Special Relativity and E=mc^2 | Created: 25-Apr-2019 |
God is described as Perfect Light | Last updated: 15-Sep-2022 |
A A A help |
Most likely everyone has heard of Albert Einstein's famous equation of E=mc^2 which is defined as {Energy} = {Mass} multiplied by {Speed of Light} squared. Two of the parts of the equation dealing with {Energy} and {Mass}, do not require much discussion.
The Theory of Special Relativity and the closely related E=mc^2 is a fascinating area of science that gives glory to God, The E=mc^2 is one of the key results of Special Relativity.
The E=mc^2 equation itself, and the factor of light poses some very interesting thoughts and questions, where this topic gives an introductory explanation, given at a high level, and presented in layman's terms. For the Christian there is some surprising information, when examining the equation, point to Creation by God.
The theory of Special Relativity and one of the key results of E=mc^2 , when discussed by scientists, along with those who specialize in the area of Quantum Physics, lets us know some important points:
Ten years after Einstein published this Theory of Special Relativity, he further concluded many other aspects and here are two additional important points:
An Atom is mostly empty space, where the atom is made up of electrons, protons and neutrons. If we look at the atom's components, there are even smaller parts to the atoms that are described as composite particles that are similar to protons and neutrons. These composite particles are known as subatomic particles.
There are over 200 sub-atomic particles. Some are subject to the Strong's force that are hadrons, some are not subject to the Strong's force and they are called Leptons. A Quark is most likely the most commonly known of the hadrons. Quarks, while never have been observed, are theoretically proven to exists and confirmed through experiments. All of these are fascinating reads to research.
In the world of Quantum Physics, there are many whimsical names for the subatomic Particles, such as "Up quark", "Bottom quark", "Charm quark", "Up antiquark", "Bottom antiquark", "Charm antiquark" to name just a few. Notice the "anti" named quarks, as some of the Particles are fractionally charged as positive, and these same Particles also have an anti-Particles.
The equations that make up the physics equations involving these Particles have the ability to do some very interesting things. For example, if a positive and a negative Particle collide, they annihilate one another and can/may throw off a proton or photon. The field of Quantum Physics is a science where events are not always guaranteed to result in the same outcome.
Photons are one of the subatomic particles that scientist speak and sometimes differ on what are the properties of it which are the source of light.
Many of the equations in the Quantum Physics world are reversible. The idea of reversibility can possibly imply that light created particles out of nothing. The reason is if there is annihilation when a collision happens where light is given off in the form of a Proton, then it may be possible that light can create the Positive and Negative Particles when the equation is reversed. Some Biblical based Scientist have proposed the question is this a possibility on what happened in Genesis 1:3 when thinking in scientific terms? While God does not give us the engineering on how He created light, it does say that God created Light.
Science find shows Light can create particles:
Textual capture for language translations on this page: "A team of 20 physicists from four institutions has literally made something from nothing, creating particles of matter from ordinary light for the first time. The experiment was carried out at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) by scientists and students from the University of Rochester, Princeton University, the University of Tennessee, and Stanford. The team reported the work in the Sep 1 issue of Physical Review Letters."
James 1:17 | Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. |
Genesis 1:3 | And God said, Let there be light, and there was light. |
Our whole universe is made up of Particles and anti-Particles. The world of Quantum Physics is a science of non-causality and non-deterministic where nothing is guaranteed to always occur. Much of the information coming out of the science of Quantum Physics is stating that it is as if every Particle in the Universe knows what the other Particles are doing and the Particles only operate one way when being "observed" and others ways when not being "observed". This has led to some research into Quantum Entanglement, which is discussed below.
This author only has a limited very high-level understanding of this area and will give you a few quotes from Richard Feynnam, theoretical physicist, to frame the difficulty in understanding of this science:
When considering the speed of light and if light can be stopped, there are many interesting scriptural references. Consider when reading these passages, the time period that these written as given by God. Both the Books of Job and Isaiah have estimated creation dates that are over 2500 years old, when humanity would not have even thought about the components of light and darkness.
Isaiah 45:7 |
I form the light, and
create darkness; I make peace, and create evil; I am Jehovah, that doeth all these things.
Note that "evil" is a judgment from God and this passage is reflecting a warning to Israel. We know from the Lord's prayer that we are asking to be delivered from evil. |
Job 38:17 Job 38:19 |
Have you seen the
gates of the deepest darkness? What is the way to the abode of light? And where does darkness reside? |
Some of the many fascinating aspects concerning light are:
The question is if photons have zero mass, then what is stopping photons, light, from escaping black holes? In Isaiah 45:7, listed above, God lets us know that He creates darkness.
The next questions from a Biblical Perspective, is darkness simply the absence of light? The answer appears to be no, as there is no reasons for creating darkness and Biblical Experts believe this is a reference to Black Holes which light, Photons, cannot escape.
Regarding Black Holes and the question of light not being able to escape, the Photons contribute to the energy being generated in a Black Hole, so the Photons are then drawn into the Black Hole according to many mathematical formulas.
No matter how intensive, exhaustive and correctly appearing the answers come out of the formulas, light continues to be filled with fascinating paradoxes and many more questions. There are additional theories that continue to be refined and postulated such as:
There is another of Einstein's equations R(radius)= (2GM)/(c^2) that is proposing that this is a formula to indicate the requirement the size limitation for light to escape a black hole in outer-space, and not have the light become a state of Singularity. The formula is called the Schwarzhild Radius. While it interesting, it argued to be correct along with incorrect while still worthy of having a familiarity of the formula and related formulas. |
Quantum Entanglement's premise is mentioned because of the interesting theory that "if the Universe was in a state of Singularity" then the particles that were created after the Big Bang were at one time part of a single highly compressed particle or collection of particles. According to a few theories, then the particles after being separated could still have a linkage with the ability to send and receive communications of some kind to one another because of the previous state of a link in the singularity. This author is not endorsing this theory, and mentioning it for the reader's awareness.
The definition of Quantum Entanglement is defined as the ability for particles at the subatomic level to be paired to either one or more other subatomic particles, that can be separated by large distances, and have the ability to interact with each other. This might involve sharing data, shapes, speed, behavior in terms of waves or bursts.
There is unique circumstance that has been noted in some quantum documentation dealing with Quantum Entanglement, where quantum particles are capable of going faster than the speed of light. Theories coming out on an explanation of this phenomenon go further past the E=mc^2 equation and require new mathematical models that do not exist as of the year 2019.
In some recent news stories, there is the belief that China and possibly Russia along with the United States are experimenting with aspects of Quantum Entanglement as a means of sending and receiving data. This would eliminate the problems with hostile interception of data by the known methods. As an example, radio waves can be intercepted.
If Quantum Entanglement is developed and is a sustainable means of sending and receiving data, then the possibilities are almost endless for the uses. An interesting question, with a follow-up question, that this author has not seen posted yet anywhere on the Internet research sites:
The Paradox for those who do not believe in the possibility of a God
of the Bible actually has confirmation of God's attributes (in a minor
way) being
discovered in the field of
Quantum Mechanics:
These two fascinating areas of developmental work are accepted by the scientific community. Yet when the scriptures state that God is omnipresent, which is a form of instantaneous knowledge from anywhere, like Quantum Entanglement defines as possible, then the ability of God knowing everything happening anywhere is rejected as not possible by non-Christians.
Note: Magic does not exist so in order to allow Quantum Entanglement to work for data transfer theoretically implies the ability to use a different dimensionality. There has to be a medium / conduit / connection for data to use for transfer, which Quantum Entanglement research has not yet discovered or revealed at this time. |
The observable part of the Black Hole has been studied and continues to perplex scientists. Determining what occurs in the center (or centers) of a Black Hole can only be theatrically imagined. In decades past, there were theories that Black Holes were portals to other universes, where something that exists outside of a four dimensional limitation could use the portal.
Considering the two scriptural references Job 38:17 and 19, already sited above in this topic, there may be a conclusion from the scriptures that Black Holes are a gate to something that God created, which possibly was corrupted after the eating of the forbidden fruit by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. This author's belief is the purpose of Black Holes will not be known until the Judgment Seat of Christ.
Job 38:17 Job 38:19 |
Have you seen the
gates of the deepest darkness? What is the way to the abode of light? And where does darkness reside? |
Here are two of most prominent and interesting theories concerning Black Holes:
Human beings are confined to a four dimensional reality, so this eliminates the possibility of use of a Black Hole for travel as cited in many scientific theories.
Regarding the Scriptural implications:
Matthew 22:11-14 | 11 But when the king came in to behold the guests, he saw there a man who had not on a wedding-garment: 12 and he saith unto him, Friend, how camest thou in hither not having a wedding-garment? And he was speechless. 13 Then the king said to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and cast him out into the outer darkness; there shall be the weeping and the gnashing of teeth. 14 For many are called, but few chosen. |
What to read next?
See: (a) Time and Time Travel, (b) Time Domains, (c) Kingdom of God, (d) Singularity and the Big Bang Theories, (e) Evolution, (f) Ten Dimensions of the Universe, (g) Age of the Earth, Periods that Developed Life, Heavens, (h) Gap Theory of Genesis 1:2 - Earth formless for billions of years (i) Science Topics Menu