulterer's feel remorse?" section on Divorce Recovery topic:

Stage 1 - The Connection Made

  1. For the Adulterer:
    (a) Both of the adulterers allow a friendship to be more than being acquaintances with words spoken and body language to convey emotional and physical interest.
    (b) There is excitement, curiosity, anticipation and beginning feelings of possibly love that is based on someone else being attracted physically and emotionally to themselves in the adultery that is beginning. 
    (c) Resentment has begun against the unknowing spouse because the adulterer is judging by emotions, thinking that their spouse should make them feel the way they are feeling with the other adulterer. 
    (d) Excuses will be made to stop or have less regular intimacy with their spouse and become unreachable during specific times during the day.
    (e) Not letting their mobile phone and email be viewed the victim spouse, with the possibility of purchasing a hidden second phone to be used for contacting the other adulterer secretly with also possibly a new secret email address.  Additionally, turning off GPS on the primary phone so that tracking cannot be done.
    (f) Sexual intimacy occurs regularly between the two adulterers along with daily communications, and the emotional bond is firmly created.
    (g) At some point there is the possibility for the adulterers to becoming desensitized to thinking there is nothing wrong with adultery as long as the victim spouses do not know of the adultery.
  2. For the Unknowing Spouse:
    (a) The destruction of the connection with the adulterer's spouse is damaged permanently even when the marriage continues.  Couples that stay together, when the victim spouse knows about the adultery, which could have happened multiple decades, will state the affairs is always a thought in their mind.   As an example, look up the confession of the famous actor William and Bonnie Daniels, where after 72 years of marriage, the affairs at the beginning of the marriage are still present in their minds.
    (b) There is always a feeling of something has changed with the way they are treated but most likely cannot identify the reason.
    (c) Not knowing what is happening, any actions to try to bring or fix the relationship will not get the desired results.
  3. As noted by some Therapists working with marriage problems, the most likely differences by gender in the beginning stage 1:
    (a) When a man is starting to commit adultery on his spouse, he will often treat his wife more nicely to ease his guilt.  The man's thought is he is making restitution for his adultery by being nicer, giving and forgiving with his spouse. Adultery for most men in the beginning is hard on their conscientious because of increasing guilt that logic cannot justify the actions as acceptable.  (There is more analysis on men's motives later in this topic.)
    (b) When a woman is starting to commit adultery on her spouse, she will often start to treat her husband with disrespectful and negative comments and actions to justify her adultery guilt.  Adultery for most women in the beginning is allowed to happen by she thinking about enough negative problems with her husband to justify proceeding in adultery.  Additionally, for many women to love her husband and be faithful, respect is required, which is why a woman will use emotional tactics against herself in her thinking to remove her respect for her husband. (There is more analysis on women's motives later in this topic.)

Stage 2 - Continuing, Stopping, Confessing or Exposure - the Four Results

  1. Affair Continues: The affair is never discovered and continues for possibly a lifetime, which is often found out after the death of one of the adulterers (famous example given further in this topic dealing with Charles Kuralt).  Both adulterers decide to continue secretly where there can be long periods of little contact that is often renewed.
  2. Affair Stops: After a period of time one or both adulterers decide to stop their affair because one or more of the following:
    (a) guilt,
    (b) boredom,
    (c) fear of being caught,
    (d) fear of being exposed by the other adulterer who wants the affair to lead to marriage,
    (e) desire to start another different affair,
    (f) problems or fighting with the other adulterer, or
    (g) a desire to fix their marriage. 
    The average affair lasts between a year and half to two years.
  3. Confession is Made: Usually guilt and a desire for help by the Adulterer will have them confess the affair to their spouse.  The adulterer is hoping for forgiveness and help to not continue in adultery. 
    (a) The adulterer can be very sorry and does not want to be judged because they feel that their current guilt and possibly desire for help is enough of a penalty that no other negativity should be spoken or done.  Additionally, for the Christian, they fear consequences from God.
    (b) The victim spouse normally will feel extreme betrayal and anger.  There will be different kinds of retaliation even when the victim spouse may want to stay married.   Inevitably and often, as discussed in the divorce topic section on reality of staying together, eventually the victim spouse can truly have forgiven and still loves the adulterer but they can no longer be around their spouse because the spouse reminds them of betrayal (with anger). 
  4. Exposed: The unknowing spouse discovers the affair.
    (a) The adulterer will initially feel like their spouse has betrayed them by finding out about the affair.  The adulterer thinks they were keeping it private to not harm their spouse, so it is their spouse's fault for any anger or pain since they should not have discovered the affair.
    (b) The victim spouse normally will feel extreme betrayal and anger.  There will be different kinds of retaliation even when the victim spouse may want to stay married.   Inevitable, as discussed in the divorce topic section on reality of staying together that eventually the victim spouse can truly have forgiven and still loves the adulterer, they can no longer be around their spouse because the spouse reminds them of betrayal (with anger).  

Stage 3 - Lives Changed Forever

  1. The Adulterer, depending upon many factors discussed further down in this topic, can have a lifetime of painful consequences and loss of rewards in Heaven.
  2. The Adulterer has four key underestimated and misunderstood points to know, based on results of counseling sessions that Adulterers have with Therapists and Pastors.
    (a) Will want to receive forgiveness from God and their spouse, which they believe is easily done by just confessing.
    (b) Will rarely have problems forgiving themselves, and believe adultery is naturally occurring so there is nothing to forgive once confessed.
    (c) Often do NOT recognize consequences in their lives that happen and are related to the adultery that they committed. 
    (d) Do not think there is restitution required.
  3. The Victim Spouse, if they do not seek revenge and rely on God, will actually receive all kinds of blessing and gifts from God.  The victim, if responds correctly to guidance by the Holy Spirit, will be better off with rewards that outweigh the pain experienced.
  4. Children will feel a lifetime of unanswered questions and often anger, along with resentment, towards the adulterer parent.  Just like the victim spouse, if they do not seek revenge and rely on God, will actually receive all kinds of blessing and gifts from God.
  5. Parents of the victim spouse will feel a great deal of grief and fear for their son or daughter's future because of their adulterer spouse.  The fear for the parents is growing older and passing on where they will not be able to protect, love and help their son or daughter who has been a victim.
Blaming Physiology

There are many popular websites, with videos, that claim adultery is the result of heredity in DNA programming.  Supposedly, if one or both of a person's parents were/are adulterers then offspring are DNA programmed to have the strong inclination.  Our physiology heredity is absolutely important to determine vulnerabilities of heart disease, cancer, alcoholism and others diseases, but not emotional decision making.  The correct understanding is
(a) Our parents can and do impart and teach negative psychological tendencies.
(b) The satanic realm is territorial, and
(c) Our own selfish desires are the influencer of committing adultery. 

When a son or daughter knows of a parent's unfaithfulness, this can influence temptation to experiment for many reasons such as trying to understand why their parent betrayed their other parent.  When the opportunities, that most of us face in life occur, then the Satanic Realm will take advantage of this vulnerability to influence adulterers. 

There is sometimes the observation of offspring acting sinfully and suffering in the same ways as their parents in many sinful areas, which some Christians can  incorrectly state the sin is a generational curse.  Correctly, Fallen Angels and Demons will move to oppress and possess the next generation of a family where they are sometimes successful, and our own sinful natures can give into temptations without any Satanic influence.  Additionally, there is the incorrect understanding of Numbers 14:18 of iniquities visited to the third and fourth generation.

With exception of psychological disorders:

  • A person's conscious knows adultery is wrong,
  • A Christian absolutely knows adultery is wrong from the indwelling of the Holy Spirit who will speak in warning, and
  • A very elementary knowledge of the scriptures warns and speaks of adultery being a grievous sin.

The problem with the studies on DNA programming determines a person's possibility of adultery, besides no biological proof, is the statistical study group is flawed.  Human-beings have a natural tendency to not divulge wrong doings like adultery.  Those who divulge are often in a category that skew the results because their actions are also known by their offspring that does create an influence to experiment and condone adultery to understand why their parent committed adultery on the other parent which the offspring loves. 

Confession is Required, but Not to the Spouse

If you are an Adulterer who is truly sorry and has stopped with the attention to never be an Adulterer again, then DO NOT CONFESS Adultery to your Spouse, which will be explained further down in this topic and involves an accountability peer friend or group.  This author first heard this admonition perhaps in 1990s when listening to a ministry on a topic about marriage on the radio, the Pastor emphatically stated never to dump that burden on the spouse.  When adultery happens, there is absolutely more damage and hurt that can be done to the spouse, entire family and even friendships.

Everyone knows what adultery means in a physical sense, but it is more than that, as adultery in God's truth is breaking a covenant relationship in a marriage or in a committed relationship!  This is explained in the section below entitled "Clarifications"

Six very important introductory points for the adulterer

  • If you are an adulterer who has grown up in a home that had violence, a home that had abuse of any kind that may have included sexual abuse, or currently in an abusive relationship of any kind, then you should seek counseling immediately along with considering reporting anything that is a criminal.  The thoughts contained in this topic do not necessarily address the problems that you may be facing.
  • If you are in fear of any potential violence or life-threatening situations because of adultery, then you should immediately get help and report the problem to the police.  Next, find a safe place for yourself and others which might include your children and parents.
  • Sex between a married couple is one of the reasons and requirements for being married with exception of couples who marry at an old age when sex is no longer possible.  If your spouse will NOT have sex but is still able to have sex, then divorce is a Biblical option / solution for the spouse who needs sexual intimacy because of Prov. 5:15 23; 1 Cor. 7:1 9; 1 Thess. 4:1 12.  In this type of situation, counseling should be sought for a remedy first.  If your spouse is no longer physically able to have sex and there are no medical or pharmaceutical options, then there are no Biblical grounds to permit a divorce.  There is other permitted grounds for divorce which may be preventing the healthy sexual relationship that is required in a marriage.   (Note that staying in good physical shape is very important for the Christian, and is mentioned to improve marriage, but it is not grounds for divorce.)
  • Unlike the sins that all of us do against ourselves, the sin of adultery/affair is one of the four greatest sins and it is against the Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Fifth and Tenth Commandments.   Many of the greatest moral / ethical minds in history, have made comments to the effect of being able to understand and give sympathy to someone who is doing activities that hurt oneself; but anything that hurts others, like adultery, does not warrant sympathy.  Fortunately, Jesus Christ paid the price for all sins. 
  • There are several forms of sinful and unhealthy Strong Hold addictions to sex.  If you have an addiction to sex which, has you participating in sexual conquests and sexual intimacy with others besides your spouse then this topic is a good starting place, but you will require professional assistance in combating your addiction.  Fortunately, there are clinics and recovery centers, that are covered by insurance, which handles alcoholism, drug addiction and sex addictions as all three addictions have commonalities in the not only the root causes but also in the successful treatment.  Everybody has thought processes which can be negatively "programmed" to create addictions because of events in life.  The good news, regarding a sexual addiction, is there is hope and change with God's help.
  • God is going to use the Adultery as a Blessing for the Repentant Christian adulterer.  With exceptions, the adulterer will always have painful consequences and losses that are discussed in this topic, but God will turn the painful consequences into a blessing for the adulterer to receive and give to others if the adulterer works in Faith in God's purposes.  This is the hope that an adulterer should recognize, hold on to in their Faith and be eternally grateful for the Grace and Mercy God gives us all!  This is discussed further at the end of this topic.


It is necessary to explain that God sees commitments in a relationship with a man and woman inside of marriage and outside of marriage as a bond

In the Old Testament, read in Joshua 9 where Israel is tricked into a peace treaty with the Gibeon tribe, which God had instructed to wipe out, but God had Joshua keep the agreement since it was made. 

To make this topic clearer in understanding by the reader,

It almost goes without stating that people have had monogamous relationships throughout time without marriage and these types of relationships suffer the same problems, hurts and spiritual needs as those in marriage.  In some parts of the world and throughout history, marriage was the same as the term "Given to one another" or "Committed to one another".

Adultery can be sexually physical or emotionally commutative without sexual contact.

Six steps to take after or during adultery

  1. Stop immediately. It is wrong. Read Proverbs 5, Proverbs 6:20 - 7:27 if you don't understand the consequences. There are many, many more scriptural references which you can easily research.
  2. Find two people that you can confess your adultery to, who you can trust and who can also hold you accountable in all areas of helping you to stop the affair along with not having one in the future. The two people should be of the same gender as you. Your selection of the two people should be based on respect, advice and prayer power to intercede for you.
    Galatians 6:1 Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted.
  3. DO NOT confess your adultery or affair to your spouse or partner. This is to be confessed to an accountability group, #2 step, and you must carry this burden for the rest of your life. The reasons are listed below in the section understanding the Victims Pain's and the Victim's Consequences.
    Proverbs 28:13 Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy.
  4. Find ways to get fulfillment in your spouse that you substituted with someone else. 
  5. Avoid all contact with the other person you were having an affair with.  If this other person works at the same job where you will inevitably have contact with one another, then you will need to transfer to another location within the company or find another job.  If this other person is a neighbor, then you need to consider a possible move.
  6. If you have any memorable, souvenirs, gifts, photos, linked social media accounts, email / phone contact information with or from the other person you were having an affair with, then the items must be thrown away and deleted immediately, as they are satanic links to the memory and much more.  There are additionally the biological aspects to have God heal and remove. 
    (a) 1 Corinthians 6:16 is informing us that even if someone is just using someone else for sex, like a prostitute where there was no intent on a relationship, now has a link or bond with that person in the spirit.
    (b) There is biological evidence that confirms physical bonding with two people because of sex through hormones, neurohormones, oxytocin and vasopressin.  Women are more vulnerable in the biological bonding as the same type of bonding hormones are released by the body during childbirth and nursing which stimulates increased bonding with a baby.  The baby, just like the man, will be affected also in bonding.
    (c) A person has a choice in life to have links to Godly things through the Holy Spirit or have negative links through the Satanic Realm.  All links to adultery need to be eliminated so that the adulterous relationship can be completely cleansed.  If required, get a new mobile phone number, email address, block phone numbers and social media accounts.
    (d) In a covenant relationship, God gives a blessed linkage that goes way past the physical into the spiritual facet of our existenceLinks with another adulterer and even pornography, have the potential to harm or even destroy this gift linkage that God gives in a covenant relationship.
    1 Corinthians 6:16 Or do you not know that he who is joined to a prostitute becomes one body with her? For, as it is written, The two will become one flesh.

It is very sad, as discussed in books on adultery and this author's observations, that adulterers will hold on to items of the adulterous relationship, as pointed out in step #6, when the relationship is over.  This author reemphasizes the importance of eliminating this stronghold in a person's emotional memories and also the satanic spiritual connection.  To understand everyone's potential connections, consider conversely that people can have a great love of their life, which was lost, that even if 60 years goes by without seeing the person, yet the person's mind never releases the memories and love. 

Adulterous relationships always begin with many emotions such as intrigue, curiosity, selfishness, narcissism, emotional support to leave a relationship, desire to get a better spouse and/or lust.  All the emotions that caused adultery might eventually turn into love, but these emotions are absolutely not a way to start a new relationship as God never intended a relationship to be started from adultery which has removed God's involvement and blessings.  Adulterers must remove the Satanic physical and Satanic spiritual links involved in an adulterous relationship.  When the adulterer gets past all positive feelings for the person, they had adulterous relationship, then the next step for the repentant Christian's various emotions will often consists of embarrassment, uncleanness, loathing and even disgust for their actions. 

People, who get to the end of their lives, will often have very deep and profound regrets for the selfishness of their lives and especially for Adultery.  This author remembers a man, Salty, who at 79 years old confessed in a letter to his wife Thelma, of over 55 years in marriage, that he had an affair in his early twenties, when Salty was a professional baseball player.  The letter stated that Salty could no longer hold the burden of not confessing to the woman whom he loved more than life.  Though the event happened 55 years prior, I saw Thelma suffer greatly which I think was eventually the cause of her death that occurred not too much later. 

Adulterers Need to Recognize Aspects About Themselves

Research of adulterers by Therapists, show that most adulterers would be committing adultery because that is in their nature:

  1. That was learned from external influences, and
  2. Cannot resist sexual temptation, instead of wisely not participating in the carnal nature desires that all of us possess, and
  3. Have a level of dishonesty in their nature that allows them to be dishonest to their spouse and absolutely all other people.

[NOTE: Adultery is never an accident where the beginning participation in it requires a person to ignore moral principles in our consciousness that God designed us to all have that is often called a "moral compass".  Desensitization occurs after participation in adultery that will change a person's natural ability to avoid adultery followed by diminishing judgment against oneself as that requires making oneself painfully accountable which human nature cannot sustain.  The result is committing adultery over and over again becomes easier to commit without restraint, resentment against ourselves, and the other adulterer.  In most cases for a woman adulterer, continuous participation will have the woman adulterer blame their victim male spouse for their sin.]

Becoming closer to God for assistance can make a change in the Adulterer's thinking where this takes an understanding of the sinful severity and the horrible consequences.

Adulterers may claim that the adulterous relationship started off as friendship that led to something more, but there was a point when the adulterer knew they were doing something very wrong, and they had become desensitized to the adultery type of sin.  We all face temptations that can be very grievous and there are those who do not fall into the temptation. The key part that Christian Councilors have found that what is missing in the adulterer is a worshiping and respectful fear of God which stops others from committing adultery. 

God has engrained into our consciousness, without even a scriptural understanding, specific sins that we should never do such as murder, cruelty to children and adultery.  Scriptures absolutely are reinforcing the commandment to not do these specific types of sins, therefore a Christian cannot claim that they did not know that adultery is wrong.  Arguably, adulterers can claim that committing adultery is not in their nature but the fact that they did it proves to the contrary.  This is not meant to be judgmental or condemning, but the adulterer needs to first recognize they had it in them.  This is necessary to move forward in healing and is similar to approach used in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA).  Principles of AA, on stopping the Strong Hold addictions, are applicable to stopping adultery and are discussed in more detail later in this topic.

It is disconcerting how often it is seen where Awesome Men and Women (AMW), who are/were married to someone who can be described as a Lucky Spouse (LS) to have the LS goes off and has affairs on the AMW. 

One of this author's best friends from the age of nine years old, was not handsome, not athletic, a little bit fat, not smart, not wealthy, but was a gifted story embellishing teller and great empathetic listener.  What was remarkable, that no one could figure out was this friend has had a life-time friendship with our High Schools' Home Coming Queen and Head Cheerleader.  From what was disclosed recently before his death at sixty-four years old, there was infidelity.  None of us could figure out how this incredibly gorgeous woman, that was also well educated, would be involved with this friend. 

In the area of Christian Ministries, it has been noted in some Biblical Scholar discussions that it is astonishing how many wives of well-respected Pastors and Evangelists will have affairs on their husbands as this is often the weakest defense in a marriage for the Satanic Realm to damage the influence of a Godly Ministry. 

Additionally in recent decades, media outlets are increasingly exposing many men in Christian Leadership that have been and are currently involved in adultery.  This is the other avenue for Satanic Forces to permanently destroy a Man's role in a Church and Godly Ministry.  Men are held to a higher standard by God.  Furthermore, this author believes that men have the greater responsibility to be a deterrent against adultery as God gave men logic skills to overcome an influence to be tempted through emotions that cause adultery. 

Both men and women cannot be allowed to be in future leadership roles in a Church or Christian Ministry (more on this later in this topic) after adultery has occurred.  

Adulterers sometimes will make statements, after their adultery ended, that the adultery had nothing to do with their spouse.  Furthermore, adulterers will often additionally make statements that they wish there was a way to go back in time to stop themselves from doing it.  If an adulterer is being honest with themselves, they realize that once adultery began it was hard to stop with many wrongful rationalizations.

Most adulterers should consider counseling to help them because the participation in adultery has exposed a greater problem besides the sinful act of adultery.  Research has shown that many adulterers often have one or more of the following

As stated above, the primarily deterrent, for not committing adultery, is having a relationship with God that leads to a worshiping and respectful fear of God!  God is a God of Mercy and Grace where adultery will still have consequences with different degrees because of Mercy, when the adulterer repents, seeks forgiveness from God and makes restitution.  (Restitution discussed more later in this topic.)

Felons in Penitentiaries Example on Rehabilitation

A few research studies have been done on felons in penitentiaries, who were sent there for various types of crimes.  When interviewed in a study that hides the real purpose of the interview, most inmates come up with some very elaborate rationalizations to exonerate partially or fully their criminal actions in the past.  The inmates, who take full responsibility for their actions, are the people who are often found to be redeemable and the best for rehabilitation after being released.  Research has shown that the adulterer:

Proverbs 1:24-29 24 But since you refuse to listen when I call and no one pays attention when I stretch out my hand, 25 since you disregard all my advice and do not accept my rebuke, 26 I in turn will laugh when disaster strikes you; I will mock when calamity overtakes you 27 when calamity overtakes you like a storm, when disaster sweeps over you like a whirlwind, when distress and trouble overwhelm you. 28 Then they will call to me but I will not answer; they will look for me but will not find me, 29 since they hated knowledge and did not choose to fear the Lord. 30 Since they would not accept my advice and spurned my rebuke,
Isaiah 47:10 For thou hast trusted in thy wickedness; thou hast said, None seeth me; thy wisdom and thy knowledge, it hath perverted thee, and thou hast said in thy heart, I am, and there is none else besides me.

Regarding recognizing aspects about themselves, the adulterer should also remember the full impact of Matthew 25:40.  Additionally, the adulterer needs to know that adultery is first a sin against God, God is not mocked, and the adulterer will reap a negative harvest from the adultery. 

Matthew 25:40 The King will reply, Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.
Galatians 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

Estimates on Percentages of Adultery and Reasons

We all need to recognize adultery is very common and there are many people looking for help.  This section is about statistics, possible reasons and other information dealing with marriage infidelity.  Having statistics about unmarried people cheating on relationships is an impossible statistic to estimate, but on married people it is possible to make a general theoretical estimate given below after the gold highlighted information.

There are many very helpful companies and websites, that have programs to help marriages when adultery and other problems are occurring, which this author is glad they are there to provide a needed service.  It is impossible for many of these companies and websites, in this author's opinion on the ones reviewed in recent years, to provide some percentage of adultery in their documents based on:
  1. Their methods are disclosed on the data collection. 
  2. Their presentation of graphs, bar graphs and point graphs based on age and gender which can have the reader possibly think it is an absolute representation.
  3. Their sample data is not revealed to identify geographical areas that may have denser population per square mile that can give higher statistics or smaller areas that lead to lower statistics.

This is mentioned because it is important to know the best theoretical statistics on adultery to help cope and understand the commonality and problems for a victim of adultery.  Reading the best theoretical statistics helps the victim:

  1. So that they do not feel like they are the only one this has ever happened to.
  2. So that they do not blame themselves.
  3. So that they do not blame or be mad at God. 
  4. Also, to be aware to guard against it by recognizing the commonality.

Some problems in poorly or even well-done documented statistical analysis shown on some websites and topical news stories, in recent years, are somehow neglecting the accurate data collected at the end of a lifetime is the most accurate.  Both a man and a woman, in the marriage to one another, are required to be honest and answer the same questions regarding adultery in the later stages of life.  These are four major points: 

  1. The statistics on some websites are presented do not account for an entire life.  As an example, a young married couple seeks help because one of the spouses is having an affair so that one person's gender adds to the statistic for the age and gender statistic.  This stops the statistical information capturing of future possible affairs by one or both people. 
    (a) This kind of statistic accumulation is only representing those who seek help where most people in adultery are not going to family crisis counseling.  Therefore, any type of summarization report like a graph for this partial data, should be titled "Presentation of those who seek Help by Age and Gender".
    (b) All the websites, that this author has seen, have statistics presented to have the reader think their statistics are a representation of everyone at all ages, where there is no disclosure under their statistics of the age range of statistical gathering.
    (c) An accurate statistical analysis would be data accumulated from people at the end of their lives.  Data collection should be only used from this age group to formulate estimations where participants who volunteer data would be asked how many affairs, at what age and was the other person married.
  2. Young men are stereotypical expected to be more aggressive in having affairs, but is that correct to state a higher percentage of men have affairs?  No, as a man may be correctly associated with being more inclined to be the initiator only, but there comes a point when a married women accepts the adulterous event where the following (a), (b) and (c) areas also apply:
    (a) Rhetorically, for a man to have an affair means the involvement of a women.  Yes, there are same gender marriages.
    (b) If a man is having multiple affairs, then the statistics should be one man plus multiple women adding to a higher percentage of married women (after excluding the unmarried women from the statistics). 
    (c) One company's graphical chart, most likely is correct in stating women having affairs decline after age 60.  Unfortunately, the same chart show men increasing in having affairs after age 60.  This is funny to this author as their conclusion means that the adulterous men are sharing a small group of married women, which additionally means a married woman is having multiple affairs before 60 years of age.  Maybe that is possible where these websites are not qualifying their statistics to state married men after age 60 are having affairs with unmarried women. 
  3. It is highly probable that marriages that have a man committing adultery are more likely to seek help to save the marriage knowing a divorce will cause child and spousal financial support along with limited visitation with his children.  Yes, that is the wrong motivation.  Therefore, the number of adulterous men, having higher statistics, are not going to be accurate on some of the websites.
  4. It is also highly probable that men, because of God's design in men to have them be problem solvers, will often (not always) volunteer more accurate information regarding affair information than a woman who will be afraid to divulge having an affair with the fear of financial problems and care for her children along with even physical violence.  Therefore again, the number of adulterous men adding to the statistics are not going to be accurate on some of the websites.

In doing research on this topic, one of the books written in the 1980s, with collaboration from other qualified sources, gave the following potential estimations and key points regarding affairs and key points regarding affairs are

  • From the era before the mid-1980s
  • From data dealing with major cities in the United States.

This author has had some correspondence stating the percentages of adultery seem to be too high, but the best sources were based on the lifetime of a married person, that can be married more than once, where adultery is a great deal more common than people realize. 

It is interesting when researching about adultery information in other parts of the world, there are countries like the United Kingdom, that have a term called "secret garden", to refer to adultery (perhaps based on Erica James book "A Secret Garden Affair") that is somehow permissible if it is kept secret.  The French have an undeserved reputation about sexual relationships outside of marriage, because of the stereotype portrayals in movies and their political leaders.  The Italians also have an undeserved reputation based on tourism exposure to popular areas where women unescorted by a man, may be a target of flirtation.

This author has been recreational travelling the world for over twenty years now where great friendships have been made with the exposure of different cultures, that leads me to state adultery has no geographical limitations.  Perhaps the exception has been the Middle East culture and exposure to the country of the United Arab Emirates that has very punitive consequences for adultery that most likely leads to lower occurrences.

Therefore, based on data from great sources in the year of 1985, in the United States, and in major cities:

  1. An estimation of 55% of married men will have one affair in their lifetime.  Note that this can be sexual or emotional for men and may involve a married or an unmarried woman, but more often are with married women.
    (a) Men have affairs primarily for sexual desires.
    (b) When men have affairs, the man will enjoy the sexual privileges (theft) of being an adulterer without any husband responsibilities.  Interviews of adulterous men reveal that the adulterous man never wanted the husband responsibilities, even if the adulterous woman believes (or was led to believe) she can rely on and trust the adulterous man. 
  2. An estimation of 70% of married women will have two affairs in their lifetime which more often are with unmarried men, which is why the married woman's statistic is higher than married men.  Additionally, married women will often state there was never adultery, with a different terminology, as it was just a sexual need being fulfilled with no adultery.  There are three primary reasons to explain the higher percentage:
    (a) A married woman having an affair with an unmarried man, counts as one for married women having affairs, but does not count for married men.   This does NOT mean the unmarried man having an affair is guiltless and sinless as the unmarried man is absolutely doing wrong when having an affair.
    (b) Women often and generally will use rationalizations on committing adultery, and state adultery is something else so they will state they have never committed adultery.  A women will further state it was not even cheating on a commitment, as it was just a sexual need not being fulfilled.  The rationalization when explaining sexual liaisons, a woman will use words to redirect and skirt the terminology, so they are attempting to avoid guilt because emotionally it is a woman's way to avoid stress and problems.  A quick search of videos on the internet has psychologists and therapists describing this nature of women rationalizations.  Men, because of their logic nature, do not use alternate labeling.
    (c) Women, in modern times, often use a self-defense protection system to always have a plan in case their marriage leads to divorce so that they will not be in financial or other types of problems.  The main part of the plan is to have a secondary man, that the women will have adultery with, to have a type of insurance in case of a divorce where the secondary man will be there to help.  The women will tell lies about her marriage to get the adulterous man to participate and have empathy and possibly love for the woman.
  3. There are four additional areas of motivations and reasons for women having affairs:
    (a) A woman's motivation for an affair in the years before age 50, is often with the belief that they can get a better male provider, hypergamy, that will provide financial security.
    (b) A woman may be having an affair to get emotional and/or financial security so that they can leave their current relationship, where there is no love with future marriage intentions developed by the woman for the man they are having an affair with.
    (c) In the years before 50, an affair for a woman tends to be emotional with sexual intimacy.  After age 50, the woman will often have an affair for sexual desires that have increased because of age, and fear that her attractiveness is diminishing that makes a sexual desire for fulfillment stronger while it is still perceived as possible.
    (d) A woman may be having an affair when she is single to feel protected because she has no man to be there for her when she needs a man despite the man being married.
  4. Both men and women will sometimes have affairs in later stages of their life with someone from their past relationships before their current marriage, for desires and regrets that never went away after the old relationships ended.  Part of the catalyst in initiating an affair is a fear of getting older where there will not be any chances remaining to be with a person from their history unless it is done soon before physical attractiveness, options and abilities fade away.
  5. Both men and women will sometimes have affairs with the same person they had an affair with earlier in their marriage.
  6. An interesting video blog from the year 2023, has the woman "Pearl" explaining the reason husbands have affairs is because wives "do not treat their husband like a man" with complaining, disrespect and no sex.  She adds that the wife must take responsibility that part of problem of her husband having an affair is because of her, and why does she care since she is not having sex with her husband.  This author agrees with the possibility, but her assessment requires a little more explanation.  This author would state that if a woman is:

    • Complaining to their husband about his problems,
    • Disrespecting their husband by not being an equal partner in the marriage, where respect is a man's number one requirement in a marriage, and
    • Not having sex with her husband

    then that will have the dual effect of:

    • Having the husband be less desirable in a sexual intimacy desire by his wife.  
    • Having the husband not wanting to have sexual intimacy with the wife.

    Pearl, in her blog, also states no matter what is going on, the husband should not cheat (have an affair) on his wife.  This author absolutely agrees.  Women need to also understand that if their husband is not having an affair then he is forced into self-gratification which involves his imagination or pornography.  A wife should want her husband's sexual intimacy desires to be focused on her and the wife should understand marriage roles.

The disturbing realization that comes with the estimated statistics above regarding the 55% of men and 70% of women means there are adulterers who are not average and may have numerous adulterous relationships.  Additionally, with the higher influence of acceptance of adultery and casual sex in advertising, print media, Internet sites, TV shows and movies, the statistics from the 1980s are most likely low compared to a higher estimated percentage of today. 

Some additional information, and an overall summary, dealing with these statistics and insights into affairs

  1. Marriages that started from affairs in a previous marriage, statistically do not last albeit there are cases of marriages lasting.
  2. Men have affairs primarily for sexual gratification.  In most cases, men use emotional tactics to entice women into the sexual conquest.  In the beginning, most men rationalize that what they are doing is okay because they still love their spouse. 
    (a) There can be a period where the man will fall in love with the other adulteress woman, but it is statistically short lived.  The victim female spouse may be aware that their male spouse has strong sexual appetites in the years before mid-life, a typically 55, but normally do not know how to help, satisfy or work to prevent many men's desires to have an affair. 
    (b) Men need to know that no matter the circumstances of frustration, the sexual gratification from an affair is absolutely not an option which will have penalties as described in the scriptures that make any carnal satisfaction from an affair not worth the painful consequences.
    (c) There are some online websites or social-media perceived adultery experts that are publishing the statement
    "women will not have an affair on their husband unless they do not love their husband",
    which is very misleading and gives the impression that is a cause for a woman to have an affair or commit adultery.  This is absolutely not true for all circumstances in adultery, as love is a emotional feeling that is developed with interaction with someone where a woman may love their husband, but because of ongoing adultery will often have the woman develop strong feelings of love with the adulterous man that replaces the love for her husband.  Most human-being through emotional and physical sexual interactions will develop feelings that may be love in adultery which will then diminish the love with someone in the current marriage or relationship.
  3. Women sometimes have affairs in the hope of finding a better future spouse, hypergamy, so that they can leave their current spouse. 
  4. Women may have affairs for emotional intimacy in their younger years before mid-life, a typically around age 50 or before menopause.  In the following years and beyond, women will seek sexual gratification in affairs which is often explained by many women's sex drives become significantly stronger after mid-life and fear of physical beauty dissipating with the desire to have a man physically attracted to her while she perceives her self-worth based on beauty. 
  5. Regarding many men after age 55, men sometimes develop medical problems, such as (1) Erectile Dysfunctional and/or (2) decrease desire for sex due to decreased testosterone.  These two problems prevent men from desiring and/or participating in sexual activities which becomes very frustrating to many women because of their new increased desires.  This new increased desire by women, by no means exonerates the woman from having an affair and they will have penalties explained below.
  6. Women sometimes will have affairs to get financial assistance or security in their job.  They reconcile the affair in their mind as she is getting what she needs, and the man is getting something in return. 
  7. Women will have affairs with single and married men as a secondary insurance plan to protect themselves in case of a divorce.  The adulterous man often knows he is a secondary protection and enjoys the role which doesn't require any husband duties.  The women will tell lies about her marriage to get the adulterous man to participate and have empathy, along with possibly love, for the woman.
  8. Affairs on average last between 1.5 years to 2 years before boredom or guilt end them, along with some affairs being exposed.  With the habitual adulterer, this is also the point when looking for a new adulterous relationship.
  9. Some affairs last the entire life or decades for individuals. A recent famous case, exposed in the late 1990s, is of the well know news correspondent from that time-period, Charles Kuralt who wrote several books: "A Life on the Road", "On the Road With Charles Kuralt" and "Charles Kuralt's America." who had an affair carrying on for decades, which was discovered after his death because the adulterer woman wanted to get specific assets of his estate.
  10. Habitual adulterers will most likely have come to a decision and a belief that there is not a problem with having consensual sexual experiences outside of a committed marriage relationship because they believe in their minds that they are going to stay married.  They often believe experiences, outside of the marriage, strengthen their marriage and relieve problems in the marriage by having an outside mechanism to release, elevate or discuss problems that are not an option in the marriage.  This is one of the greatest traps of going down any path of a wrongful casual friendship ending up many years later to a complete desensitized thought process of not recognizing the penalties, the extreme damage that adultery does to oneself and others with loss of rewards in Heaven.
  11. Some affairs occur between a married person and someone from a relationship before the marriage with the belief that it okay since the two people once loved one another and were sexually intimate, so in their minds, there is nothing occurring that has not already occurred.  This is very similar to the perspective of the previous point of being desensitized in a person's thinking to allow something like this to occur which will eventually cause devastating consequences.  Note: Some recent published studies state that an approximate 15% of men and women are having sexual relations with their previous spouse, after divorce while being remarried, because they still have feelings of love or lust for their previous spouse while stating they are just not marriage compatible.
  12. Adulterous women tend to lose all respect for their husbands in the roll of a husband when the affair is discovered if the husband stays in the marriage.  It does not matter if the adulterous wife understands the husband is staying in the marriage for the protection of the children.  Psychologist have stated in reading resources that the wife will think of her husband as emotionally weak often without taking into consideration all of the financial, emotional, and environment ramifications of divorcing in the children's lives.  This is counter intuitive for wives to understand as most men that would stay in a broken marriage for the protection of children is sacrificing his own happiness and that takes a great deal of emotional strength.   This author counseled a male cousin and a male friend to stay in the marriage with their wives until the kids were old enough before divorcing, and then to absolutely divorce them if the wives had not repented fully and made restitution.  By staying in the broken marriage yielded great fruits seen in the children growing up knowing of their father's inspiration in their lives along with showing strength for their children in the future to not permit any bad behavior and adultery in their marriages.
    [Staying in the broken marriage does not give the husband permission to have an affair since his wife is having or had an affair.]
  13. Adulterous men tend to think that their wives are emotionally unstable and similar in thoughts as an adulterous woman's thoughts if their wives want to stay in the marriage.  For the adulterous men, a wife staying in a marriage often empowers the husband to resume adultery whenever possible to gratify sexual desires.  A wife that is a victim to an adulterous husband, where she stays in the marriage for the wellbeing of the children, should also stay as long as needed for their children's wellbeing.  When able, absolutely divorce her husband if the husband continued in adultery after being confessed or discovered with the qualification that financially a divorce would not hurt the victim's wife financial required wellbeing.  Consultation with a Therapist, Financial Advisor and a Lawyer should be done for a victim wife before acting.
    [Staying in the broken marriage does not give the wife permission to have an affair since her husband is having or had an affair.]
  14. It this author's belief, that is based on empirical evidence, that adultery is more common in the Christian professing Church than it is outside of the Church.  The reason behind the belief in this horrible reality is because Satanic Forces see Christians as their enemy and non-Believers are not a threat.  By getting Christians to fail in their commitments, faith and love that they should be exemplifying then it disarms the Christian.  In other words, it takes away from the fruitful life that the Christian should be living.  Non-Christians see the tragedies of affairs in Christian relationships and draw the wrong conclusion of Jesus Christ is not real.

A Pastor once told this author that "Some sins should never be done once because if you do them once then a million times will never be enough."  Romans 1:28 reinforces this comment by the Pastor which many may feel is too stringent; but note that counselors have reported that adulterers always knew that the first time they committed adultery was wrong but after that it was always rationalized away to allow them to continue. 

It this author's opinion, when the first adulterous sexual encounter happens, it is also similar to the experience of Adam and Eve when they bit into the forbidden fruit, which opened their eyes to good and evil.  Both Adam and Eve then had to deal with the change that was made because of their actions that removed their previous innocence.

Romans 1:28 And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done.
Genesis 3:7
Adam and Eve
Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loin coverings.

Penalties from Adultery

It is this author's opinion, using the scriptures as validation, that the primary scriptural penalties and consequences of adultery administrated by God will be directed towards the adulterous man, which by no means exonerates the adulterous woman.  The reason is God gave men greater capacity to have logic prevail in decisions and being able to realize the unforeseen damage that will be done.  

In the Fall of Adam and Eve, the scriptures of Genesis 3:13 and 1st Timothy 2:14, reflect that Adam was not deceivedA theory, by this author, is that one of the penalties that all women share as part of the Fall with Eve believing Lucifer speaking through the serpent in the Garden of Eden, is women are vulnerable to being emotionally manipulated and deceived more easily than men.  Men have their own set of penalties such as dealing with lust of all kinds, where a man has to ignore innate given logic on knowing adultery is wrong.  A woman can enter adultery thinking, while still ignoring knowledge it is wrong just like Eve thought about the forbidden fruit, that there was something being withheld that the woman should be allowed to have and experience.  According to numerous therapist reports on women caught in adultery, which is an extremely common observation, will report that women believe they were entitled to an affair.

God gave women far superior use of emotional connecting thought processes that unfortunately can overrule decisions that are known to be logically wrong.  Women have a natural ability to nurture children, a husband and the elderly in ways that men must learn. 

Women are also more naturally gifted by God to appreciate and enjoy emotional connections without much of a catalyst and even being taught.  Women's feelings for a man, that is not her husband, can have the woman emotionally deciding that intimacy should happen because of the nurturing innateness she possesses combined with sexual desires.

Men do have emotional connections in life that are primarily developed and gained by development of their relationships with others that is experiential.  As commonly observed, little girls enjoy playing games with dolls that are in family units, and little boys enjoy action-oriented toys that have nothing to do with family and relationships.

Therefore, the overwhelming culpability is set on the adulterous man who will have to ignore, overrule, and disregard all the natural innate ability for men to logically understand that committing adultery is an extremely sinfully evil.  Notice in the scriptures that the penalties for an adulterous man are more painfully stringent as read in Proverbs 6:26-32 shown below with highlights in red where the woman adulterer's penalties ate absolutely horrible.

Unfortunately, the incredibly difficult observation with many women, as also noted in some Psychologists sources, is women will blame their spouse for their infidelity stating they are a victim, that required adultery, with overwhelmingly no remorsefulness.  Repenting from adultery with God participation, that is part of Grace and Mercy, requires taking responsibility and understanding adultery cannot be blamed on a spouse.  When women blame their spouse for their adultery then this is informing God that His Forgiveness is not required.  (This was discussed previously with the example of Felons in Penitentiaries Example on Rehabilitation.)

Here are three Scriptures, of a longer list, that the adulterer needs to comprehend and be warned of very punitive consequences.

Proverbs 5:1-11

and 21-23

(The Adulterous Woman)


1 My son, pay attention to my wisdom, turn your ear to my words of insight, 2 that you may maintain discretion and your lips may preserve knowledge. 3 For the lips of the adulterous woman drip honey, and her speech is smoother than oil; 4 but in the end she is bitter as gall, sharp as a double-edged sword. 5 Her feet go down to death; her steps lead straight to the grave. 6 She gives no thought to the way of life; her paths wander aimlessly, but she does not know it.

7 Now then, my sons, listen to me; do not turn aside from what I say. 8 Keep to a path far from her, do not go near the door of her house, 9 lest you lose your honor to others and your dignity to one who is cruel, 10 lest strangers feast on your wealth and your toil enrich the house of another. 11 At the end of your life you will groan, when your flesh and body are spent.

21 For your ways are in full view of the Lord, and he examines all your paths. 22 The evil deeds of the wicked ensnare them; the cords of their sins hold them fast. 23 For lack of discipline they will die, led astray by their own great folly.

Proverbs 6:26-32

(The Adulterous Man)

26 For on account of a harlot a man is brought to a piece of bread; And the adulteress hunteth for the precious life. 27 Can a man scoop fire into his lap without his clothes being burned? 28 Can a man walk on hot coals without his feet being scorched? 29 So is he who sleeps with another man s wife; no one who touches her will go unpunished. 30 People do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy his hunger when he is starving. 31 Yet if he is caught, he must pay sevenfold, though it costs him all the wealth of his house. 32 But a man who commits adultery has no sense; whoever does so destroys himself.
Proverbs 7:24-27
(The Adulterous Woman)
24 Now then, my sons, listen to me; pay attention to what I say. 25 Do not let your heart turn to her ways or stray into her paths. 26 Many are the victims she has brought down; her slain are a mighty throng. 27 Her house is a highway to the grave, leading down to the chambers of death.
Hebrews 13:4 Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.
Ecclesiastes 7:26
(The Adulterous Woman)
I find more bitter than death the woman who is a snare, whose heart is a trap and whose hands are chains. The man who pleases God will escape her, but the sinner she will ensnare.

Notice the pay sevenfold, as noted in Proverbs 6:31, which reinforces God's requirement for restitution.

There is, unfortunately, not strong enough teaching in the Church today about the consequences of adultery which most likely would stop adultery before it happens or get those involved in adultery to stop.  This is a lack of teaching in Church where it is the fault of Pastors who are often afraid of teaching anything that might offend and call into accountability anyone with the fear of losing tithes, donations and volunteers.  All of us need to understand the many areas of why Christians will experience suffering and adultery has some very hard consequences.  Remember that Christ gave us His Word on benefits of living righteously and following Him in Matthew 11:29 which is why repenting of adultery (and making restitution) is so important!

Matthew 11:29  Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

The adulterer, who is a Christian, needs to comprehend the significance and truth in these seven areas listed.  

  1. The two of you are telling God that His 7th, 8th, 9th, 5th and 10th commandments do not apply to you.
    (a) committing adultery (7th Commandment - Exodus 20:14)
    (b) stealing sexual intimacy (8th Commandment - Exodus 20:15)
    (c) slandering, false witness, both your spouse and the other adulterer's spouse by thought and words (9th Commandment - Exodus 20:16)
    (d) not honoring your parents by being unrighteous (5th Commandment - Exodus 20:12)
    (e) coveting / stealing from your neighbor (10th Commandment - Exodus 20:17)
  2. The two of you are breaking a covenant with your spouse, that additionally destroyed a spiritual bond,  (Ezekiel 15:59; Psalm 78:10; Proverbs 2)
  3. The two of you are stealing sexual actions, time and emotions that belong to the other person's spouse only (1 Corinthians 7:4), 
  4. The two of you are giving away the intimate parts of your body, your time, your emotions to someone who does not have rights to have them (1 Corinthians 7:4),
  5. The two of you have wounded your inner spirit body, (Romans 7:22)
  6. The two of you are losing inheritance in heaven, and
  7. The two of you will have consequences that absolutely will make adultery not worth the pleasures or gains, where you will wish fervently to go back in time and stop yourself.
Scriptural consequences, such as Romans 1:21-32, and empirical observation seen in the aftermath of all adulterers' lives, shows that there will be future combinations, that can be up to sevenfold in punishment in relation to the pleasures of adultery, of the following but not limited to areas listed below because of adultery.  This does not necessarily mean every single item in the list below.  The saving Grace of the list not being as punitive as Romans 1:21-32, is the reader of this topic is a Christian which requires repenting and making restitution.
  1. An adulterous Strong Hold to desire to commit adultery for the rest of their life.
  2. A depraved mind that has difficulties recognizing Godly things until after a sustained period of time where God cleanses,
  3. Remove the full influence, protection and guidance of the Holy Spirit,
  4. Depression that often requires counseling,
  5. Humiliated publicly in different areas of life that have nothing to do with being known as someone who committing adultery.
  6. A insatiable desire for affirmation of desire to be felt by others that are considered attractive,
  7. Financial losses,
  8. Health problems,
  9. Aging faster,
  10. Attractiveness lost,
  11. Love lost,
  12. Love never felt as desired again,
  13. Employment difficulties,
  14. Subsequent chemical or substance Strong Hold addictions,
  15. Inability to trust others that should be trusted,
  16. A desire to be trusted by others, who do not even know about the past adultery, will not trust you,
  17. Depraved sexual desires,
  18. New adulterers will seek you out to commit adultery again,
  19. Missed blessings.  
  20. Inability to fully trust your current spouse or a future spouse to not commit adultery, even if they never would/will.
  21. If the adulterer gets divorced, then the adulterer's next relationship will be with someone who will have affairs on the adulterer. 
  22. The adulterer will witness and experience the pain of loved ones being victims in areas of sex.  See the chapter of 2 Samuel 13 which is horrible rape of Tamar by Amnon, who is the son of King David, as David removed God protection from aspects of his life as a parent.
There are exceptions as noted below with the John 8:1-30 passage, discussed below, and of course how God administers Grace and MercyNote that the Adulterer can avoid many problems by stopping an affair, discussed at the start of this topic, and taking Godly steps on making restitution, which is discussed later in this topic.

The adulterer, who is a Christian, will recognize patterns of how God uses circumstances to administer loving teaching of negative consequences that match how the adulterers operated in their deceptions, actions and pain caused to others.  This will do many positive things for the Christian adulterer such as:

  • Realization that there is a God of the Scriptures by His actions of not approving such a type of sin that hurts/destroys oneself and others
  • Will help the adulterer to not continue or commit it again, and
  • Most importantly to seek God for help that leads to a better relationship! 

The ultimate goal for all of us, who are all sinners, is to be in Heaven and have the inheritance God desires for us to have there!

Hebrews 12:7-13

It is for chastening that ye endure; God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is there whom his father chasteneth not? But if ye are without chastening, whereof all have been made partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons. Furthermore, we had the fathers of our flesh to chasten us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live? 10 For they indeed for a few days chastened us as seemed good to them; but he for our profit, that we may be partakers of his holiness. 11 All chastening seemeth for the present to be not joyous but grievous; yet afterward it yieldeth peaceable fruit unto them that have been exercised thereby, even the fruit of righteousness. 12 Wherefore lift up the hands that hang down, and the palsied knees; 13 and make straight paths for your feet, that that which is lame be not turned out of the way, but rather be healed.

A very well-known Christian prayer is "Let not the tough and painful lessons that we endure be wasted and forgotten."  As mentioned, many times in this topic, we all thank God for Grace and Mercy, and if you are a Christian with the knowledge of the examples like King David's consequences of adultery, how can you insist that there will be no consequences for oneself because of adultery?

Adulterers Who Inflict More Damage when Leaving a Relationship

This author has had the blessing of helping victims and also adulterers in counseling, understanding God's loves for them, forgiving, restitution and moving on. 

It must be noted that this author has heard way too many times about adulterers, when ending a relationship, will find additional ways to say and do things to hurt their victim spouse.  If you have done this, then the section on restitution is especially important for you to consider and act upon. 

Note that victims often are also guilty of seeking revenge, where no matter the circumstances, it must not be done against the adulterer as this is God's area of handling judgment and consequences.

Matthew 7:12 So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.   (This is often called the Golden Rule.  Do unto others that you would have done unto you.)
Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.
1 Peter 3:9 Do not repay evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary, bless, for to this you were called, that you may obtain a blessing.
Romans 12:19 Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.
Hebrews 10:30-31 30 For we know him that hath said, Vengeance belongeth unto me, I will recompense, saith the Lord. And again, The Lord shall judge his people. 31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

Restitution and Actions that are ABSOLUTELY Required

This section of the Adultery topic is dealing with the restitution where too often in the Christian community, adultery is dismissed as simply needing to be stopped and confessed to God for forgiveness.  While confession to God is the first step there is more to deal with adultery because of the far-reaching consequences that adultery sets into motion.  Read this entire section to understand the principles that are different for every adulterous situation.

This is an excerpt from the topic on Suffering:

There are three types of suffering we observe:

  • Our suffering.
  • Suffering we see of those we love and care about.
  • Suffering we see in the world to those we may or may not know.

This author would state that if we, as Christians, are not experiencing suffering then we are not a threat to the Satanic World. 


  1. We absolutely have suffering based on our sins, but when we confess and make restitution then God applies Mercy based on our sowing and reaping.  The Christian often does not understand that making restitution is a form of positive sowing and reaping, that is not required by God for receiving forgiveness, but is what God requires us ALL to repair damages that we create and cause.
  2. For all other types of suffering, that are not based on our sins, then all suffering with difficulties is absolutely God filtered and God allows them because God will work with us to WIN over them when we act under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. 
    (a) This gives Glory to God and has us love God more and more.
    (This author can give hundreds of examples of experiencing and seeing victories by God for the righteous actions in suffering and adversity by the Christian!!!)
    (b) This is one of the many ways that actually is a positive principle of having the Christian become a more righteous, knowing, understanding, patient and emulation of Jesus Christ!  If we do not experience suffering, then we cannot grow into a better and better person.
  3. All suffering, regardless of reasons why it occurs, will have the opposite effect on the Christian so that the Satanic Forces and Evil Actions of people against a Christian will have the Christian benefit absolutely every time even unto death (more explained throughout this topic)!
    Romans 8:28-30 28 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.   29 For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. 30 And those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified.

As a further point, God absolutely and uses 100% of suffering for His Purposes that we may not understand fully until after the Judgment Seat of Christ and Great White Thrown of Judgment.

An "adultery consequences to others" analogy is partially like someone mischievously causing a dam to fail, which then causes a great deal of water to destroy homes and have people drown downstream.  The person who destroyed the dam confesses the mistake, where the person is forgiven, but because of forgiveness and maybe even jail time, this person believes everything is now made good.  This is not the case because of the dam breaking, there will be people helping to clean up the mess, make repairs, replace destroyed homes and assist the families who lost loved ones.  The person who destroyed the dam needs to do more than just confess and feel sorry from a Christian perspective.  All our sins are covered under the Cross, so that we can have entrance into heaven.  We all should know that God never meant the Cross to be a license to be sinful without consequences and being part of solutions to help others.  There are actions to be taken to repair lives, make restitution which is required if possible.

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) has the very well-known 12 Step Program to getting sobriety that also applies to other areas, such as adultery.  Many of these steps should be considered by the adulterer, but there is distinct difference when applying some of the principles and actions.  The adulterer's actions are dependent upon:

  • Whether or not the victims know about the adultery committed against them.
  • Whether or not the victims do not know.
  • Whether one victim knows, and the other does not know.
  • The severity of the consequences to the victims.

Note that this author is NOT saying that restitution is required for forgiveness from God but that it is part of doing what is correct, worthy and scripturally correct.  See James 2:17 along with the entirety of scriptures to understand that Faith without Works is dead and we all are Saved for a Godly Purpose.

Listed above in this topic are the primary Six Steps that the adulterer must start and accomplish.  Adulterers need to recognize that besides the sin of adultery and harm to others, they have opened a satanic spiritual door into their lives which makes them very acceptable to committing adultery again in the future and have also exposed their own members of the family to satanic influences through this type of sin.  As an example, besides adultery there are three other entry types of sin, that can open a Satanic Stronghold, to the spiritual doors of our houses, are:

  • Anything to do with Witchcraft/Tarot Cards / Seances;
  • Murder, and
  • Cruelty to children.

Many of us have noticed in some families, that they seem to have the same family weaknesses and bad traits passed down from generation to generation.  This door opening to Satanic Influences is a form of Oppression or even Possession that is even sometimes incorrectly thought of as Generational Curses.  The correct understanding is the Satanic Realm's entities are territorial where they prefer to inhabit and control an area.  (See Daniel 11's "Prince of Greece" Reference which refers to a Satanic ruler in the spirit realm and Ephesians 6:12).

In the AA program, there are two steps that should be part of the adulterer's actions after the Six Steps listed at the start of this topic.  Note that this might require professional counseling, or your pier group as discussed in Step 2 of the Six Steps for adulterers listed above. 

Consider these points when making restitution to all the victims which can include more people than perceived.  Obviously, the ideas that the adulterer thinks can be good for a restitution process are going to be involved in a very complex problem, which reinforces the point of the severity of what adultery does as a very harmful sin.  When reading these points, the adulterer will need to ask the Holy Spirit to guide themselves so that no more harm will be caused.  Recall from the points made in this topic, that this is done as restitution, healing, going forward in faith and to show yourself and others that you have changed.

  • If your spouse does not know about the adultery, then restitution will need to be done secretly and by acts of kindness that are above the normal.
  • If the spouse of the other adulterous partner does not know, then restitution should be done secretly without the other victim knowing; and without contact with the other adulterer. 
  • If the adultery is known by everyone, then restitution can be done openly and with transparency; and absolutely without contact between the adulterers. The difficulty faced by both the adulterers justifies anything monetarily, if that is a good choice, which can then hurt their own family's financial well-being.  This is a very difficult area and Christian professional counseling, that has expertise in this area, should be used.
  • If there is a potential of violence or life threading situations involved because of revenge sought by either of the victims along with anyone else associated, then this means avoiding contact with these people!  As an alternate of restitution, the adulterer should consider charitable volunteering. 

Note that the restitution is up to seven times the damage, Proverbs 6:26-32, for the man who is an adulterer which the Scriptures indicates it can even mean the wealth of everything owned, which is very difficult to calculate and even attempt.  For the repentant woman adulterer, the restitution is more difficult than the man's restitution in this author's opinion, where the scriptures do not give a restitution method.  This author would state that the restitution for both a man and a woman is primarily to God, where volunteering with a worthy charity is a possible alternative and it is discussed shortly in this topic.     

Some may argue that since there are two people involved in the two families, then the restitution from both parties negates the action of each other's restitution.  That is never true when looking at the details as the harm done is always unique and with different degrees of damage. 

In a hypothetical example about a person who steals something valuable from a neighbor, which cannot be returned, replaced or given insurance money, then even though the thief is arrested by the police with jail time, the victim has lost something of value that is gone forever.  The thief, who is truly sorrowful, having spent time in jail, may believe the debt on the loss to the neighbor is paid for by jail time, but the reality, the neighbor's loss was never fixed. 

This author has seen, God take on the debt owed to victims of adultery, and the methods were truly humbling and amazing.  There seems to be never discussion about one aspect of God paying debts, as an adulterer has required God to pay the adulterer's debt, and the adulterer should recognize and love God more for forgiving adultery and paying debts to the victims caused by adultery.

Three Restitution examples:

Example 1Volunteering at a family crisis center or other forms of volunteering are great choices.  Note that Family Crisis Centers deal with many forms of problems from domestic violence, abandonment to just needing help with a food bank/store which will help the adulterer with a desensitized conscious dealing with adultery.  Around the year 2000, this author had a small contract to set up computer software at a Family Crisis Center where after finishing, I spent two years sporadically volunteering* in my free time because I saw the need.  It was utterly astounding the evil that people can do to one another, which the Family Crisis Center has to deal with daily.  Most of problems involved Strong Hold addictions but there were also the cases of adultery, sexual violence and worse that led to abandonment of a family.

(* Note: This author has never committed adultery and did the volunteering because it was a good thing to do.)

Example 2: In some cases, there can be a monetary restitution that should be considered.  In a case that this author can discuss openly, the victim had a very successful computer consulting business, where he had to cut his client base down while trying to fix the marriage along with raising children.  The financial loss, besides the emotional torment, was substantial.  Eventually, divorce was required, which required giving one half of assets / finances to the adulterous wife, which is like a reward for evil done.  Marriage is a contract between two people, like a business, where adultery is breaking the contract and not fulfilling requirements by one of the parties resulting in the other business partner receiving damages.  Therefore, the summation of the amount of money plus emotional damage is owed by both the adulterous man and woman. 

In this case, the spouse and the adulterer in the other marriage did not have the ability to make a financial restitution.  Those who are not Christians may say that the Divorce Laws handle the problems equably, which is not true in God's view as this is why the scripture penalties are there as a deterrent and to attempt a fair restitution to victims.  Consider a hypothetical situation of an adulterous spouse that is having sex with someone else for many years, ignoring the family, not having sex with the spouse.  Should that adulterous spouse automatically get half of the wealth/assets of the family that was accumulated during the marriage (in a common person's divorce) when there is:

  1. No compensation for the victim spouse who was denied sex, attention, love and so much more for possibly many years.
  2. No compensation for the permanent lifetime damage psychologically done to the children that has nothing to do with child financial support before age eighteen. 
  3. No compensation for the parents of the victim spouse, the victim spouse's friends, and the loss of productivity of the victim spouse at their employment.

Rhetorically, where is the restitution to make up for that loss that the courts handle in these three very important areas?

In the Old Testament Leviticus 20:10 stated that Adultery carried the death penalty but we now live in a new Dispensation by Romans 6:23 which many Biblical Scholars will quote as showing the removal the death penalty part as exemplified in John 8:1-30's adulterous woman passage.  Note that in King David's life (2 Samuel 12:9-15), God forgave David of adultery and murder, which means the death penalty was not always in force even in the Old Testament times.  Malachi 3:6 " For I the LORD do not change; ...", which means God had Leviticus 20:10 as required but still forgivable, and King David showed he was truly sorrowful and repentant.  King David was forgiven but he still had severe consequences which sometimes can be a punishment worse than death. 

In this example 2's case after the divorce, the children stayed with the victim husband, she spent the sizable assets all within four years and had many horrible things happen to her where she tried to get back her ex-husband many times with genuine humility, regret, love and desires.  God ended up restoring the financial loss to the victim husband in the future, which does not exonerate the adultery restitution, in some type of way, of the other two people. 

Adulterers need to understand the cumulative responsibilities repairing the broken lives of the two victims and others if possible.  Proverbs 5:1-6 and Proverbs 6:20-35 (listed above), amongst the warning and consequences, is instructing the adulterer to make restitution if possible so that they will not live unproductive lives for God.  Unproductive is the point made in Proverbs 5:6 and Proverbs 7:32.  These two Proverbs points are similar to the negative aspect of the Foolish Virgins Parable and Parable of Talents in the New Testament who were not prepared for the Master (Jesus Christ) return.  Adultery is a sin first against God then the spouse, children, extended family, friends and even the well-being of places the victim's work. 

Example 3: No Restitution required.  This is from the scriptures in John 8:1-11 which is commonly known as the adulterous woman passage.  Jesus forgave the woman which is AWESOME.  Note that we know the woman had already had numerous bad ramifications already happen to her, which appears to be the case since she was being persecuted by the Pharisees in fear of death by stoning, that could still happen after the encounter with Jesus Christ. 

Many Christian Pastors say that this is an example scripture to show all that is required to remove any problems and consequences is to confess the adultery to God in Jesus Christ's name.  This author does not believe that the adulterous woman passage is an all-encompassing solution for all cases.

The woman of John 8:1-11's situation and the full details, with extent of her sinful deeds of adultery and punishments already endured are not known.  She may have:

  • Been forced into adultery for one night as the adulterous man is not present,
  • Raped,
  • Given no choice in fear of safety of children,
  • Acquiesced into sex to settle a debt, and
  • Many more situations. 

We all need to understand that God will show mercy and grace in different degrees to whom He desires (Romans 9:18), but God changes not (Malachi 3:6), so we all cannot simply think that grievous sins such as adultery will always be free of consequences.  Remember that God forgave King David, but David still had consequences where is it safe to presume that when we commit adultery then there will be no consequences?

This is an excerpt from the topic that Abraham Knew Jesus Christ regarding the caught adulterous woman:

Jesus Christ was at the Temple Courts teaching the people, and has a confrontation with the Pharisees about a woman caught in Adultery, who Jesus Christ forgives.

John 8:1-11 1 but Jesus went unto the mount of Olives. 2 And early in the morning he came again into the temple, and all the people came unto him; and he sat down, and taught them. 3 And the scribes and the Pharisees bring a woman taken in adultery; and having set her in the midst, 4 they say unto him, Teacher, this woman hath been taken in adultery, in the very act. 5 Now in the law Moses commanded us to stone such: what then sayest thou of her? 6 And this they said, trying him, that they might have whereof to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground. 7 But when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. 8 And again he stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground. 9 And they, when they heard it, went out one by one, beginning from the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman, where she was, in the midst. 10 And Jesus lifted up himself, and said unto her, Woman, where are they? did no man condemn thee? 11 And she said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said, Neither do I condemn thee: go thy way; from henceforth sin no more.]

The Pharisees, who were obviously using the adulterous woman (where is the man?) to entrap Jesus Christ into:

  1. Wrongly trying to get Jesus Christ to make a mistake on the method of judging, which Jesus Christ did not do.  Jesus Christ, by writing in the sand, exposed the Pharisees sins and the Pharisees left the scene of the event.
  2. Wrongly trying to show Jesus Christ was claiming to be in the authority the same as a Pharisee when Jesus Christ was not part of the Sanhedrin.  Jesus Christ explains His authority later in John chapter 8 and He is Superior to the Sanhedrin by the witness of God the Father and Himself being Two Witnesses.
  3. Wrongly trying to get Jesus Christ to state the woman should be stoned, which the Pharisees were wanting to do, and if it happened would show Jesus Christ was subservient to the Pharisees.  Jesus Christ knew all of their thoughts and the woman's circumstance and by forgiving her showed that Jesus Christ was God and absolutely Superior to the Sanhedrin.
  4. It is this author's opinion, that I have not read in any Biblical Commentary, that the Pharisees stating, "taken in the adultery, in the very act.", indicates the event never happened since the man was not taken as there was no man present when the woman was taken
    (a) The taking of the woman event was most likely made to look like it happened for other people, bystanders who would not challenge a Pharisee, passing by which then allowed this group of evil-minded Pharisees to take this appointed and targeted woman to Jesus Christ. 
    (b) Since Jesus Christ forgave her, saying also to "sin no more", indicates she is an adulterer and possibly a prostitute, but not from the event that the Pharisees staged.
    (c) Also, the woman did not deny she has been an adulterer, but was quite out of fear that indicated she knew she was guilty and more importantly recognized Jesus Christ as Lord.  We can absolutely know she was changed and became a Believer in Jesus Christ unto Salvation because Jesus Christ said "go thy way".

Making a payment or doing a task is not what the Scriptures are trying to point out!  It is about fixing the adulterer's life going forward by actions the adulterer does along with fixing the other lives that are damaged, if it is possible.  Some key points of the two scriptural references for those who are committing adultery and have not stopped or in their conscious would do it again:

  1. The woman's fate is to wonder aimlessly but she does not know she is doing it.  See Romans 1:28 which is one of many warnings that also applies to adultery.
  2. The man's fate is to be condemned to whatever he does is going to cause destruction, loss to himself.  The modern-day problem is many people think that because they are making money, then they are being blessed by God, but God is given the person over to their own selfish desires.  See Romans 1:28
  3. Both genders do not know that their lives, besides the adultery situation, will be going forward in the wrong direction.  They will be making bad decisions, despite the thought that they think that their choices are okay.  They are going to suffer in a variety of ways which include loss of productivity to be living for God and building rewards in heaven.  They do not necessarily recognize and correlate their problems and suffering because of adultery.
  4. The payment, for a thief, is compared to the situation of an adulterer who must pay back.  Because the thief was also caught, meant that he was prevented from continuing stealing from the place where he was caught, and payment was expected at that moment.  It will be better for the adulterer to stop, before being exposed, and make restitution before it is required by God so that the restitution can be less stringent / punitiveGrace and Mercy, will come into a greater effect, when we initiate repentance rather than being forced by corrective action by God who is doing it out of love for us to change!
Romans 1:28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.

Using the entirety of scriptures, God is not after penance, jail time or some sort of punishment but rather a change of heart followed by repenting with atonement if it is possible so that we will recognize the Love of God beyond our ability to measure.  The sin of adultery is against God, spouse, children, parents and others.  When all of us, that includes adulterers who repented and are living for Jesus Christ, then our faith will manifest itself with good works.  When God is working through our lives, then we will be happier people!  When we live for Jesus Christ, our lives will be rewarding in amazing ways!

James 2:14-26 14 What doth it profit, my brethren, if a man say he hath faith, but have not works? can that faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister be naked and in lack of daily food, 16 and one of you say unto them, Go in peace, be ye warmed and filled; and yet ye give them not the things needful to the body; what doth it profit? 17 Even so faith, if it have not works, is dead in itself. 18 Yea, a man will say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: show me thy faith apart from thy works, and I by my works will show thee my faith. 19 Thou believest that God is one; thou doest well: the demons also believe, and shudder. 20 But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith apart from works is barren? 21 Was not Abraham our father justified by works, in that he offered up Isaac his son upon the altar? 22 Thou seest that faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect; 23 and the scripture was fulfilled which saith, And Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned unto him for righteousness; and he was called the friend of God. 24 Ye see that by works a man is justified, and not only by faith. 25 And in like manner was not also Rahab the harlot justified by works, in that she received the messengers, and sent them out another way? 26 For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, even so faith apart from works is dead. 

(Notice that Rahab, the prostitute who most likely was an adulterer, changed her life in an amazing way where she is even in the royal bloodline lineage of Jesus Christ.  See her marriage entry with Salmon.  That is wonderful news for repenting and living for God!)
Matthew 25:40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, in as much as ye did it unto one of these my brethren, even these least, ye did it unto me. 
2 Samuel 12:9-15 (Note that this event was when King David has the affair with Bathsheba, her pregnancy from it and then King David had Uriah murdered to cover it up.   Notice God forgives David in verse 13 but there were consequences!)

9. Wherefore hast thou despised the word of Jehovah, to do that which is evil in his sight? thou hast smitten Uriah the Hittite with the sword, and hast taken his wife to be thy wife, and hast slain him with the sword of the children of Ammon. 10 Now therefore the sword shall never depart from thy house, because thou hast despised me, and hast taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be thy wife. 11 Thus saith Jehovah, Behold, I will raise up evil against thee out of thine own house; and I will take thy wives before thine eyes, and give them unto thy neighbor, and he shall lie with thy wives in the sight of this sun. 12 For thou didst it secretly: but I will do this thing before all Israel, and before the sun. 13 And David said unto Nathan, I have sinned against Jehovah. And Nathan said unto David, Jehovah also hath put away thy sin; thou shalt not die. 14 Howbeit, because by this deed thou hast given great occasion to the enemies of Jehovah to blaspheme, the child also that is born unto thee shall surely die. 15 And Nathan departed unto his house. 

(Notice that David is forgiven, which is extremely important and a great point for all of us sinners!  The problem is David set into motion consequences that involved a great deal of suffering.  This author believes that David could have avoided so much if David had been more proactive rather than having God send Nathan to expose, rebuke, teach, forgive and let David know the consequences.  Note that the baby went to Heaven because of the Age of Accountability, see 2 Samuel 12:23.  Just like Rahab the harlot, King David is in the linage of Jesus Christ, which also shows two people who had horrible sins are FORGIVEN!)

As always Grace and Mercy are in effect, but God is wanting all of us to live accountable lives which means fixing/rectifying all kinds of sins in the past if possible.  Consider the variety of scenarios that we all have most likely seen in adultery:

  • The victim spouse may lose a job because of lack of performance because of sleep deprivation while handling the turmoil in the household.
  • The victims and the children may spend a great deal of time, up to a lifetime, trying to recover from the emotional pain.

The important part is getting the adulterer right with God and He will lead the adulterer in repairing the broken lives, which might require a great deal of time.  In AA, they tell their members that if restitution is not accepted, then still attempt to do what is possible and then move forward with living in sobriety.  Note, as mentioned above, if there is a potential of violence or life threading situations involved because of revenge sought by a victim then chose another method such as volunteering to replace steps 8 and 9.

There are some additional spiritual warning concerning Satanic Forces that will be coming into the adulterer's life because of the adultery, where they will try to deceive the adulterer in many areas concerning the adultery, such as:

  • No one is hurt if they do not know;

  • Your spouse should have recognized your needs that were not being met;

  • It was only once or a few times;

  • Other people are doing it and your spouse will probably do it in the future where you just did it before the spouse did;

  • You don't even love that person and it was just sex;

  • God will never love you since you did this evil.  Every one of these are lies and untrue.

The 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous that applies to adulterers also with some caveats:

1 We admitted we were powerless over alcohol - that our lives had become unmanageable, understand the consequences.
2 Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity, strength us at all times 
3 Make a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.
4 Make searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
5 Admitted to God, to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.
6 Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.
7 Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.
8 Make a list of all persons we had harmed and became willing to make amends to them all.
9 Make direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.
10 Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.
11 Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.
12 Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

If the adulterer feels like the comments, points and restitution are too harsh or stringent then there is definite need of Christian Counseling and a greater walk with Jesus Christ.  It is amazing how so many of us have seen the consequences come onto adulterers in their future where unfortunately it is then that many (not all) adulterers finally realize their actions are not trivial or without a great deal of damage to others, when they are on the receiving end of evil done to them.  It is important for the Adulterer to take the time to fix and make restitution to avoid God using a great deal worse consequence to get the adulterer's attention.

Blessings for the Adulterer to Receive

As mentioned at the start of this topic, the adulterer has an opportunity to receive Blessings from God by:

Adultery is a very profound sin against God and others as explained in this topic, but it is covered under the Blood of the Cross where no matter the guilt felt along with any penalties with regrets, God absolutely still loves all of us.  God saw and knew of everyone's sins at the foundation of the world.  Nothing that the Satanic Forces do against the Christian will profit the Satanic Forces in the end when the Christian accepts any Suffering and considers all things worthy for the glory of God.

Philippians 3:8 Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ.

Victim's pain and the Victim's Consequences

If the adulterer's spouse does NOT know about the adultery, then the adultery MUST NOT BE CONFESSED TO THEM as pointed out above in step #3 in the "Six steps to take after or during adultery" section.  The spouse of the adulterer should never be forced to bear the pain, guilt or have questions dealing with what the adulterer has done.  If you are the adulterer, do not put that burden, pain and knowledge on your spouse by telling them what you have done!

For most people who commit adultery, especially if they are a Christian and have the Holy Spirit dwelling in them as described in the scriptures, will eventually feel guilt for adultery. The initial feelings, for the adulterer is the desire to be clean and forgiven.   Confession is to God under the Blood of the Cross and to an accountability group, not the spouse.  The adulterer wrongly thinks that the adultery can be fixed, wiped clean and forgiven by confessing to their spouse.

Confessing to the victim spouse does many negative things which are chiefly and generally:

1. Confessing to the spouse, dumps the pain felt by the adulterer onto to the victim's spouse along with additional emotional pain such as being betrayed, abandonment and loss of attention to the family/children.  The victim spouse will have no way to release this pain, except with a great amount of help from God.  Sometimes this pain can be felt for the life of the spouse.  The spouse can feel profoundly hurt, victimized, trespassed against, devalued, trust destroyed, anger, the inability to forgive the adulterer and have the need to always know where the adulterer is going. These are the primary emotions, and the adulterer has magnified their own pain and guilt to be received and carried by their spouse while the adulterer no longer has to "carry" the burden.  The conflict and emotional pains felt by the victim is like the following five analogies:

Analogy / Idiom Description of the analogy and idiom that the victims of adultery feel
The Thief Discovered The pain would be the feeling you would get when you came home and found a robber has been coming into your home for a long period of time and stealing prized, personal possessions from you with the knowledge and help of your spouse where the thief and your spouse are loving every moment of the deception.  When they are discovered by you, then they will blame you for their thieving.
Brand New Car Borrowed It would be like you buying a brand-new car of your dreams (which is the purpose of a marriage), where the deal is final and can't be refunded.  After purchasing, you find out that you have to let someone else drive the car indefinitely, and when ever they want.  
* This other person knows that they are not responsible for any maintenance, damages and putting gasoline in the tank. 
* Any time that you are allowed to drive the car you immediately have to pay for all sorts of maintenance, repair all ding marks, scratched paint, fill up the gasoline fuel tank, etc. 
* Every time you get into the car, you feel unclean because another person sat in the driver's seat with no concerns on taking care of your car, which then leads to anger, regrets, feelings of being taking advantage of by the car dealership and abused by the person who used your car for a year.  
* The car dealership represents your spouse and the person that are both using the car for pleasure with no regard of the car.
Being Tied Up and Raped Most victims equate the knowledge of their spouse committing adultery to a feeling of being:
* Tied up where you cannot move.
* Physically being raped over and over again for the rest of their lives because they cannot do anything being tied up. 
The reason is an adulterer spouse is an extension of the other victim's spouse's body, Genesis 2:24 and Mark 10:8, where the victim is unable to stop the other adulterer from sexually invading their spouse.  It is a horrible feeling of helplessness.
Embezzling Employees The adulterers are like two employees working to steal from their employer that is costing the employer a great deal of financial loss.  The amount stolen is beyond the two thieves could ever repay when caught.  The employer is the victim spouses.
King David's Stolen Lamb The best analogy is in 2 Samuel 12 (listed partially above) where Nathan rebukes King David with the story of the stolen lamb

2. So often and most likely the overwhelmingly percent of adulterers think if they can get their spouse to say "I forgive you" then they will feel free from guilt and the relationship will be healed.  For some adulterers, asking for forgiveness and getting forgiveness by the spouse will actually clear their minds and give them freedom from the guilt.  The common observation is it can also lead to future rationalizations that new affairs will be okay since it only requires asking for forgiveness; or the adulterer becomes desensitized to adultery where is can be rationalized away as permissible.

Reading this section of the topic, should hopefully have an adulterer fully grasp the extreme grievous actions they have done to another human being that restitution is required but will never be able to truly accomplish a fair outcome for all the victims.

What about Polyamorous / Open Relationships?

In the Politically Correct world there are those who have relationships and marriages that have agreements that allow sexual encounters with others besides their spouse.  The question, often asked by many, is this allowed as look at the examples of people like King David and other Kings in the Scriptures who had concubines.  Additionally, there was also situations such as the person Israel where he has children from maid servants, Bilhah and Zilpah, where the maid servants were considered a secondary wife that had rights, privileges and requirements.  Some points to consider:

15 you shall surely set a king over you whom the Lord your God chooses; one from among your brethren you shall set as king over you; you may not set a foreigner over you, who is not your brother. 16 But he shall not multiply horses for himself, nor cause the people to return to Egypt to multiply horses, for the Lord has said to you, You shall not return that way again. 17 Neither shall he multiply wives for himself, lest his heart turn away; nor shall he greatly multiply silver and gold for himself.

Therefore, the question that anyone, who is a true Christian that wants to live as God would want, can an "Open Sexual Relationship" in a marriage or a committed relationship be allowed in the sight of God?  The answer is absolutely "NO!".  There are many scriptural verses about a husband and a wife in the Scriptures.  No one should be arguing against scriptural verses over semantics or wrong interpretations of examples of men who did not live righteously in the scriptures as the Word of God is written with a clear interpretation for the Christian which the Holy Spirit will guide. 

Consider the examples in the secular world when the media sometimes exposes the private affairs of famous people, who had an agreement to have an open relationship in their marriage.  What sometimes happens is the victim spouse sees the "other woman" or "other man", and suddenly they are deeply emotionally hurt.  Adulterers need to know that nothing hidden will stay hidden forever.

Luke 8:17 For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light.

Lastly, can anyone state there will be no consequences for having an affair?  This long topic has laboriously explained a person can claim that it should be okay since it was agreed to be okay with their spouse?  If you are one of these type of people in "Open Relationships", then be warned that you are calling God a liar, by stating it is okay when God said it is not okay.  An "Open Relationship" is a sinful action in a form of a rebellion towards God and that will also have some very dire earthly and eternal consequences besides the consequences of an adultery.

Ephesians 5:25-27 25 Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, 26 to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, 27 and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.

Know Someone Who is an Adulterer, who will not stop?

This section of the Adultery topic is dealing with knowledge of someone who is committing adultery and they are not stopping and are not seeking God for help in stopping

The first question that is sometimes asked is there a responsibility for the Christian to expose an Adulterer to an unknowing spouse or significant other?  The answer is a qualified with verification answer of "yes", as read below, where the analogy is like seeing a crime committed and not notifying the police.  Unfortunately, most people have a fear to be involved with possible negative consequences occurring against themselves.  If you had a criminal stealing from your house when you were not at home, you would want your neighbors to call the police.

While the answer for the Christian is yes, there needs to be a very specific way for exposing an adulterer that ABSOLUTELY must be done with God's guidance, help from a Pastor, help from a Councilor or not done at all.  The Godless world has an expression of "Ignorance is Bliss" for the victim spouse and that is wrong when dealing with knowledge of adultery.

Note that repercussions for exposing adultery is always a real possibility.  Assuming that you know there is adultery occurring and it is not a guess or theory, then continue reading and you should pray about and confirm with:

before doing anything to expose the adultery.  It is of paramount importance that you are not doing anything with ulterior motives such as revenge, jealousy or to desire someone to suffer from their actions done just like you suffered in the past for committing adultery.

  1. If the adulterer has confessed to you that they are committing adultery, then you are put in a position of confidence that you cannot expose it to their spouse.  This occurred with me at age 48 with one of my best friends that I had from eight years old when once he let me know, I told him if doesn't stop and fix his marriage then we could not be friends.  He did not, and while I was obligated not to tell his wife, I did tell our mutual friends where all of us broke our friendship with him and have not talked with him for thirteen years as of now.  Though another mutual acquaintance, we heard that he reaped some very horrible consequences.  Regarding me and our friends, all he had to do is call us to tell us that he had stopped the affair, was sorry, regretted his past and wanted to be friends again but this has not happened.  I feel very sorry for him!
  2. If the adulterer's spouse can be contacted anonymously then this is really the only and best option.
  3. If you are a friend of the adulterer's spouse, but not a friend of the adulterer, then you can talk with the victim's spouse.  Regardless of friendship, the best option is anonymously notifying and always staying anonymous with the notification.

The second question asked is exposing adultery to an unsuspecting spouse harmful to the adulterer?  The answer is of course "yes", but ultimately there are these benefits to the adulterer:

  1. It stops the acumination of wrong done by the Adulterer that will have consequences as explained in the entirety of this topic.
  2. Will potentially fix a marriage.
  3. Will hopefully force the adulterer to fix their life as adultery is symptomatic to other problems in the adulterer's life that often are a contributing factor.

The third question asked is exposing the adultery, to an unsuspecting spouse, harmful to the unsuspecting spouse?  The answer is of course "yes" in the short-term, but the unsuspecting spouse can proactively fix or remove the adulterer from their life which stops the continuation of evil.

  1. There is absolutely problems in the marriage being felt by the unsuspecting spouse, children and others.  The victims are going to have feeling of something is wrong and will be experiences losses of all kinds where they don't understand the reason, which is being caused by the adulterer's actions.   Exposing the adulterer will give painful clarity with a chance to have a remedy that might be divorce.
  2. Exposure will give the victim spouse the ability to move forward fixing the marriage or leaving the marriage with specific knowledge and steps as outlined in the Divorce Recovery topic instead of the possibility of the adulterer leaving a marriage with ample time to do so much harm to the spouse and others.
  3. Eventually God will always expose all adultery when dealing with those who are Christians.  You may be the one called by God to be the catalyst like Esther was for Israel.  Esther was told if she didn't then God will get another person.
    Esther 4:14 For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?
  4. The pain felt by the victim spouse, because of the adulterer, is going to occur and it is better for the victim to have been informed to allow them to deal with situation proactively instead of reactively.  Getting knowledge before a spouse has been continuing in adultery for a substantial period of time, is going to help the victim.

The fourth question asked is what should be told to the unsuspecting spouse and how to accomplish the task?  Here are some general guidelines that can also be obtained through prayer to God, your Pastor, a Counselor and many Internet help sites:

The content of the letter should be typed and not handwritten with something to the effect shown below that conveying hope.  The content needs to be written so that when the adulterer is inevitably and eventually shown the letter by the victim spouse, then the adulterer will not know if the letter came from someone they were having an affair with, a relative, a close friend, a work acquaintance or some private investigator.  Here are two sample versions of many:

Version 1

{the date}

Dear {put their name},

Your spouse has been having an affair for quite some time, where I cannot live with the guilt of not letting you know.  I am not going to tell you my name.  I hope you are able to save your marriage and fix the problems.  I believe and hope there is still love for you and the motives of having the affair are complex but in reality, just selfish.   The adultery is happing {put the place such as work during lunch, after work when everyone leaves, etc.}


Version 2

{the date}

Dear {put their name},

Your spouse has been having multiple affairs for quite some time, where I cannot live with the guilt of not letting you know.  I think there is still love for you where you can still save your marriage, but what I know makes me think that no one can have a monogamous marriage with {him/her} 

The adultery is happing {put the place such as work during lunch, after work when everyone leaves, etc.}


Summary on Adultery and the Offense against God

If you are the adulterer trying to save your marriage and relationship, then you must do all of the steps listed. Everything that mankind does sinfully was paid for by Jesus Christ on the Cross so that we can go to Heaven by Faith in a relationship with Him.

Every one of us needs to know and feel love during sexual intimacy, where our spouse's tenderness, emotions and ecstasy are cherished privileges.  When anyone of us tries to get these from others, in adultery, then the cherished privileges are being devalued, destroyed and emotionally damaged.  This occurs even if the adultery is not known by the other spouse. 

Paul in the scriptures warns us about loss of rewards and privileges in Heaven based on sins conducted in our lifetime.  It is the desire of this author that all adulterers save their relationship and move forward in a loving and fulfilling life in Jesus Christ!

In the most SUMMARY important point of the warning from the scriptures is understanding that when committing adultery, the Christian Adulterer is forcing God that indwells the Christian to be a witnessing participant in sexual relations with another person that involves an oppression or possession of a Satanic Fallen Angel or Demon!  While our carnal natures ultimately are responsible for sins, the sin of adultery always involves the Satanic Realm participation in the views of Biblical Scholars.

As an analogy, that is not strong enough, would be a hypothetical situation where a person breaks into a home, ties up a spouse, and then has sex with the other spouse while the tied-up spouse is forced to watch.  Also, God informs us in Matthew 25:40, that all things done are done unto God.  Jesus Christ explained the union of two people becoming one flesh which is also a parallel axiom to understanding adultery forces unwilling others (God and the other spouse) to become victim participants. 

2 Timothy 1:14 That good thing which was committed unto thee guard through the Holy Spirit which dwelleth in us.
1 Corinthians 6:19 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own,
1 Corinthians 3:16 Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you?
Matthew 25:40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye did it unto one of these my brethren, even these least, ye did it unto me.
Mark 10:5-9 5 But Jesus said to them, Because of your hardness of heart he wrote you this commandment. 6 But from the beginning of creation, God CREATED THEM MALE AND FEMALE. 7 FOR THIS REASON A MAN SHALL LEAVE HIS FATHER AND MOTHER, 8 AND THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH; so they are no longer two, but one flesh. 9 Therefore, what God has joined together, no person is to separate.

Admonishment for a Church Leader who Commits Adultery

This section of this topic is dealing only with Church Leaders who commit adultery.  It does not apply to someone:

  1. Who is not in Church Leadership and commits adultery.
  2. Someone who had been an adulterer before becoming a Christian.  When a person accepts Jesus Christ as their personal Savior then any sin such as adultery, done before becoming a Christian, does NOT prohibit the person becoming a Church Leader.

All Christians, that are in any kind of Church leadership which includes this writer who is a role of an Evangelist, are called to a higher level of accountability, James 3:1, where there are gifts by God given for the role.  If a Church Leader commits adultery, then that person is putting Jesus Christ in a position of "public disgrace" which is part of the offense listed in Hebrews 6:4-8 shown below where Christians and also non-Christians are looking, trusting, relying on and depending upon a Church leader for guidance and leading by example. 

It unfortunately msut be stated that God and all of us absolutely require our spouse, sons, daughters, friends, visitors and even ourselves have protection and no fear from the predatory act of adultery by a Church leader in a Church venue and also in the life of a Church leader. 

  1. The sin of adultery is a form of blaspheming the Holy Spirit for a Church leader, as such a person is called by God as a role of God's representative to the Christian community and non-believing world with special anointing of gifts from God, just like Prophets in the Old Testament. 
  2. The Church leader who commits adultery does NOT suffer the loss of Salvation, as it is impossible for anyone to lose Salvation, but the sin of adultery for a Church leader has a specific consequence along with others, which is to no longer serve in any role of leadership in a Church, with the exception in the areas to serve as a leader in:
    (a) Prison Ministries,
    (b) Alcoholics/Drug/Sex Anonymous Ministries, and
    (c) Adultery type-of Recovery Ministries
    where disclosure of a person's weaknesses and mistakes are part of recovery, rehabilitation and examples for others to know they can overcome their problems.
  3. Failure to cease serving in a role of Church leadership is a continued grievous sinful action of putting Jesus Christ in "public disgrace" as explained in great detail in the "regarding Hebrews 6:4-8" topic link.
James 3:1 Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.
Hebrews 6:4-8 It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, 5 who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age 6 and who have fallen away, to be brought back to repentance. To their loss they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace. 7 Land that drinks in the rain often falling on it and that produces a crop useful to those for whom it is farmed receives the blessing of God. 8 But land that produces thorns and thistles is worthless and is in danger of being cursed. In the end it will be burned.

ONE OF THE GREATEST PROOFS that a person serving in Church Leadership should never return to the role of leadership after adultery is given in the scriptures concerning Moses, who did NOT commit adultery, but falsely represented God.  An adulterous Church Leader has misrepresented God.  A few Biblical Scholars, which this author agrees, state that Moses is a perfect example of the seriousness of representing God correctly.  Moses for 40-years leads Israel during the Exodus, and there one incident that God forgave him but the significance of misrepresenting God had a very punitive consequence.  Some of us might initially think it is not fair for this to happen to Moses after 40-years of faithfulness, until we realize we cannot commit specific sins that will publicly dishonor God and God's Glory. 

Moses is one of the greatest teachers in the scriptures, that far surpass any modern-day Church Leader's abilities.  The mistake that Moses made occurred during the Exodus wandering when Israel needed water.  God had instructed, in an earlier occasion to strike a rock to bring forth water for Israel.  On the next occasion, God instructed Moses to ONLY speak to the rock and water would come forth for Israel.  On the second occasion, Moses was angry at the people, so Moses strikes the rock disobeying God, Numbers 20:6-12.  Moses misrepresented God by striking the rock the second time, which gave the impression to the people that God was angry at the people, when God was not.  Also, the striking of the rock the second time, broke the model of the future Jesus Christ missions.  The rock is an idiom for Jesus Christ and the water the Holy Spirit, where Jesus Christ was to be smitten once in His first mission at the Cross, and not smitten the second time in His Glory.  Moses then had the consequence of not being able to enter the Promise Land.

Exodus 17:5-7

(first striking rock)
5 The Lord answered Moses, Go out in front of the people. Take with you some of the elders of Israel and take in your hand the staff with which you struck the Nile, and go. 6 I will stand there before you by the rock at Horeb. Strike the rock, and water will come out of it for the people to drink. So Moses did this in the sight of the elders of Israel. 7 And he called the place Massah and Meribah because the Israelites quarreled and because they tested the Lord saying, Is the Lord among us or not?
Numbers 20:6-12

(second striking of the rock)
6 Moses and Aaron went from the assembly to the entrance to the tent of meeting and fell facedown, and the glory of the Lord appeared to them. 7 The Lord said to Moses, 8 Take the staff, and you and your brother Aaron gather the assembly together. Speak to that rock before their eyes and it will pour out its water. You will bring water out of the rock for the community so they and their livestock can drink.

9 So Moses took the staff from the Lord s presence, just as he commanded him. 10 He and Aaron gathered the assembly together in front of the rock and Moses said to them, Listen, you rebels, must we bring you water out of this rock? 11 Then Moses raised his arm and struck the rock twice with his staff. Water gushed out, and the community and their livestock drank.

12 But the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, Because you did not trust in me enough to honor me as holy in the sight of the Israelites, you will not bring this community into the land I give them.
Revelation 22:1 Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb

(Future Eternity of water coming from the Throne of God.  God is our Rock of Salvation.)

There is the question if God will be still present in an adulterous and repented church leader's work at a Church?  "Yes" is the answer, but that is because God's Word will never go out void, Isaiah 55:11, but every moment the adulterous repented church leader is working in church leadership is a sin against God.  Furthermore, it makes God appear to have no power to change lives if a church leader, who should be mature had adultery even in the past and can sin in such a grievous sin.

Isaiah 55:11 so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

God absolutely still loves a Church leader who has committed adultery, and the sin will be forgiven by God, but there are still consequences besides no longer being a role of Church leadership for the remainder of their life.  Grace and Mercy applies to all of us, as everyone of us are sinners, where there are always other areas to serve God and build Rewards in Heaven because of our love for Jesus Christ. 

See the topic on removal reasons for a person in Church Leadership for more information.  

The Punitive Costs and Emphasis on Restoration

The following is a summary on the penalty costs of Adultery based on the scriptures and details listed in the entirety of this topic as Adultery is one of the Four Greatest Sins that is directly against God (Matthew 25:40-45), and then the spouse along with many other victims including oneself.  This is why this topic has stressed the importance of restitution actions, that can include monetary restitution.  Restitution is an important part in the atonement of adultery and proof of being a Christian, that enables greater Grace and Mercy from God on the consequences, and to alleviate the suffering of the victims. 

Proverbs 28:13 Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy.

This author, at 63 years of age, has never heard or seen any adulterer make adequate and full restitution for damages done to ALL victims. It is when the adulterer is experiencing righteous painful consequences, it is then that this author has seen or heard about adulterers wanting to make restitution, but restitution cannot be done for these reasons:

I am hopeful that there are adulterers that do repent and make the FULL restoration as guided by the Holy Spirit immediately after ending an affair.  It is this author's opinion that the lack of restitution, and apologies to all victims, means the possibility of:

As directed in this topic, adultery when not known by the spouse, should only be confessed to an ongoing accountability peer group with restitution done along with the other directives listed in this topic based on the circumstances of the adultery.   Confessing to a victim of evil done is proof of the adulterer's selfishness, immaturity, lack of commonsense, and proof of required spiritual guidance from a peer group to help the adulterer stop and accept the required remedies which will bring God's Grace and Mercy along with most importantly Glory to God because of God's involvement in an Adulterer repenting.

There is the case noted at the start of this topic about Salty (shown again next in light blue box), who waited approximately 55 years to try to make restitution in the form of a confession to his wife Thelma, which was:

The best action for Salty is listed in the section of "Six steps to take after or during adultery" at the beginning of this topic where Salty could have repaired his marriage in a scriptural way that gave opportunity for Salty to not have carried the pain of adultery in his consciousness for 55 years.

People, who get to the end of their lives, will often have very deep and profound regrets for the selfishness of their lives and especially for Adultery.  This author remembers a man, Salty, who at 79 years old confessed in a letter to his wife Thelma, of over 55 years in marriage, that he had an affair in his early twenties, when Salty was a professional baseball player.  The letter stated that Salty could no longer hold the burden of not confessing to the woman whom he loved more than life.  Though the event happened 55 years prior, I saw Thelma suffer greatly which I think was eventually the cause of her death that occurred not too much later. 

The Holy Spirit is absolutely there in the adulterer's life to make corrections in all areas of life along with restoration that in most cases can require restitution and apologies, (James 2:14-26).  King David, as noted earlier in this topic, faced horrible consequences in his life for adultery with murder, but King David restored his relationship with God, and God was always there even when King David was avoiding accountability as proved by God sending the Prophet Nathan to King David on adultery with murder as read in 2 Samuel 12:1-14.

When an adulterer

then this is also destroying their own life's foundation that the scriptures equate to a foundation of a house.  The adulterer must rebuild, and God is there to help rebuild with His Great Love that is there for an adulterer and the victims.

Proverbs 10:25 When the whirlwind passes, the wicked is no more,  But the righteous has an everlasting foundation.
Matthew 7:24-25

Jesus Speaking

24 Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them, may be compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and yet it did not fall, for it had been founded on the rock.

26 Everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not act on them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. 27 The rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and it fell and great was its fall.

The tragic costs, of varying degrees depending upon the severity of adultery, is part of sowing and reaping in our lives.  For the Christian, God will use the negative consequences of a repentant Christian to eventually become a blessing, which seems like an oxymoron statement, but it is absolutely true.  God is sovereign in everything and will be there for all of us, in all types of recovery from sinful actions, for God's Glory and our glory in trusting Him which will give us rewards when trusting Him to lead us.

This is an excerpt from Rewards in Heaven Topic:

Everything done through faith that:

  1. Developed our relationship with God during our life,
  2. Activities in God's Service,
  3. Faithfulness to the guidance of the Holy Spirit,
  4. Righteously suffering, and
  5. Overcoming sinful areas and obstacles in life through the Holy Spirit.

will contribute to rewards in Heaven.

1 Corinthians 9:24 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.

This is the generalized summary on the costs of adultery to all the victims where an adulterer is also a victim:

Person Information
Male Adulterer Very punitive losses in the rewards in Heaven.  Stopping and building rewards is possible like the Thief on the Cross.  The male adulterer will experience almost all the forms of consequences that are listed in the Penalties from Adultery section of this topic.  The male adulterer will recognize these primary experiences, and others, as consequences linked to adultery:
(a) greater punitive consequences than the female adulterer,
(b) will desire to achieve lofty goals that will become very difficult to achieve or not allowed to become reality,
(c) will often experience public humiliation that has nothing to do with adultery,
(d)  when not repenting, then from the carnal view of humanity's perspective, that does not have a relationship with God, he will become a role model in decadence until a point that he will have his personal life destroyed.
Female Adulterer Very punitive losses in the rewards in Heaven.  Stopping and building rewards is possible like the Thief on the Cross.  While God judges the male adulterer in the consequences more harshly, the woman's penalties are similar and are detailed in the Penalties from Adultery section of this topic.  Of the list of possible penalties, the female adulterer will often primarily experience:
(a) loss of beauty,
(b) age more quickly,
(c) be humiliated in areas that have nothing to do with adultery,
(d) loss of cognitive abilities to discern spiritual, friendship and business matters,
(e) experience "wandering aimlessly", Proverbs 6:26-32, and
(f) Very difficult to obtain a future Godly husband that has not committed adultery. 
Female Victim of an Adulterous man If the woman does not seek revenge, then God will add so many years to her life that include beauty, wisdom, friendships and loyalty from others.   Often the betrayal of the adulterous man will be ever present in her memory for her entire life, but when the woman concentrates on her relationship with God, and using a method to forgive/forget, then she will have a richly blessed life.
Male Victim of an Adulterous woman If the man does not seek revenge, then God will add additional years to his life that include many, many blessings that are specific for the man to improve his life.  Often the man will find a new wife that is far superior in every area over his previous wife.  The man will become stronger and wiser that the suffering will become a great blessing.
Children They will have a lifetime of unanswered theories on why their parent could deceive, betray and abuse their other parent.  The offspring will feel in their deepest thoughts that something about themselves was partially to blame as a cause of one of their parents committing adultery.  When the child, seeks God for help in their life, then the blessing from God will pour down on the child in so many areas which may not be discernable from our humanly vantage point of understandings.
Parents of the adulterous person and victim. The loving parent of their son and daughter victims will be flooded with negative emotions and will have difficulty coping   with the pain. 

What to read next?

After reading this topic, see (a) Marriage and the needs of the man and woman, (b) Divorce & Relational breakups, (c) Grace and Mercy.  Hope for an old relationship from the past: 60 Year Love Story