What is Time and is Time Travel possible?

Created: 13-Dec-2018

God exists outside of Time and is Eternal

Last updated: 24-Feb-2025

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1 God Exists Outside of His Creation 2 Summary and Examples on Time and Time Travel
3 Science Fiction 4 Is Time Travel Possible?
5 Time Travel in Higher Dimensions 6 Light is a Constraint
7 Unknown Logistics 8 Biological Problems
9 Twin Astronauts and Time Travel Paradox 10 Grandfather Paradox, Quantum Entanglement and Butterfly Effect

God exists outside of His Creation

The Kingdom of God was created by God, and God existed before He created the Earth, Universe, Heaven and even the Kingdom of God.
Isaiah 57:15 For thus says the One who is high and lifted up, who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: I dwell in the high and holy place, and also with him who is of a contrite and lowly spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly, and to revive the heart of the contrite.
Isaiah 46:9-10 9 "Remember the former things long past, For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is no one like Me, 10 Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things which have not been done, Saying, 'My purpose will be established, And I will accomplish all My good pleasure';

Time Travel is defined loosely as the ability to transport a person or inanimate objects through time that may be a different geographical location.

Summary and Examples on Time and Time Travel

Time has many fascinating and interesting aspects that are also reflected in the famous Theory of Special Relativity and the closely related E=mc^2,   The E=mc^2 is one of the key results of Special Relativity.

Some points:

  1. Time is not uniform, as it is a physical property that can change when mass, speed / acceleration, and gravity. 
    (a) As an example, an Atomic Clock's time will run slightly faster at higher altitudes on Earth because of a weaker gravity.  This is known as "gravitational time dilation" which is part of Einstein's theory of general relativity.


    (b) As another example, as speed of an object increases, time will slow down which is another part of time dilation.

    (c) A famous experiment, "Hafele-Keating experiment", had two atomic clocks (with the exact same time) placed on aircraft that flew twice around the world going eastward and westward.  At the end of the flight, they differed in time from one another and also with another identical atomic clock at the U.S. Naval Observatory.  Atomic clocks when stationary and next to one another, will not differ in time.

    (d) In newer experiments, based on the principles of E=mc and how time moves, time can be measured to the smallest of time fragments.  With some humor intended, we live less by the smallest of time differences:
    * by living at higher altitudes on the Earth, and
    * time passes slower when we move faster. 

    (e) In a hypothetical example of two people that have the same life spans of 80-years:
    * Assume one person lives on Earth, and another lives on a planet in another solar system
    * The other planet is vastly different in size, weight and speed rotation around its star.
    * The two people living in vastly different time-domains separated in the universe, absolutely live the same duration of 80-years lifespans.
    * The difference in time-domains will cause one can to appear from the other location as living less or longer because of the effects of mass, speed, and gravity.  

    (e) As an example regarding Time Travel that is NOT scientifically correct but helps as an illustration, there is the popular movie Planet of the Apes - released in 1968 where the astronauts come back to the Earth in a distant future.  While the astronauts were in orbit around the Earth, they experienced a different time domain that has the Earth's time progress hundreds and hundreds of years into the future.  The entire movie, until the ending's famous scene (shown below), has the primary character thinking his spacecraft crashed on another planet until he comes across New York City's Statue of Liberty that is in ruins.

  2. In relation to God, we need to understand that God is not a Deity that has plenty of time.  God exists outside of Time and outside of the restrictions of Time.

  3. According to Einstein's General Relativity, there is not a distinction between time and space in a four-dimensional continuum.
    Space and Time are intertwined in a manner that it is a four-dimensional continuum named "spacetime", where the three spatial dimensions (length, height, depth with the time-dimension) are connected.  The fascinating part is mass (weight) causes spacetime to have curvature affects in the flow of time, where large objects like stars, planes, and also moons affect the flow of time and also how time is experienced in their location / vicinity.  In a summation, mass and energy will cause a warping of the "fabric of spacetime" because of the gravitational effects.

  4. Both Chaos Theory and Quantum Physics point to Time as a quantized property which means it can be measured.

Science Fiction

In popular and fanciful Science Fiction, it is entertaining to believe that somehow there is a speed that will allow an object to go backward in time.  This is not possible in a Four-Dimensional World that we exist in.  In the higher Dimensions in the Universe, there are the theories of being able to see and travel into the past and future. 

According to Special Relativity E=mc , as an object increases in speed, its size increases, where this puts an eventual limitation on speed.  If an object was approaching the speed of light, then the objects mass would also approach infinity. 

Is Time Travel Possible?

It is impossible for human beings to design and build anything to go back in time.  There have been theories that it may be possible to go into the future, as discussed in the Twin Astronauts and Time Travel Paradox at the end of this topic, if mankind could build a spacecraft with specific speed requirements.  If the hypothetical spacecraft could reach a specific speed in space, and then return to earth, then more time would have passed on earth than in the spacecraft.

God can:

As mentioned in the Dimensions in the Universe topic, what will be perceived and not always discussed by different Scientist that specialize in Superstring Theory's possibilities of time travel, is the factor of light

Light reflecting from the past, carries with it the reflections that have occurred in the past.  Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation, a particle, a packet of photons and behaves like a wave and a particle at the same time.  Consider an incident:

  1. An Object A is receiving light images from another Object B that is at any distance away.
  2. Suddenly Object B, with the light that is omitting and the light surrounds it, is transported through time to be adjacent to Object A so Object A is suddenly getting the light image of Object B twice.

Two questions, of many, concerning this event with consideration of energy, light, mass and time changes:

  1. What happens in the vicinity of Object A now that the light image Object B from the past intersects with the light image of Object B that was transported? 
  2. Does the light image of Object B's double occurrence cancel, annihilate, warm the temperature of the area affected or something unexpected?

Time Travel in Higher Dimensions

In an excerpt from the Ten Dimensions in our Universe Topic regarding higher dimensions:

According to Superstring Theory, from 1984, The Fifth and Sixth Dimensions is where other possible worlds are located. 

The theories on time travel at greater dimensions, are problematic because they suggest that one could enter a time-stream in the past or future.  Repeating the question from above, the perceptions that are not always discussed by Scientist that specialize in Superstring Theory is the factor of LightLight reflecting from the past, carries with it the reflections that have occurred in the past, which will have an affect according to many theories.  In other words, light from a traveling object can intersect from other time streams of light to change the naturally occurring event. 

Light is a Constraint

As we know from the theory of Black Holes that Light can be bent and also stopped from acceleration / movement along with the creation of energy and even mass when Photons (light) have no mass but can create mass in special circumstances as discussed in E=mc .  Would time travel from someone or something, which has that ability from higher dimensions have an adverse effect?  The answer theoretically is yes.

As one of many examples, suppose a person could repeatedly jump backwards in time at an interval of a few seconds.  Do the events, energy, Light, mass and time change create a vortex of some kind for lack of a better description for the moment of arrivals?  As a partial example of the constructs to be considered, we all are familiar with light being amplified in a magnifying glass which is aimed at something like paper or wood, where the light intensified can catch the paper on fire. This is just one area of many problem areas concerning going back in time where light is amplified, energy is increased, mass is added and the effects of time are altered for the area around the event. 

Unknown Logistics

There are still the problems on making sure to not be transported inside of a tree, mountain, in the path of a moving object or on top of a lake.  When there is mass, movement and energy being added to existing mass, movement and energy, would the change by an object coming from another time, cause:

(a) an explosion,
(b) collapse of materials from increased gravity;
(c) heat increased to burn up all areas in the event?

These are the logistics problem areas which are nominally mentioned in Science Fiction literature and movies.  As a very weak attempt to dramatize this problem by Hollywood in the popular Terminator movies, the time traveling event required the transported person to have a circular sphere of energy around him that destroyed anything in the immediate area that ensured the safety of moving in time.

Biological Problems

One last additional point regarding traveling in time to the past, is the past has already occurred so traveling back into it would require the ability to sustain travel in higher dimensions, which Quantum Physicist state is impossible for mankind's biological design.

Twin Astronauts and Time Travel Paradox

From science we know that energy can change its Form into Matter and Matter is subject to Time.  How fast time passes can be different from one place to another depending upon mass, gravity and speed of the object at a particular location which is a part of Einstein's Theory of Relativity.  As an example, there is the famous "twin astronauts aging differently when one of the twins travels to Alpha Centauri theory" where if one of the twins travels at half the speed of light to Alpha Centauri and back, then he returns at a different age than his brother. 

Since the time of the Twin Astronauts theory was proposed in the 1960s, there have been some amendments.  This link on "Twins Paradox of Relativity Is Absolutely Wrong" explains the theory with corrections.  (If link is missing to Twins Paradox, click here.)

Grandfather Paradox, Quantum Entanglement and Butterfly Effect

The Grandfather Paradox is a theory that if Time Travel is possible then a Time Traveler could go back in time and murder his or her grandfather before the grandfather has children, which then is an act of suicide for the Time Traveler.  This is because the Time Traveler's parent was never born of the grandfather, which causes the Time Traveler to never be born.

There is actually research done at the most prestigious of American Universities which are proposing the Grandfather Paradox is guarded by the laws of time which prohibit Time Travelers from murdering their progenitors.  The proposed explanation, which doesn't disclose it is a theory, states that there is Closed Timelike Curves (CTCs) that go through time and space which always return to their starting point.  The CTC theory guarantee there is the same place to return, and additionally the place is exactly like it was before the Time Travel.   Furthermore, the CTC is supposedly like a curved path of limited Time Travelling for a Time Traveler which only allows navigation through time to specific areas of history in the past that will not conflict with any events, people and conditions that can alter or change the ability to return to the same time and place coordinate which was left from.

There is also research being done in CTC areas that involves ideas and concepts of Quantum Entanglement as a means of Teleportation.

An excerpt from the E=mc topic, where this author does NOT believe in the Big Bang or Singularity as God did a Creation and Stretching of the Universe where our Universe is a subset of a larger reality, but God could allow some of the Quantum Physic laws and equations be true that are not based on a Singularity and a Big Bang event.  

Quantum Entanglement's premise is mentioned because of the interesting theory that "if the Universe was in a state of Singularity" then the particles that were created after the Big Bang were at one time part of a single highly compressed particle or collection of particles.  According to a few theories, then the particles after being separated could still have a linkage with the ability to send and receive communications of some kind to one another because of the previous state of a link in the singularity.  This author is not endorsing this theory, and mentioning it for the reader's awareness.

The definition of Quantum Entanglement is defined as the ability for particles at the subatomic level to be paired to either one or more other subatomic particles, that can be separated by large distances, and have the ability to interact with each other.  This might involve sharing data, shapes, speed, behavior in terms of waves or bursts. 

There is unique circumstance that has been noted in some quantum documentation dealing with Quantum Entanglement, where quantum particles are capable of going faster than the speed of light.  Theories coming out on an explanation of this phenomenon go further past the E=mc equation and require new mathematical models that do not exist as of the year 2019. 

In some recent news stories, there is the belief that China and possibly Russia along with the United States are experimenting with aspects of Quantum Entanglement as a means of sending and receiving data.  This would eliminate the problems with hostile interception of data by the known methods.  As an example, radio waves can be intercepted.

If Quantum Entanglement is developed and is a sustainable means of sending and receiving data, then the possibilities are almost endless for the uses.  An interesting question, with a follow-up question, that this author has not seen posted yet anywhere on the Internet research sites:

  1. What if there is an environment that becomes available to receive data, consisting of all aspects of a linked particle location, that is somewhere else in the universe where we do not know the location and cannot rely on the data being received because of the unknown source? 
  2. While this author does not believe in Extraterrestrials from other planets somewhere in the universe, have those involved in this research considered this possibility as a type of hostile interferences or interception from Extraterrestrials, or really the Nephilm?

After reading the theories and possibilities of using Quantum Entanglement as a mean of communications, then there is a theory that there may be a  way to instruct particles at a different location to assemble and organize themselves to exactly duplicate a person.   This would be a form of instantaneous travel that is also called "Quantum Teleportation".  This theoretical possibility is suggesting if there is a means for organizing particles through Quantum Entanglement to assemble and organize themselves in different time streams of the past and future to duplicate a person, assuming that particles at the Quantum Level are not subject to time constraints, then Quantum Teleportation can also include Time Travelling. 

This author is discussing these areas of Time Traveling for the reader to be aware, and already has stated that Time Travelling is impossible for human-beings in our four dimensional limited constraints.  Another reason why Time Travel is impossible because of our designed bodies' limitations unless intervened by God as He did with the Apostle John, what is often called as the Butterfly Effect.

This author has not seen the Butterfly Effect principle discussed in any Time Travel articles and theories with the Grandfather Paradox, CTC and Quantum Entanglement research.   The Butterfly Effect would be an impossible obstacle for the CTC safe-guard theories against altering the past to affect the Time Traveler's return point.  As already stated, the CTC is supposed to guarantee and prohibit the Grandfather Effect by only allowing time streams that do not affect the Time Traveler, but that is impossible to be safe-guarded against.

The Butterfly Effect is often referenced as part of Chaos Theory which states that the smallest changes in a complex environment can have very large effects to the whole environment.  The name "butterfly" was given as part of the naming of the effect because even the smallest of all touches to an environment, such as the flapping of a butterfly's wings on an object, can disturb and alter an environment over a time-period as what is called as a domino effect.  A domino effect is given as a visual analogous example of the child's game where a chain of standing dominoes, assembled adjacent to one another, can all fall down when a single domino at the beginning of the adjacent dominoes falls against the adjacent domino.  Additionally, the Butterfly Effect has also been described as a "Ripple Effect" in a pool of water that is disturbed by a pebble thrown in the middle of the pool of water that sends a small wave to the edges of the pool of water which thus effects all of the surface area of the pool of water.

Regarding the Butterfly Effect, if a Time Traveler goes back in time, then the simplest change could disrupt the entire future as dramatized in many fantasy and science fiction television shows and movies.  In regards to the Grandfather Effect, the Time Traveler does not have to murder his or her grandfather to prohibit the Time Traveler from being born.  The Time Traveler could stop any event in the past such as:

What to read next?

See: (a) Time Domains, (b) Kingdom of God, (c) Singularity and the Big Bang Theories, (d) Evolution, (e) Ten Dimensions of the Universe, (f) Age of the Earth, Periods that Developed Life, Heavens, (g) Gap Theory of Genesis 1:2 - Earth formless for billions of years

Reference on photons having mass: http://www.desy.de/pub/www/projects/Physics/Relativity/SR/light_mass.html