King David |
Creation date: 12-Jan-2021 |
Also an Idiom of Israel | Last updated: 9-Feb-2025 |
A A A help |
David was the son of Jesse that was a prominent family in Israel. His family line was part of the Tribe of Judah which made them part also to the leaders in Israel. David's brother also took part in several significant roles along with having some problems and weaknesses.
Perhaps many people, that include this author when first becoming a new Christian, have initially harbored some resentments against King David in the scriptures because of the:
by a man who had lavish wealth and a harem, which indicates acting on lustful and selfish carnality at the expense of others even unto their death.
Reading the scriptures will lead us to greater discoveries about King David's life that while it was tarnished, with consequences, but God's Glory through King David was accomplished in marvelous ways that redeems King David in our viewpoints that also is inspiration for all of us as we are all sinners that need Jesus Christ for Salvation.
If the scriptures were a collection of myths then there would not be any of the principle characters in the history that commit and participate in horrible sins, and then having the person also be chosen by God to do wonderful things in their life as one of God's representatives.
The entirety of the scriptures does contain examples of many people who failed, suffered consequences, and then repented with trust in God for correction. King David is one of the greatest examples in the scriptures for us to learn from his mistakes and triumphs. All of us, from the littlest of sins, have tarnished lives that God's work in us will accomplish God's Goals when we have Faith in Him and humble ourselves to the moment by moment goals presented to us for God's Glory, along with our glory because of God Only, as we are Ambassadors for God.
Back in the early 1980s this author was listening to a old recording from Emil Gaverluk, while driving into work, that resonated in my memory on a comment that Emil made about King David. Emil said that he had a hard time not being very disappointed with King David because of the actions with Bathsheba and Uriah until Email said that he got a thought in answer to a prayer.
The prayer was asking God to help in understanding why King David could do the evil things he did, and why it was allowed to happen along being recorded in the scriptures. Emil said a thought came into his mind as if someone was shouting the words to him in a loving way, and Emil knew it was an answer from God through the Holy Spirit! The thought was "King David is idiomatic of Israel!" Emil, in the recording, said from that point on he loved reading about King David along with scriptures written by King David, and this author does also.
Since that time of hearing what Emil Gaverluk stated about the idiom of King David, this author hasn't heard this from this any other Biblical Scholar where I believe Emil did find an accurate idiom model as God uses encryptions, patterns, models, a heptadic structure and Gematria throughout the entire Bible to confirm the scriptures have origins as outside of our time domain by God who exists in Eternity.
Israel had the times of loving their God for the delivery of slavery, conquering most of the Promise Land areas, conquering of adversaries, and then the spiritual adultery at times when they allowed foreign fake gods into Israel. All of us have potentially had times we offended God also and then renewed ourselves.
God created Adam, also Eve later, and it wasn't until the breath of Life entered Adam for Adam to be alive. Adam was a minor model of Jesus Christ for these two reasons:
David was a shepherd before eventually becoming King where David became the shepherd of the people. David was a minor model also of Jesus Christ.
The position of being a shepherd is and should be like a father of a family and also a person managing a company that takes care of the employees. David learned a great deal as being a shepherd that prepared him for his future accomplishments that required trust and faith in God. David faced very fierce adversaries in his role as a shepherd.
1 Samuel 17:34-36 David is speaking |
34 I work as a shepherd for my father. Whenever a lion or a bear has come and attacked one of my lambs, 35 I have gone after it and struck it down to rescue the lamb from the predator’s mouth; if it turned to attack me, I would take it by the chin, beat it, and kill it. 36 I have killed both a lion and a bear; and as your servant I will kill this uncircumcised Philistine, too, since he has dared to taunt the armies of the living God. |
Jesus Christ is the Great Shepherd. David will become a shepherd once again during the Millennial Kingdom which is discussed later in this topic.
Isaiah 40:11 Messianic Prophecy |
He will feed His fold like a shepherd; He will gather together His lambs—the weak and the wobbly ones—into His arms. He will carry them close to His bosom, and tenderly lead like a shepherd the mother of her lambs. |
John 10:11 Points to Crucifixion |
I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep in His care. |
Jesus Christ has many Titles, where one that is often referenced in the scriptures is Jesus Christ is the Second Adam. This has more wonderful consequences than we know that primarily mean that God is in the process restoring all things as they should have been before the sins of Lucifer with Adam and Eve. The future will have David and all of us to live in our full potential. We should be building our future roles now for the rewards in Heaven.
1 Corinthians 15:47-49 | 47 The first man, Adam, came from the earth and was made from dust; the second man, Jesus, has come from heaven. 48 The earth man shares his earth nature with all those made of earth; likewise the heavenly man shares His heavenly nature with all those made of heaven. 49 Just as we have carried the image of the earth man in our bodies, we will also carry the image of the heavenly man in our new bodies at the resurrection. |
Probably one of the most widely known scriptural references by everyone in the world is the history of David meeting the Giant Goliath in battle where David was representing the entirety of Israel, and Goliath was representing the Philistines. David was most likely around 18 to 19 years old and was interestingly not required to be in the army as his three of his seven brothers. David was the youngest of his father Jesse's eight children.
King Saul, in other scriptural references, had several military victories before the Goliath event. Since the beginning of the two armies meeting without any contact, Goliath on a daily basis challenged Israel and specifically King Saul, for a "winner of a single person battle" will determine the winner of the war. King Saul was sitting in his tent afraid without committing, which a form of blasphemy against God. Prior to this meeting the Philistines, King Saul was known for his valor and his own fighting abilities.
David, at this point in his life, was well skilled in the use of a rock sling as it was a required weapon of a herdsman to protect the heard of sheep and goats from predators. The scriptures record David as killing many formidable predators.
During a food delivery for his father Jessie, where David's brothers were part of King Saul's close companions, David went into the King's tent to question and get permission to represent the King in battle after hearing no one would face Goliath, as read in Samuel 20:31-40. King Saul gave David his blessing in battle and additionally gave David his own armor.
Notes on Goliath and excerpts from the
Nephilim topic:
Goliath had four other brothers that were also as large as Goliath and were Rephaim, as Goliath was a descendent of the Nephilim. There were several tribes in the Promise Land that Joshua did not conquer, as read in the Book of Joshua, or was tricked into a peace treaty with the Gibeonites during the conquering of almost all of the Promise Lands that God had instructed Joshua to eliminate. Some of these tribes had been infiltrated by Nephilim by Fallen Angels that then had several generations of Rephaim. Recall that as Moses sent the ten spies into the Promise Land, Numbers 13:33-34, that eight of the ten spies came back with a bad report saying we are like grasshoppers in their eyes because of the height of some of the Nephilim that were encountered.
When David faced Goliath, the verbal exchange is very important as Goliath, not knowingly, prophesied his own fate because of blasphemy of God as a Rephaim would:
Samuel 20:45-47 | 45 David answered, “You are coming against me with sword, spear, and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the Israelite armies, which you have defied. 46 This very day the Lord will put you in my power; I will defeat you and cut off your head. And I will give the bodies of the Philistine soldiers to the birds and animals to eat. Then the whole world will know that Israel has a God, 47 and everyone here will see that the Lord does not need swords or spears to save his people. He is victorious in battle, and he will put all of you in our power.” |
David killed Goliath with a single blow from a rock that "broke
his skull".
There is an interesting note that most likely passed the significance to many Christians on David cutting off the head of Goliath and taking it Jerusalem. The location that the head of Goliath was kept in Jerusalem later because known as the "Place of the Skull" where it had to be done by Levitical Law away from anything clean along with being away from anyone becoming unclean by touching it. The location is also known as Golgotha and Calvary where Jesus Christ's Crucifixion was conducted.
1 Samuel 17:54 | David got Goliath's head and took it to Jerusalem, but he kept Goliath's weapons in his own tent. |
There is so many amazing double patterns in the scriptures, where the significance of Golgotha is Goliath represented the epitome of evil as a Rephaim, and Jesus Christ victory of the crucifixion had the part that Jesus Christ descended into Sheol:
To proclaim his victory to the Fallen Angels that participated in the creation of the Nephilim that were imprisoned there in Lower Sheol (2 Peter 2:4-5).
2 Peter 2:4-5 |
4 For if God spared not angels when they sinned,
but cast them down to Tartarus, and committed them to chains of
darkness, to be reserved unto judgment; 5
and spared not the ancient world,
but preserved Noah with seven others,
a preacher of righteousness, when he brought a flood upon the world of
the ungodly; Note: Tartarus is inferred in the scriptures to be a compartment of Lower Sheol. |
Other interesting facts from the scriptures concerning Goliath:
There are so many beautiful, thought provoking, liberating, inspiring verses here in the first few chapters of Genesis which almost jumps off of the page requiring examination where the writer had to restrain himself to stay on topic while writing.
{Working in this area.}
Note that King David already knew Bathsheba before the noted scriptural incidence because of King David's commander ... who was Bathsheba's grandfather. This is why ... conspired against David with Absalom.
Ezekiel 37:24 | 24 My servant David will be king over them, and they will all have one shepherd; and they will walk in My ordinances and keep My statutes and observe them. 25 They will live on the land that I gave to Jacob My servant, in which your fathers lived; and they will live on it, they, and their sons and their sons sons, forever; and David My servant will be their prince forever. 26 I will make a covenant of peace with them; it will be an everlasting covenant with them. And I will place them and multiply them, and will set My sanctuary in their midst forever. 27 My dwelling place also will be with them; and I will be their God, and they will be My people. 28 And the nations will know that I am the Lord who sanctifies Israel, when My sanctuary is in their midst forever. |
Acts 2:22-36 |
{Working in this area.}
What to read next?
Read about the Garden of Eden. What is Salvation? Is it possible to lose Salvation? We have eternal life. Evolution is not real. When a Christian suffers is there benefits from it. Rewards in heaven. Do we Tithe? What does the 3rd Commandment tell us? What is Grace and Mercy? Is there an Age of Accountability? Is there a place of unending punishment and exile form God?