Singularity and the Big Bang Theories |
Creation Date: 6-Dec-2018 |
The Theory that Nothingness Created Something | Last updated: 24-Mar-2021 |
A A A help |
This author does NOT believe in the Big Bang. It is important for Christians to understand the Big Bang and the implications of it that actually reveal the absolute requirement for God, that is also to God's Glory. There is a great deal of propoganda and theories that are given as fact that are not factual because they are just theories, where the Big Bang and Evolution are two of the most prominent explanations to explain there is no God.
Keep in mind that there have been many Big Bang Mathematical models that have been proposed with formulas, and all of them were proven later:
Big Bang models are always theories! Currently there are many variations of Big Bang Models that keep having sporadic revisions published.
As an example, Einstein, to solve problems with his theory and beliefs at his time, introduced a fudge factor called the cosmological constant. Einstein later said that the cosmological constant was his greatest blunder. The term "Big Bang" appears to have its origin in 1948 during a radio interview of Fred Hoyle who was making fun of Georges Lema tre publications on Cosmology where he called Lema tre the Big Bang Man.
When a new Big Bang model comes out or has new revisions published, then is it fair to insist that everyone should now fully believe this is absolutely how it happened, and it proves there was no God or Creator? The answer is absolutely not.
The generalized Hot Bang Model sequence of events at 15 billion years ago is commonly given as something to the effect of the table below. Much of the theories are based on the estimation of the age of the universe which makes the theory have to conform to this age of the universe estimation. Often, the believers in the Big Bang will reply to questions with "give or take a few million years", where this answer is supposed to have the listener think that time solves the problems with not only the universe creation but evolution.
Time | Radius | Temperature 0C | Density in KG per Cubic Meter | Notes |
0 | 0 | Infinite | Mass per volume = infinite | Singularity supposedly existed. No explanation of where Singularity came from and why Singularity also had infinite heat and infinite density. |
.01 Seconds | 100,000,000,000 | Singularity exploded causing Big Bang. No explanation of what caused the explosion. | ||
2 Seconds | 10,000,000,000 | 100 million | ||
3 Minutes | 1,000,000,000 | Protons/Neutron forming Helium & Hydrogen | ||
20 Minutes | Approx 25% of universe's Protons/Neutrons are Helium | |||
10 K Years | 10,000 | 0.000,000,000,000,000,01 | Most of the initial energy has formed Mass vs. radiation | |
15 billion years later | -270 | 10 (-27) |
There are of course many other models that keep coming out along with amendments to existing models. To be fair, scientist can claim they are improving on the formulas, models of these theories but why are they stating they are theories and in the same breath stating this is how it happened so there is no God required?
The full definition of the Big Bang from WIKI is available on this link. The short summary explanation of the first moments before the Big Bang called Singularity, using WIKI link is first there was a
"A gravitational singularity or space-time singularity is a location in space-time where the gravitational field of a celestial body becomes infinite in a way that does not depend on the coordinate system."
There are a few theories:
From the Christian Perspective, the answer is God. God is a non-contingent being that created the contingent universe. In Philosophical Proofs, there is the discussion that no matter how far back in time that can be examined, there has to come a point when there was a Being/Entity that was not caused by something else to start everything.
Recall in Exodus 3:14, that God's name is "I AM", which has more significance than we can possibly imagine. Additionally, there are theories that we all live in a reality of at least 10 dimensions. God exists outside of all the dimensions, because He create everything, which means He exists outside of everything. Everything is in the Kingdom of God.
Two are important points that are being ignored in all the debates on the "point in time" that was containing the theoretical entity called Singularity:
These two previous points is not to imply that is where God exists, or Singularity is how God started Creation. We know from the Book of Genesis that the Universe was created after the Earth was already present as read in Genesis 1:14-17.
In one of many debates by the famous astronomer and agnostic Carl Sagan, who wrote the book Contact which became a block buster movie, Carl debated a prominent Christian Apologist (whose name is being left out purposely). In the debate, Carl Sagan had to admit that there most likely had to be an external cause to act on the Singularity in order for it to explode and to start the Universe. Furthermore, in this debate:
From many inferences in Carl Sagan's interviews and lectures, it is apparent that he saw life on Earth as being responsible by most likely Extraterrestrial interference that was done purposely.
Another popular book/movie, from long ago, was "2001: a Space Odyssey", which attributes the changes on the earth to a Monolith visiting the planet Earth is how evolution happened by the imparting of information.
In a fun watch of the classic Dr Who TV show, one of the episodes called "City of Death", Dr Who is trying to stop Scaroth from going back in time where Scaroth wants to stop his spacecraft from exploding which was the trigger to starting life on earth by electricity hitting mud/earth (Miller-Urey experiment). (As a side note, there is a funny blooper part at the end of the episode where a hand comes into view holding one of the seat props for the filming that somehow didn't get edited out of the TV show.)
These three examples above, of what could be many, is often the secular explanation given for the Universe and how Earth's life get formed. Notice that they all point to an external influence.
No matter what is theorized by truly well meaning,
pontificating atheistic or agnostic scientists, who albeit use
fascinating mathematical models to explain the Big Bang and Singularity,
the Christian can simply use the following summary of the unrealistic
and improvable theory of the Singularity Start of the Universe: First there was nothing then nothing exploded. If this sounds funny, it is partially meant to be but also highly accurate on paraphrasing what the "Singularity Start of the Universe" is trying to assert. As of 2018, there is no new theories of: Where out of nothing, Singularity became something so that is could explode. Furthermore, people, who believe in the Big Bang, often are self-described atheists, where they will state when a human-being dies, then the person becomes nothing. It can been said that the Atheist believe in a god with a name of "Nothing". Therefore, with humor intended:
Near Death Experiences, people coming back from the dead after more than ten minutes, are one of so many proofs including the hundreds of scriptures prophesying the future before it happened and will happen should be a good starting place for an Atheists to realize there is no god of nothing. |
As detailed in the timetable above on the expansion of the universe, there are several very interesting theories on what happened after a small fraction of 1 second had occurred during the explosion and subsequent expansion.
Many non-believing scientists (NBS) are starting to get angry, on many YouTube videos, with Christians making statements like "when first there was nothing and the nothing exploded" because the NBS (not this author) claim there is an abundance of evidence, that theoretically, when rolling back the laws of physics and using Einstein's theory of Relativity proves that the Universe was once in the state of Singularity at the size of a grain of sand. Many NBS publications will go further to point out that the Big Bang does not explain the origin of the Singularity, only what happened after the "expansion", so Christians are attacking points that the Big Bang never addressed. NBS will also state that the Big Bang is plausible and a reliable theory that "starts" off when the Universe is already in an infancy of existence.
There are many questions that could be asked regarding these statements by the non-believing scientists:
As a Christian, there should be no problem to agree on some points with NBS who are against the Biblical Creation. For the sake of a starting point of a positive dialogue with a NBS, there can be the following assertions thoughts:
because no one was there to know how God created the Universe and Scripture does not give these types of details. God created the laws that govern our reality, and science reveals and authenticates the Creator, in this author's opinion.
Somewhat conversely, when dealing with the future destruction of the Universe, we know that God states the Universe will be burnt up in the end. So, if the universe, in the future, is capable of reaching intense heat to be destroyed then Christians do not need to be concerned if the universe was in a state of intense heat in the beginning. Christians need to accept God's Word that He created it. Understanding cosmology and physics with the purpose of honoring God is a great and honorable undertaking. It is this author's opinion that most of the publicized discussions on a secular evolutionary creation of the universe is done with the purpose of eliminating God and thus removing accountability to God.
2 Peter 3:10 -13 | 10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat, and the earth and its works will be burned up. 11 Since all these things are to be destroyed in this way, what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, 12 looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be destroyed by burning, and the elements will melt with intense heat! 13 But according to His promise we are looking for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells. |
Regarding details in the Bible on physics on how Stars and the Universe was created by God, there is nothing scientific presented as it is apparent that God didn't give mankind an architectural design book on everything created by God! Nor do we need an explanation on all science areas. The Scriptures are overwhelmingly there to teach us who God is, Him reaching out to mankind after falling which separated us from Him and to give us the way to be Saved through the free gift of Jesus Christ's payment for sins that separate us.
Searching on the internet can lead to videos and transcripts of Carl Sagan, and other NBS, debating Christians and supposedly the Christians coming off as losers when discussing the origin of the Universe. Note that back in 1980s, this author has heard excerpts from debates, on Christian Radio, where Carl Sagan was gracious and neither side won the debate. There is wonderful scientific information coming out of organizations like Institute for Creation Research and Answer in Genesis to help Christians hear about other plausible theories that give honor to our Creator.
If you are a Christian reading this and like debating non-Believers, with the belief that you are evangelizing, please stop as the Gospel ~ Good News ~ is delivered in love and not in antagonism. Making non-Believers mad at you by insisting your viewpoint is correct is counterproductive and does more harm than good. The Internet is full of videos of Christians, who most likely have the best of intentions, are made to look like fools, ignorant and even stupid when debating scientific information when the Christian is not competent with scientific facts, equations and theories.
An excerpt from the E=mc^2 topic,
where this author does NOT believe in the Big Bang or Singularity
as God did a Creation and
Stretching of the Universe where
our Universe is a subset of a larger reality, but
God could allow some of the Quantum Physic laws and equations be true
that are not based on a Singularity and a Big Bang event.
Quantum Entanglement's premise is mentioned because of the interesting theory that "if the Universe was in a state of Singularity" then the particles that were created after the Big Bang were at one time part of a single highly compressed particle or collection of particles. According to a few theories, then the particles after being separated could still have a linkage with the ability to send and receive communications of some kind to one another because of the previous state of a link in the singularity. This author is not endorsing this theory, and mentioning it for the reader's awareness. The definition of Quantum Entanglement is defined as the ability for particles at the subatomic level to be paired to either one or more other subatomic particles, that can be separated by large distances, and have the ability to interact with each other. This might involve sharing data, shapes, speed, behavior in terms of waves or bursts. There is unique circumstance that has been noted in some quantum documentation dealing with Quantum Entanglement, where quantum particles are capable of going faster than the speed of light. Theories coming out on an explanation of this phenomenon go further past the E=mc^2 and special relativity equations and require new mathematical models that do not exist as of the year 2019. In some recent news stories, there is the belief that China and possibly Russia along with the United States are experimenting with aspects of Quantum Entanglement as a means of sending and receiving data. This would eliminate the problems with hostile interception of data by the known methods. As an example, radio waves can be intercepted. If Quantum Entanglement is developed and is a sustainable means of sending and receiving data, then the possibilities are almost endless for the uses. An interesting question, with a follow-up question, that this author has not seen posted yet anywhere on the Internet research sites:
There are some frontiers of science that are now proposing that the known universe is a subset of a larger reality. There are many theories such as those spoken about in this article from ** that raises the possibility of a larger reality. In Job 38, God is giving Job a science lesson and in the verses of 19 through 20, God is telling Job that:
Job 38:19-20 | 19 What is the way to the abode of light? And where does darkness reside? 20 Can you take them to their places? Do you know the paths to their dwellings? |
In the Christian realm of scientists, which can be backed up from scriptures, we are told that the universe is a small subset of the Kingdom of God. Notice in Revelation 11:12 "Then they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, Come up here. And they went up to heaven in a cloud, while their enemies looked on." Notice that the enemies could see heaven and the two witnesses ascending into heaven which means it is always there and just not viewable unless God intends it to be. Also, in Job 38, the scripture points out that the Angels shouted for joy in the creation of the Earth and the Stars. Additionally, as discussed earlier in this topic in 2 Peter 3:10 -13, we know that the universe is going to destroyed and a new one will be created, which means there is a larger reality for the subset of the universe to be destroyed and recreated.
** From publications, the theory of traveling through a worm hole requires "unknown exotic materials" to stabilize and technology that mankind does not possess.
In the scriptures, God gave us enough information to have faith and to reveal there has to be a Creator. Without even the scriptures, the unbelieving world has no excuses or alibi when appearing before Jesus Christ at the Great White Throne of Judgment by the evidence of the Universe.
Biblical Scholars point out that there is the Gospel Message in the naming of the Stars and Constellations, which is revealed in the studies of the Mazzaroth. Additionally, the scriptures give us clues and information that reinforce our faith.
1 | Heavens (plural) | Genesis 1:1 | In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. |
2 | It can be torn | Isaiah 64:1 | If only you would tear open the heavens and come down, so that the mountains would quake at your presence |
3 | It was stretched | Isaiah 40:22 | It is he who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them like a tent to dwell in; |
4 | New Heavens and new Earth | Isaiah 65:17 | For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth, and the former things shall not be remembered or come into mind. |
5 | Hang on nothing | Job 26:7 | He stretches out the north over the void and hangs the earth on nothing. |
6 | Earth given to man | Psalm 115:16 | The heavens are the Lord s heavens, but the earth he has given to the children of man. |
7 | Names all the Stars | Psalm 147:4 | He counts the number of the stars; He gives names to all of them. |
8 | Cannot contain God | 2 Chronicles 6:18 | But will God indeed dwell with man on the earth? Behold, heaven and the highest heaven cannot contain you, how much less this house that I have built! |
9 | New Heavens and new Earth | Revelation 21:1 | Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. |
What to read next?
See: (a) Time and Time Travel, (b) Time Domains, (c) Kingdom of God, (d) E=mc , (e) Evolution, (f) Ten Dimensions of the Universe, (g) Age of the Earth, Periods that Developed Life, Heavens, (h) Gap Theory of Genesis 1:2 - Earth formless for billions of years (i) Science Topics Menu