UFO, UWO, UAP, Extraterrestrials |
Created: 13-Nov-2018
and Remote Viewing |
Last updated: 10-Sep-2022 |
This topic contains an explanation of the deception of what are UFOs which
requires introductory information from a Biblical and Scientific viewpoint as
given in this topic.
This author has unfortunately seen many well-meaning Christian media
presentations state that UFOs are merely Fallen Angels masquerading as
Extraterrestrials. This is myopic and only half of the full
A fairly famous quote from
William Paley is "
There is a
principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all
argument, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance. This
principle is, contempt prior to examination.
" It is the opinion of the author that
some thoughts regarding UFOs be mentioned and it is worthy of
some elementary knowledge for the Christian Believer.
These are the primary and commonly used acronyms when discussing the
potentials of
Extraterrestrials (Note that the wiki link is provided for general
information and this author doesn't agree with many of the theories, which
are presented as if the theories are factual.):
- A UFO is an Unidentified Flying Object.
- A UWO which is
defined as a Unidentified Water Object, which have their history of
- A UAP is an Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon. The acronym,
UAP has replaced the acronym UFO in many governmental and private
media publications.
- Interestingly, there is no replacement for UWO as of the date of this writing,
but probably soon will be called Unidentified Water Phenomenon (UWP).
Note that at the point that UFO is replaced
entirely by UAP, this topic page will continue to use UFO.
This topic will use the acronym of UFO for unidentifiable objects that are
potentially flying, travelling under water or both.
- It is important to always remember that when hearing about a UFO in the media, that it does not mean it is
an alien machine. It just means that it was not identifiable. There
is a great deal of advanced development being done in secret for military and
civilian transportation purposes that the developing companies and countries are
not going to come out and explain.
- The replacement of UFO with UAP,
is an improvement as the genuine film of unexplainable light or
material appearing objects can be described more accurately as aerial and
unidentifiable, which is not necessarily something "flying" in the sky or in
Some of this information is also mentioned in
Great Pyramid
Why Write About UFOs / UAPs?
There is an overwhelming amount of false and deceptive information that makes it difficult
to find the answers regarding UFOs. If you are wondering why this topic is even mentioned
in a Christian information website then you may not be familiar with the
Nephilim. There is many main line,
conservative Christian Scholars that point out that understanding the
Nephilim in the Old Testament is essential for understanding:
Why the Great Flood
Understanding some of the events in the future
Tribulation Period,
Also understanding if there are any bodies found or seen that are
identified as
Extraterrestrials then what really is the body / bodies found or seen.
It is interesting that sometimes witnesses will state they saw something that
resembles something seen in a science-fiction movie so it must be
Extraterrestrial. Other witnesses have photos or videos where they are
stating the creature is Extraterrestrial. The logical question, assuming
anything seen in the media that is real (not fake), is how would anyone be able
to state the creature came from outer-space? This is actually a little bit
humorous as possible sincere witnesses are proposing that they are qualified to
know what a creature from outer-space looks like.
Biblical Scholars, and this author as stated later in this topic will explain
that there is a Biblical explanation of any human-like creature masquerading as
an Extraterrestrial. Before continuing on the validity of
Extraterrestrials, it is important to understand the vast distances in
outer-space and what is required to be able to travel to other possible planets
that could even host Extraterrestrials.
Do UFOs / UAPs Exist?
Every Biblical Scholar Commentary that this author has read do not believe in
Extraterrestrial Life Forms (Aliens) from Outer Space.
This author also does not believe that UFOs are
Aliens from outer space coming to the
Earth for many reasons:
The vast distance makes it impossible even
if traveling fractions of the speed of light were possible to get to the closest
stars that potentially have planets, which might host some alien civilizations.
The well-known equation of
informs that the faster an objects travels then the mass of the object
As the object gets closer to the speed of light the
object's mass reaches a size of infinity.
Think about any space
craft moving through space at any speed that is fractions of the speed of
light, would increase in size and would consume more energy sources than it
could carry. We cannot conceive reaching anywhere outside of our
solar system without multiples of generations of humans spending their entire
life spans in space to get to other parts of near-by solar
systems where the space craft would also have to be of a size to keep food
provisions, medical departments, water, room for agriculture with livestock,
overcoming space travel
problems, and so much more.
Rockets propulsions systems will
have to be perfect without any mechanical failures as there is no repair
stations along the way.
Considering three hypothetical spacecraft,
that maintain a constant speed with adequate fuel, how long would it take to
get to the triple star system Alpha Centauri, which is 4.3 light-years (25.6
trillion miles) away?
(Note that many sources of calculations
assume a spacecraft would be accelerating in speed over time, and not a
constant speed as shown below. The problem is size/mass of the space craft
would increase by laws of
(a) New Horizons, with a maximum speed of
36,373 mph
(b) As of 2020, the fastest announced rocket speed will be
(c) If it were even possible, which it is not, to build something that goes at 10% the speed
of light the time span of travel is still daunting.
10% of the speed of light is
67,061,662 mph where the spacecraft would have become subject to size
increases based on
that could not allow stability, enough fuel and multiple mechanical
propulsion failures.
(d) Assuming we overcome
space travel
problems for humans, energy, food,
problems and so many unknowns the following table shows the distance and
time problems when traveling to the closest possible Star with planets were
so many other Stars are a great deal further:
Description |
Value |
Calculation |
A |
Speed of Light in miles per second in space |
186,282.40 |
B |
Distance Light can travel in one hour (miles) |
670,616,629.20 |
(A * 60) * 60 |
C |
Distance Light can travel in one day (miles) |
16,094,799,100.80 |
B * 24 |
D |
Distance Light can travel in one year (miles) |
5,862,530,572,466.40 |
C * 364.25 |
E |
Distance to Alpha Centauri in miles (approx.) |
25,600,000,000,000.00 |
F |
Distance Spacecraft can travel at 10% of Light Speed in a
year |
586,253,057,246.64 |
D * .1 |
G |
Distance Spacecraft can travel at 430,000 MPH in a year |
3,769,276,800 |
430,000 * 24 * 364.25 |
H |
Distance Spacecraft can travel at 36,373 MPH in a year |
318,836,988 |
37,373 * 24 * 364.25 |
I |
Alpha Centauri from Earth at 10% Light Speed will take |
43.7 years |
E / F |
J |
Alpha Centauri from Earth at 430,000 mph will take |
6,791.8 years |
E / G |
K |
Alpha Centauri from Earth at 36,373 mph will take |
80,291.8 years |
E / H |
The estimated travel times, from the calculation matrix above, to get to
Alpha Centauri shows the reality that it is not possible:
(d.1) 44 Years at 10% of light speed. As explained
above 10% is not obtainable because of laws dealing with E=mc
(d.2) 6,792 Years at 430,000 mph
(d.3) 80,292 Years at 36,373 mph
Additionally as already mentioned in this topic, with the
required time in years to travel consider the fuel requirements that
are beyond the ability for any spacecraft to store!
Unbeknownst to many people, rocket fuel sources also lose their
potency capabilities. Furthermore, the belief of using solar energy is not tenable
either as the distance from adjacent stars, with the absorption of solar
energy, is not close enough for use with supplying
all the requirements of a spacecraft.
With both considerations, this is why science fiction writers
have proposed humans being put into a frozen hibernated state
and the space craft going into a targeted direction without any
propulsion and relying on the initial motion. Hibernation,
sustained direction, and a target arrival over thousands to
millions of years to reach earth-like planets without losing
fuel source and biological deterioration is beyond the focus of
this topic, but is brought up in considering any beliefs of the
reverse happening from a remote alien civilization and Earth
having these visitors that employed this technique of
hibernation with zillions and zillions of miles of travel. |
(e) Even if it becomes possible to harness
zero-point energy,
there are still all the problems mentioned above, and many more that have
not been discovered. Plus there is no
habitable planets at Alpha Centauri.
(f) An
Earth-Size Planet was found in the 'Habitable Zone' on another Star System
but there are many factors such as the unknown quantity of water, breathable
atmosphere, temperature, etc. along with the distance of 582 light-years to
even get to Kepler-186f! Yes, there have been other planets in other
star systems discovered, which are in the habitable-zone based on distance
from star to planet, but there are still hundreds of other factors to make
it habitable for human beings.
If there are Alien creatures with technology capable of traveling distances that takes
hundreds to many thousands of light years to get to the earth then:
They would
not be concern about being seen
, or
(b) Have the ability not to be seen, or
(c) Worrying
about anyone from the Earth fighting against them
because their technology would be vastly superior
to ours that would seem like magic.
The technology that an alien civilization would possess, to enable
traveling to Earth, would mean:
(a) There would be very little to gain with
contact other than taking resources from the earth, or
(b) Possibly see the earth's creatures as a zoo for their enjoyment, or
(c) A food source, or
(d) A peaceful scientific study with a possibly of a Star Trek fictional type of
Prime Directive.
According to Fermi Paradox, if there are
Aliens in the Universe then we should have already encountered them,
which means:
(a) We are most likely the most advanced technological life form, or
(b) There are no other Alien Civilizations in the Universe.
Conclusion of the reasoning on Fermi Paradox:
(a) Taking the
age of the proposed Universe, at some
13.8 billion years
which is spurious along with not believed by this
, but allow this for discussing the Fermi Paradox
(b) An Alien civilization should have already obtained technology to get
between star systems,
(c) Then this Alien civilization should be able to set up an empire that
stretches throughout the universe in 10 million years.
(d) Ten million years as a percentage of the proposed age of the
Universe is a very short-time. Therefore, if there are Aliens
somewhere, then they should have already visited the Earth and most likely
have subdued the Earth.
From the Christian perspective, the question
could be asked if there
are Aliens in the universe, then are they sinless or
where did Jesus Christ also die for them on the Cross or how did the
Aliens stay sinless in a wrecked universe that God intends on replacing as
stated in Revelation? Those that believe Aliens gave the earth life,
still have the problem on how did the Aliens get created which always go
back to there has to be a God
because evolution is scientifically false.
Also remember God Exists
outside of His Creations.
Aliens would find human beings very fragile outside of the planet Earth and not
easily able to handle space travel beyond the magnetic protection of the
Earth as explained by NASA.
A recent theory in the year 2020 states that UFOs are autonomous robot drone
space machines sent from far away galaxies to explore the universe.
These drones are self-repairable, almost self-aware and self-reproducing.
(a) As sited from other parts of this topic, the scale of machinery of any
legitimate wreckage found is one primary argument against this 2020 theory.
(b) The second primary argument against this 2020 theory, is the level of
advanced engineering required for any spacecraft to travel the vast
distances would not allow a legitimate spacecraft to so easily be detected, seen
(c) The third primary argument against this theory is there no geological,
agricultural or habitation reason for the locations, that show very
questionable videos of UFOs, to visit once or multiple times as seen on
entertainment TV shows.
(d) There apparently is legitimate UFO crashes or possibly mutual
cooperation with governments from entities masquerading as Extraterrestrials
that have advanced technology being obtained, but the questions with answers
in many Christians opinions points back to the
Nephilim. All the points 1
through 7, in this author's opinion, are proof that anything legitimate or
mutual cooperation has to be the start of
Future Great Lie
explained in the Nephilim topic. As laboriously stated, if UFOs are
from distance galaxies, then their technology would be far more advanced then
anything we could possibly even absorb to reverse engineer for usage.
A recent theory in the year 2019 states that UFOs are time
travelers from earth's future. This tries to explain the humanoid
appearance, where evolution over thousands of years has changed mankind and
also accounts for the materials of the
time traveling craft being from
earth. This would require a dissertation of information to explain why
GOING BACK IN TIME is impossible.
Going forward slightly into the future is remotely possibly based on many
scientific equations that is most famously given as an example in the
twin astronaut theory listed below. The paramount point on
being able to move to some point in the future is it is a one-way trip.
Steven Hawking made the comment: '
"One day, we might receive a signal from a planet like
when referring to a planet Gliese 832c that might be
potentially habitable. "But we should be wary of
answering back. Meeting an advanced civilization could be like Native
Americans encountering Columbus. That didn't turn out so well."
(This writer is not endorsing Steven Hawking's possible belief in aliens but
posting his comment to open up the reader's mind on information on UFOs.)
Note that Gliese 832c
is estimated to be 16 light years away.
In a June 17, 2019 research project,
that lasted more than three years, the conclusion by several organizations was
there is zero evidence of extraterrestrial life in over 1,300 stars that were in
close proximity to the Earth. The PDF document attached, is a fascinating
What Many Biblical Scholars Believe
Many Biblical Scholars and this author believe:
The Fallen Angel view of Genesis 6 that created the Nephilim,
in the days of the Great Flood
and after during Israel's entering the Promise Land, are behind the
current day masquerade of any legitimate UFO sightings that are not some
type of experimental military vehicles. This belief is supported by many historical and present day
conservative Christian Apologetics
and Researchers. These Nephilim, in many Christian's opinion:
(a) Are already
present, in the world covertly, as part Jesus' warning in Matthew 24:37, and are preparing for the appointed time to masquerade on a mission
of deceit for the prevention of mankind's Salvation
through Jesus Christ.
(b) Will be part of the deception to get many people to follow the Antichrist
and take the Mark of the Beast
when they will state they are Aliens from another place in the Universe and
there is no God of the Bible.
All of the legitimate UFO sightings that are backed up by radar, film
and credible witnesses are detailing objects performing incredible speeds and maneuvers
in the air or earth's orbit,
where the possible explanation is:
(a) The UFOs might be capable of inter-dimensional travel
into hyperspaces that we are not able to view or detect with our current
technology, or
(b) The UFOs are escaping the modern day radar detection to descend into an
ocean, lake or earthly hidden locations.
hyperspaces are the additional dimensions that String Theory elaborates.
As Christians, we know the Kingdom of God is outside of our perceivable
reality. Note that the Satanic Realm is restricted to the Earth's
domain, which is based on many scriptural passages.
If there are legitimate UFO crash landings, which there appears to be in
many countries, then this also proves
they are not Aliens from other planets
in the universe. As already mentioned, the technology involved to get
here from planets in other parts of the universe would be so advanced that
mechanical failures on the rudimentarily scaled of leaked wreckage
information points to an Earthly origination. This also most likely
points to the Nephilim are here and they are having to use the metals, fuel
sources and
materials that are present here on Earth, albeit they have the advanced
knowledge that is gained from the Fallen Angels influence. Yes, we
know the Holy Spirit is restraining the Satanic Realm and the future
deception that will accompany the Antichrist according to
1 Thessalonians 2:6-9.
When there are undeniable UFOs/UAPs maneuvering as a single object or
part of a group, then this means there is a base location on Earth or if
the object was from outer space then there has to be "mother ship", from
which they originated.
(a) In absolutely no documentary television, movie or podcast, has any
reference been noted that there was a double occurrence of a UFOs/UAP's
appearance with a large UFO/UAP in space.
(b) As already been stated in this topic, no matter the unexplainable
physics capabilities of some object defying known technology, the UFO/UAP
is originating from Earth with albeit advanced technology using Earth's
resources, that do NOT warrant technology of a space craft coming from
hundreds to thousands of light-years away, which again points to the
reemergence of the Nephilim.
As an additional point, there are many investigators
of UFOs, who are not Christians and perhaps Agnostic, who believe the source of
the UFOs are domestic to our planet and not coming from
outer space. In
other words, they believe the UFOs are originating from locations on
the Earth which are hidden.
Jesus warned us in Matthew 24:37 "
As the days of Noah
were, so the coming of the Son of Man will be.
" If Jesus was
speaking only about great sins, then the quip made by many, is "
if that is the
only point Jesus is making then we all better get life jackets because the flood
is going to happen again.
What many Christian Apologetics and Researchers believe is the
context of Jesus' statement is the rise of the Nephilim
again and the Nephilim will be part of the
Great Lie mentioned in 2
Thessalonians 2:11 "
for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a
We also know that at the end of the
Tribulation Period,
mankind will take up military weapons to
go to war against God. This is the first
Armageddon Event, which is
ludicrous and points to the deception of fallen mankind that they could win
and most likely believe they are fighting against something other than God.
This deception, of the world's armies gathering to fight against God, is
also contained in the dual prophecy of
Psalm 2.
Ancient Relics
In a very high-level summary, the Nephilim aspect explains many of the
ancient relics, all over the Earth, where
a few defy explanations such as the
Great Pyramid
. The Nephilim were first eliminated
by the Great Flood but they were restarted in the Promise Land,
and most likely other areas in the world. There are secular and
non-Christian sources that are speculating extraterrestrials (named the
Anaki) built many ancient relics with explanations that the Anaki were
twice as large in height, strength, and knowledge as humans.
In the scriptures, regarding Nephilim and the Nephilim influences,
Joshua was
instructed to eliminate every man, woman, child and even animal
from certain tribes in the Promise Land, as described in the Book of Joshua
for a reason described in the topic
link. Note these two points:
- The Book of Joshua is a very interesting
double-patterns example
in the scriptures that some Biblical Scholars, which this author agrees,
state that the Book of Joshua
is a small model of the future Tribulation Period where Nephilim will
once again be in Tribulation Period masquerading as extraterrestrials as
part of the Great Lie.
- Goliath, who was killed by the future
King David,
was a descendent of the Nephilim, as mentioned in 1
Samuel 17, which is why Goliath was so tall and big.
1 Chronicles 20:4-8 |
4 And after this there arose war with the
Philistines at Gezer. Then Sibbecai the Hushathite struck down
Sippai, who was one of the descendants of the Nephilim, and the
Philistines were subdued. 5 And there
was again war with the Philistines, and Elhanan the son of Jair
struck down Lahmi the
brother of Goliath the Gittite, the shaft of whose spear was
like a weaver's beam. 6 And there was
again war at Gath, where there was a man of great stature, who had
six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot, twenty-four in
number, and he also was descended from the Nephilim. 7
And when he taunted Israel, Jonathan the son
of Shimea, David's brother, struck him down. 8
These were descended from the Nephilim in
Gath, and they fell by the hand of David and by the hand of his
servants. |
1 Samuel 17:4 |
A champion named Goliath, who was from Gath, came out of the Philistine
camp. His height was six cubits and a span.
Note: Many Biblical Scholars give an estimation of Goliath's height at 9
Feet or 274.32 Centimeter. This is using the approximation of a
cubit being 18 inches. 6 multiplied by 18 inches equals 108
inches. 108 inches divided by 12 equals 9 feet.
Lastly, a few Christian Researchers like Emil Gaverluk, believe there is a
possibility that Lucifer had the designs on trying to rebuild and conquer God's
created Universe through the hybrid Nephilim,
where there is some very weak theoretical evidence potentially on Mars, discussed
in the Remote Viewing section of this topic on UFOs which may be confirmed
with the Long Day of Joshua
scriptural account. This "possible evidence on Mars" is highly speculative
and to give a fair explanation to these Christian Researchers' works in a summary
statement is impossible. For the Christian, it is not that difficult
to imagine a theory that if Lucifer can first
stop the plan of God through the work of
Jesus Christ (in the distant
past before the crucifixion), then Lucifer's next priority is to set up a humanoid
kingdom with possibly the Nephilim to expand across the universe which will worship him.
This obviously could never be accomplished.
Regarding Ancient Relics, only a few have unique, complex and problematic
descriptions on how they were built. As discussed throughout this
topic on UFOs, if there were Extraterrestrials, with technology to travel
thousands of light years, then the technology to build anything would
absolutely surpass even the magnitude of the
Great Pyramid's immenseness and features. The common accolade
that there is no explanation of how multiple ton stones were moved and
fitted with approximated perfection is not even remotely close to being the
best that supposed extraterrestrial technology would have accomplished,
being an argument against extraterrestrials. As an example,
extraterrestrial engineering should have the stones fitted with seamless
connections and more elaborate engineering.
The following list is not exhaustive, where the light blue highlighted are
uniquely fascinating structures. The three approximation dates,
highlighted in red, are very spurious documented dated estimates from many sources
that do not disclose their dating is a theory based on highly speculative
theories and inaccurate carbon
dating weaknesses. With high respect for world renown
archeologists on everything besides dating age, there is often well-meaning
disagreements on age of ancient structures. (A nice source of
contributors besides known wiki type websites is
https://www.worldhistory.org )
Structure |
Location |
Purpose |
Built By |
Medium |
Approximate Creation |
1 |
Great Pyramid |
Egypt |
Burial and more |
Precursor to Egyptians |
Limestone, Granite, Basalt, Mortar |
3969 - 3908 BC |
2 |
Serapeum of Saqqara |
Egypt |
Burial Place |
Egyptians ? |
Granite from Aswan |
1850-1853 BC |
3 |
Tikal |
Yax Mutal Mayan City, Guatemala |
Worship |
Mayan |
local materials |
200 - 900 AD |
4 |
Chichen Itza |
Yucat n, Mexico |
Worship |
Mayan |
local materials |
900 - 1200 AD |
5 |
Stonehenge |
Salisbury Plain Whitshire England |
Worship |
unknown |
Saresen, Bluestone |
+3000 BC |
6 |
Carnac Stone |
South Coast Brittany France |
Worship |
unknown |
Quarry |
4500 - 3300 BC |
7 |
Ta Prohm |
Anghor, Cambodia |
City |
Cambodian |
local materials |
1200 - 1300 AD |
8 |
Listoghil |
County Sligo, Ireland |
Tomb |
unknown |
Limestone |
3550 BC |
9 |
West Kennet Long Barrow |
Wiltshire, England |
Tomb |
Neolithic People |
Limestone |
3650 BC |
10 |
Ggantija Temples |
Gozo, Malta |
Temple |
unknown |
local materials |
3600 - 3200 BC |
11 |
Monete d'Accoddi |
Sardinia, Italy |
Temple |
unknown |
local materials |
4000 - 3650 BC |
12 |
Tumulus of St. Michel |
Carnac, France |
Burial Mound |
unknown |
local materials |
4500 BC |
13 |
Tumulus of Bougon |
Bougon, France |
Burial Mound |
unknown |
local materials |
4700 3500 BC |
14 |
Cairn of Barnenez |
Brittany, France |
Grave |
unknown |
local materials |
4850 BC |
15 |
Theopetra Cave Wall |
Thessaly, Greece |
unknown |
unknown |
local materials |
21,000 BC (?) |
16 |
Ngunnhu Fish Traps |
Brewarrina, New South Wales, Australia |
Fish traps |
unknown |
local materials |
40,000 BC (?) |
17 |
Gobekli Tepe Sites |
Turkey |
Travel/Trading |
Ancestors of the Kurds |
local materials |
12000 - 8000 BC (?) |
18 |
Luxor Temple |
East Bank of Nile River, Egypt |
Temple |
Egyptians |
local materials |
1400 BC |
19 |
Mystery Hill |
Salem, New Hampshire |
Stonehenge-like |
unknown |
local materials |
1700 AD |
20 |
Caral Quipu |
Northwest Peru |
Living |
Caral-Supe |
Cotton and Wood |
+3000 BC |
21 |
Terracotta Army |
Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China |
Spirit Protection |
Chinese |
Clay Pottery |
246 BC |
22 |
Longmen Grottoes |
Luolong District, Luoyang, Henan, China |
Dwelling |
Chinese |
local materials |
493 AD |
23 |
Rosetta Stone |
Discovered in Egypt - now in museum |
Decree 3 languages |
Egyptians |
Granodirite |
196 BC |
24 |
Olmecs |
Museum from Tabasco Mexico |
Worship |
Olmec people |
Stone |
900 BC |
25 |
Easter Island Statues - Moai |
Easter Islands |
Reverence |
Locals |
Stone |
1250 - 1500 AD |
26 |
Machu Picchu |
Eastern Cordilera Peru |
City |
Incas |
local materials |
1420 - 1532 AD |
27 |
Sacsayhuaman |
Cusco Peru |
Wall of protection |
Incas |
local materials |
1200 - 1550 AD |
An interesting
point of an architectural marvel is the "Aqueduct
of Segovia" built by the Roman Empire in Segovia, Spain around the first
century AD. While there are no huge stones that are parts of ancient
building made of stone by unknown builders, the Aqueduct of Segovia, if the
builders and era were unknown then it would most likely be placed in the
category list of unknown builders of ancient relics that defy description.
This is an excerpt from the
Carbon Dating topic: The reliability of all the types of carbon dating with absolute accuracy
cannot be done because:
- The decay factors are not guaranteed to be constant and the decay rate
of radioactive elements happen very slowly that is absolutely not guaranteed
to be uniformed for extended long-periods of time.
(a) Decay rates have been found to be different in as little as one-year.
(b) See these
two interesting articles of many discuss decay rates based on other
factors not often considered.
- The possibility of contamination or infusing of the decay
measured elements, where the specimens are not guaranteed to be in what is
known as a closed-system.
(a) A closed-system is defined as an environment where the specimen was
found that guarantees the specimen has not moved in and out of the location.
(b) As two examples, most places on the Earth have ground water
contamination, and some places that are abundant in specimens like dinosaurs
are also areas that have radioactive uranium in the same area.
Who Turned the Lights on, and Fallen Angels Create Lights in
the Sky?
Besides the points in the "Do UFOs Exist?"
section of this topic, two additional questions for the Christian
to absolutely remember regarding UFOs, which this author does
not believe in, is:
- Why would Extraterrestrials come from thousands to millions of light years
away, which would require advanced technology beyond recognition, to only build
stone structures, which they abandoned? The Earth a
biological rich resource planet which would make sense to keep
for many reasons.
- Why would Extraterrestrial build spaceships, which would
require advanced technology beyond recognition, have lights all
over them so that the spaceships could be seen flying at
night in
the sky? Does the USA, Russian, European or Chinese space
shuttles, rockets or advanced military aircraft fly around with
the lights on?
The answers to the two questions are these primary three
- This points to the Nephilim
using Satanic knowledge but with Earthly objects and the
limitations of
technology and parts available at the time in
history on Earth. In other words, the ancient relics like the
Great Pyramid, while built with
massive stones, does not have any computer type of wiring that came from
technology worthy of spacecraft traveling thousands to millions of light years
- The UFOs being seen at night with lights shinning from them,
and caught on film, are man-made where the flying object require
lights for take-off and landing along with safety requirements
have the lights on at night.
- Most films of UFO, real or fake, always seem to be small
balls of light. Assuming there are authentic film and the
balls of light are not man-made military or civilian objects
such as hot-air balloons, then
the balls of light and
shaped objects are Fallen Angels. Some Biblical
Scholars, which this author agrees, give the scriptural evidence
(a) 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 that points out the ability of Satan
(Lucifer), therefore Fallen Angels but not Demons, can manifest
themselves as light which could mean in the sky.
(b) In scriptural recorded event of the storm on the
Sea of Galilee (really a large lake), there were the
Disciples that were experienced fishermen who knew the waters of
the Sea of Galilee and they were on the boat with Jesus Christ.
They would not have got on the boat if there was a storm
approaching, and even with a storm on Galilee, the Disciples
with fishermen experience would have known how to handle the
storm, but this storm made them very afraid. Biblical
Commentaries make the comment that the storm was Satanic, where
Jesus Christ easily calmed the storm.
(c) The light seen in some UFO footage moving in ways that defy
laws of physics, indicate the object coming in and out of
a higher dimension.
2 Corinthians 11:13-15 |
13 For such men are false
apostles, deceitful workers, fashioning themselves into
apostles of Christ. 14 And no
marvel; for even
Satan fashioneth himself into an angel of light.
15 It is no great thing therefore if
his ministers also fashion themselves as ministers of
righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works. |
Mark 4:35-38
(A Satanic Storm?) |
35 That day when evening came, he
said to his disciples, Let us go over to the other side.
36 Leaving the crowd behind, they took
him along, just as he was, in the boat. There were also
other boats with him. 37
A furious squall
came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that
it was nearly swamped. 38 Jesus
was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke
him and said to him, Teacher, don t you care if we drown? |
John 20:19-29
Jesus appears to Disciples in locked
room |
19 When therefore it was evening,
on that day, the first day of the week, and when the doors
were shut where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews,
Jesus came and stood
in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you. |
There are critics which would state that it is possible,
Extraterrestrials came here in the ancient past, where it could have
been 500 million years ago, where all of the advanced technology,
buildings and remnants have been erased by time. The
biggest problems with this line of thinking are:
- Why would Extraterrestrials abandon a colony, outpost or
resource rich place as the planet Earth with the abundances of
- Why wouldn't the Extraterrestrials come back by now and
stopped all of the death, destructions occurring in Earth's
history so that the Extraterrestrials could create a utopia
civilization for themselves and people on Earth?
- The Age of the Earth
is questionable, albeit we do not know how long the Earth was in
a state of void as described in Genesis 1:1, before God came in
Genesis 1:2 to re-create the Earth, which is discussed in the
Gap Theory topic.
Many Christians should also be
aware the Tribulation Purpose, if it could
be stopped by Lucifer, could prevent Lucifer's judgment.
Remote Viewing
There is a science called
Remote Viewing
that probably many people have not heard about. Some points
Remote Viewing:
It had its official beginnings in the 1970s, where it is based on occult
telestheia and traveling
It is the method for discovering details on events, places,
discussions, people and other types of information that have
occurred, are occurring or will occur from a location that is remote
from the person and people conducting a remote viewing session,
which is using extra sensory perception types of techniques.
It is still being used by the United States, Russia, China and
most likely many other countries as a form of espionage and
information gathering.
WIKI and some other internet sources have contributions from
editors that state it is not an active technology being used by
governments, but this is suspect or often talked about as
There was a popular movie called
Suspect Zero
, staring Aaron Eckhart and Ben Kingsley, which
dramatized the use of it, where the DVD has an excellent short
documentary piece after the movie. The movie is a suspenseful
type of "who is it?" movie where the FBI is tracking the genesis of
the worst Serial Killer in the United States.
This author's believes that
Remote Viewing is merely a form of
holding a
Seance, which makes the information coming out of Remote Viewing
is highly suspect AND of course not to be done.
Obviously, the Holy Spirit is NOT involved in a Seance so when there is actually
credible information coming out of a Remote Viewing session or a Seance then it
is from the Satanic Realm.
The point of
bringing up Remote Viewing, is the United States
CIA was experimenting
with Remote Viewing
to try to explore the perceived
three pyramids on Mars
back in the 1980s, which gives a very tiny bit of credence to the possibility of
the theory of Lucifer trying to rebuild the wrecked universe. This author
is NOT stating that he believes in the pyramids and face of Lucifer on Mars but
it is interesting when considering God
had the Great Flood to rid the earth of the wide
spread problem of the Nephilim, where
there may have been forbidden technology being used.
Before quickly dismissing the Mars' pyramids, which
this author doesn't believe in, is there the
possibility discussed in the Long Day of Joshua topic, that
- Mars and the
Earth had different orbits in the distant past which were changed by the
Long Day of Joshua event?
- The event resulted in the 360 day year in all ancient cultures,
including the Bible, to change to a
365.25 day year for Earth?
- Changed the days the Earth's moon required to orbit the Earth
from the past 30-days?
Some Biblical Scholars and this author believe the evidence discussed in
the Long Day of Joshua
event topic is a strong possibility and explanation of Mars in the
distant past having a closer orbit to the Earth. Ancient calendars
all had 360-day years with 30-day lunar orbit cycle where the moon's
orbit is now 27.3 days, which is less. |
Some proponents for ancient Nephilim exploration on Mars state that the face and
pyramids are ancient relics now, destroyed by
solar winds and cosmic rays over time, and hence
is why recent photos show them more clearly as not so discernibly a pyramid or
face. An interesting possibility, is the theory concerning Mars, before
the Long Day of Joshua,
had a different orbit around the Sun which had Mars coming closer to the
Earth in the past which is part of the theories from some researchers on
a shorter distance to enable travel to Mars before the Great Flood.
As already noted, this author is not endorsing or stating the belief
in these theories, but are brought up for the reader to be aware of
(If the CIA link is
missing here is another link.
Another interesting news release in March of 2025 is further proof of Remote
Viewing still be used is the release of CIA document "CIA-RDP96-00789R001300180002-7"
that was a session trying to locate the Ark of the Covenant. See this
link or if the links are no longer connecting click here:
Article and the
Twin Astronauts and Time Travel Paradox
From science we know
that energy
can change its Form into Matter
and Matter is subject to Time. How fast
time passes can be different from one place to another depending upon mass,
gravity and speed of the object at a particular location which is a part of
Einstein's Theory of Relativity. As an example, there is the famous "twin
astronauts aging differently when one of the twins travels to Alpha Centauri
theory" where if one of the twins travels at half the speed of light to
Alpha Centauri and back, then he returns at a
different age than his brother.
Since the time of the Twin Astronauts theory was proposed in the 1960s, there
have been some amendments. This link on "
Paradox of Relativity Is Absolutely Wrong
" explains the theory with
corrections. (If link is missing to
, click here.)
Alien Interview Book of Fiction
There is a book called Alien Interview by Lawrence Spencer, dealing with
events at the
Roswell Incident
of July 8th 1947, which was published in 2008, that has had a great deal of
influence to many people in a very deceptive way. In the opening pages of the book, the author states it is based on personal notes and interview transcriptions provided by
Senior Master Sergeant Matilda O Donnell MacElroy, and then another place, Spencer states it is fiction. The following is this
author's, along with others, opinion and review of the book.
The initial quick list of many problems for the book to be of
real events in history:
- The woman, Matilda MacElroy, is not verifiable in any documentation sources
- She has a rank of Senior Master Sergeant that was a non-existent
rank at that time in the Army Air Force for a woman in the alleged position.
(Note: the
Air Force was part of the United States Army until becoming a separate
branch of the USA Military through reorganization provisions of the July
26th 1947's "National Security Act of 1947" where the official starting date
of September 18th 1947.)
- There was never a 'Women's Army Air Force Medical Corp'. There
were other women's units with different names that are not even similar.
- In the book, the word "Alien" is listed in the top secret 1947 interview headings. The term
"Alien" to identify a life-form from another planet didn't come
into existence until 1953, and in common use by everyone until years later.
- Lawrence Spencer destroyed the documentation from Matilda MacElroy, where that makes no logical sense. If any of us
found a treasure map to pirates' treasure, which we went and found, we would never have destroyed the map which would also be a treasure. Destroying
the documentation from Matilda MacElroy, after supposedly printing it verbatim in the book, is extremely illogical,
and Lawrence Spencer's explanation is spurious.
For anyone that has followed the UFO reports and literature since the
Roswell Incident, there is
the general and well-known understanding that all governments are hiding answers, details, the truth and giving
out propaganda for unexplained and possible incidents that some people would consider an actual UFO incident. The propaganda
is not just from the government but even from those in the UFO-Believers Communities.
As stated in this topic and in other topics in Biblical Thoughts, this author and most Biblical Scholars believe
any actual incidents that have occurred and will occur, that are not governmental military or experimental aircraft, are
actually the reoccurrence of the Nephilim influence spoken about in the scriptures.
The great deception of the Alien Interview book, is Lawrence Spencer writes
an explanation at the beginning of the book
that the book is fiction, but in public speaking such as this link on
YouTube where Lawrence Spencer is speaking that reflects that Spencer states
"when I published the book at the request of the nurse..."
that indicates the book is not fiction according to Lawrence
Spencer. Generally speaking, there are those in the different UFO communities that have a preponderance to believe authors use disclaimers, like Spencer has done, to
protect themselves from secret governmental entities who will arrest him, possibly kill him and also stop the release of the
materials in the book. As stated above, it makes no sense for Lawrence
Spencer to have destroyed the original copies received, with the letter from
Matilda MacElroy, if the exact "word for word, letter by letter" information is
in the book!Note that is also interesting that there may be a Remote Viewing group that is trying to defend the book
as something that actually happened. This author hasn't been able to find
this information but was going by a second-hand reference.
The author of Biblical Thoughts brings up this book, because it seems to be the basis of some new groups of people who believe
in a Universe Based Empire called the The Domain or equivalent name, which has details written in the Alien Interview Book and discussed in the Reincarnation Topic.
When reading "Alien Interview", as this author has done,
the book is actually a very interesting, somewhat fun but
a disturbing experience. Note that Lawrence Spenser is a gifted story-teller, book-writer, and knows how to keep the reader
interested which is just like the experience for those of us who enjoy recreational fiction books and movies based on space travel like Dune, E.T., Star Wars or Star Trek.
Unfortunately, for Lawrence Spencer, careful examination will show that the book is definitely satanically influenced
with a type of morbid dread of feeling helpless where the Alien, named Airl, states there is
- No known god has been found in the universe for trillions of years by the Is-Be(s).
- There are rival empires fighting.
- The inhabitants, like Airl, are
non-corporeal beings
called "Is-Be(s)" with no apparent human-type senses
that include pleasure, who animate designed bodies that are not flesh based.
- There are debase gladiator type of events, enjoyed by Is-Be(s), and so
many other nonsensical explanations of what beings that are trillions of
years old would have developed.
- The planet Earth is a prison planet where there is an amnesia machine,
designed by an old empire of Is-Be(s), that is keeping people from
remembering their past reincarnations and true identify of Is-Be(s). The new empire of Is-Be(s)
haven't been able to locate the amnesia machine and destroy it yet.
- In order for the people on Earth to get free, then we must be able to
spread the word of the delusions around us and then find ways to finally get
free of the amnesia machine.
Some other problem points, of many, in the book:
- The Term "Is-Be" is a personal attack against the
God of the Bible's name of "I AM"
- In the study guide version of the book in PDF format, there is a variety
of detailed lists of historic places, events and beliefs of peoples that are
given to support reincarnation. It was fun reading about historical
people, places and events, but there were very fanciful conclusions of
conjectures concerning the history
- If there is an amnesia machine on Earth, then why is the machine not making
Airl lose all of her memories? If the Old Empire designed an amnesia
machine, then wouldn't it be able to work on all Is-Be(s) in any physical
state? In the book, Airl states that there is a force field, hypnotic
machine that creates all kinds of problems for Is-Be(s) to have them lose
their memories before being reincarnated and in all reincarnations.
There are subtle contradiction problems in many places, where Airl states
one thing then gives another explanation that goes against the original
- If the Earth is a prison planet then who designed all of the living
creatures here that includes human-kind, to hold reincarnated Is-Be(s) with
all of the advanced sensory, pleasure, emotions and so much more features?
Evolution has been proven wrong
from just a scientific and logic approach.
(a) If the Is-Be(s) in the old empire designed the human-beings on Earth,
then why haven't Is-Be(s) designed their own bodies better with at least more
aesthetic aspects? Spenser tries to give somewhat of an explanation in
the book, but it just doesn't make any sense.
(b) Darwin's explanation of
evolution has been proven false, so many agnostic scientists have come up
with the belief that Aliens designed living organisms on Earth, which is
spurious because who designed the Aliens? Airl states that Is-Be(s)
are trillions of years old, but never gives any explanation of their origin.
(c) Our universe is a subset of a larger reality according to break through
research being done in the world of quantum physics, such as this example
article from
www.UniverseToday.com From the Christian Perspective, we know the
Kingdom of God contains the
universe but is separate from the Universe.
(d) Additionally regarding the Universe, there are at least
ten dimensions in the universe
according to many theories being worked on in the areas of quantum equations
and physics. With just a simple exposure to some scientific areas of
astronomy, physics, etc shows the conversation from Airl in the book is from
a writer with not much scientific knowledge. As an analogy, it is like
watching an old 1960's science fiction space travel movie, sixty years
later, where the common person of today can spot so many laughable
presentations or dialogues. The reason for the laughter is so much
more knowledge has been gained to prove wrong the theories of the past that
were reflected in entertainment movies and TV shows of the past.
Perhaps the best short commentary review of the book
Alien Interview, is from the publisher and editor of UFO Chronicles named Frank
Warren. Frank Warren s has several quick points
of the historical problems which
should be enough for everyone to come to the conclusion on the book is a work of fiction.
See this link to Frank Warren review on the website
. If the link is missing, see this
"PDF version".
Links on Space Travel
How to get to Alpha
How long to
travel to Alpha Centauri
Triple star system Alpha Centauri
Earth-Size Planet found in the 'Habitable Zone' on another Star System
Speed of Light
Travel at speed of light for 24 hours, how many years could have passed on
NASA is about to launch the fastest spacecraft in history. Target the Sun!
The Nearest Star
Alpha Centauri
to Miles conversion
What to read next?
See: (a)
and Time Travel
, (b) Time Domains, (c)
Kingdom of God, (d)
Singularity and the Big Bang Theories,
(e) E=mc², (f)
Ten Dimensions of the Universe, (g)
Age of the Earth, Periods
that Developed Life, Heavens
(h) Evolution,
Great Pyramid in Bible Prophecy?