Great Pyramid of Egypt in the Bible?

Created: 4-Nov-2018

Controversial topic with interesting theories

Last updated: 28-Mar-2025

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1 Introduction 2 Josephus Reference
3 Pharaoh Cheops built the Great Pyramid? 4 Khufu Fraud
5 Was Pharaoh Cheops Enoch? 6 Who Built the Great Pyramid, How long, and Method?
7 The Questions that No One Can Answer 8 Covered with Limestone and Exterior Surface Smooth?
9 Religious Carvings on the Great Pyramid? 10 Isaiah 19:19-20, Jeremiah 32:30 Theory
11 Statistical and Descriptive Information 12 Calendar Theories
13 Shaft Theories 14 Power Source and Radio Transmitter?
15 Other Types of Power Sources Inside Pyramids? 16 Chambers in the Great Pyramid that are Still Unkonwn?
17 Other Pyramids Creating an Electric Power Grid? 18 Serapeum of Saqqara
19 UFO Connection? 20 Want More to Read


The world is littered with many ancient archeological relics, that defy explanation and many are not known who created them.  The Great Pyramid of Egypt is one of them, and there are often conflicting and not necessarily reliable theories on who created them. 

Is the Great Pyramid of Egypt mentioned in the Bible?  There are many who believe it is mentioned in Isaiah and Jeremiah.  So, a brief summary of the basis of the theory and much more is warranted. 

In recent decades, archeological evidence is being discovered that is enhancing many of the beliefs concerning Pyramids and other ancient peoples.  There is practically no place on earth that does not have ancient ruins and pyramids.  In some pyramid and ancient relics, there are human skeletons and mummies found that are sometimes significantly larger than modern-day humans with a height of 8 foot', 243 centimeters or a little larger. 

Unbeknownst to many people, there is a pyramid that is larger than the Great Pyramid of Egypt.  The Great Pyramid of Cholula is actually larger in volume than the Great Pyramid.  In Collinsville, Illinois there is Monks Mound that can be seen is shaped as a pyramid, which is a location that would not be considered a location to find a pyramid.  In Rockwall, Texas there is an extraordinary ancient wall that defies explanation with a height of 40 feet, 1219 centimeters. 

Some other unique pyramids are:

There is unfortunately a great amount of contrived, embellished, and deliberate counterfeit archeological evidence being presented on ancient pyramids, relics, human remains, and age of the relics creation.  Much of the dissemination of false information is done rapidly through entertainment social media videos.  This author has the belief that the counterfeit information being done by people is deliberate for these reasons:

Two examples:

  1. In the year of 2024 there are some social media posts with a contrived video of the Gornaya Shoria Megaliths, stating the megaliths rival the Great Pyramid.  A quick and simple investigation from many sources besides Wikipedia Websites can conclude the megaliths are naturally occurring.
  2. There is the claim that the Ark of Noah being discovered on the distinct Volcano of Mountains of Ararat in modern-day Turkey where the evidence points elsewhere.

Josephus Reference?

Falavius Josephus in his book The Antiquities of the Jews refers to a brick pillar made by Seth which survives the Great Flood.  The question proposed, since this writing by Josephus, is what object on the Earth could still be intact after the Great Flood?  The possible answer is the Great Pyramid of Egypt.  This excerpt does not mean, beyond doubt, that Seth built the Great Pyramid but it is something that many have argued.  Note that in the excerpt below from Josephus, Siriad is modern day Egypt. 

In William Whiston's notes on his translation, one of his footnotes concerning these Pillars:

"(10) Of Josephus's mistake here, when he took Seth the son of Adam, for Seth or Sesostris, king of Egypt, the erector of this pillar in the land of Siriad, see Essay on the Old Testament, Appendix, p. 159, 160. Although the main point of this relation might be true, and Adam might foretell a conflagration and a deluge, which all antiquity witnesses to be an ancient tradition; nay, Seth's posterity might engrave their inventions in astronomy on two such pillars; yet it is no way credible that they could survive the deluge, which has buried all such pillars and edifices far underground in the sediment of its waters, especially since the like pillars of the Egyptian Seth or Sesostris were extant after the flood, in the land of Siriad, and perhaps in the days of Josephus also, as is shown in the place here referred to."

To argue from the other side of the William Whiston's footnote, if God intended for anything to survive the Great Flood, then that is God's prerogative.  Possibly the only other example, in terms of immenseness which we are able to see today, is the Great Flood creating the Grand Canyon, which by William's theory possibly should have been flattened out.  As you may be aware and ancillary to the Great Pyramid, there are some very world renowned Christian Scientific Research organizations who have very interesting computer models of the Grand Canyon's creation by the Great Flood along with many canyons in the bottom of the oceans that make the Grand Canyon look small.  Recently, there is scientific research stating there are vast oceans of water, that are larger than the oceans on the surface, which are in the Earth being stored in a plasma state in what is called ringwoodite.

Pharaoh Cheops built the Great Pyramid?

Some secular references credit the Pharaoh Cheops, or Pharaoh Keops, as the creator of the Great Pyramid between 3969 and 3908 BC.  Still other secular sources have the Great Pyramid created around 2250 BC.  It is interesting the discrepancy is theoretical building dates, which also shows Carbon Dating is not completely reliable, along with disagreements between archeologists.

Ancient writers Herodotus and Manetho give some different accounts on dates and Pharaohs that are also different.  It is interesting that some theories have Pharaoh Cheops closing temples and stopping sacrifices to gods during his reign, which a few Biblical Scholars theorize that this could mean Pharaoh Cheops was actually Enoch


Khufu Fraud

Some research works have stated that Pharaoh Cheops, may be also known as Khufu in Greek, built the Great Pyramid.  This is suspect and in this author's opinion absolutely not true.  Additionally, there was a fraud inside a mortuary chamber by a British explorer Col. Richard Howard Wyse in 1837, who apparently painted Kufu's name in it. 

The theory is Wyse did this fraud to secure funding for the expedition by proving that he found something that no one else had yet discovered.  The place where the supposed discovery occurred was originally explored by a Nathaniel Davidson in 1765 where Nathaniel did not report Khufu name anywhere.

Was Pharaoh Cheops Enoch?

Some researchers have theorized that Pharaoh Cheops was actually Enoch because of some vague writing that seem to point to Cheops visiting the Nile River near the Great Pyramid and then never being heard from again.  This is a very weak attempt to have corroboration evidence with Enoch being a Pharaoh who was stopping sacrifices to gods. 

As we know from the Scriptures concerning Enoch, was he walked with God for 300 years and then was taken, Raptured, by God.  Pharaoh Cheops not being heard from again does not make the theory true and this author is very skeptical on this theory. 

The very weak conjecture of the two men being the same, is based on Genesis 5:22- 24.

Genesis 5:22- 24 22 After he became the father of Methuselah, Enoch walked faithfully with God 300 years and had other sons and daughters.  23 Altogether, Enoch lived a total of 365 years 24 Enoch walked faithfully with God; then he was no more, because God took him away. 

Who Built the Great Pyramid, How Long and Method?

It is this author's opinion that the Great Pyramid was created before the times of the Pharaohs.  Furthermore, the identity of the builder or builders was purposely hidden.  Additionally, because of the absence of any hieroglyphics (discussed below), there was a significant purpose that is more than the traditional theories where there is not anything remaining from the period of time of the construction to let us know who build the Great Pyramid.

One theory is the builders were called the Kemet or Khemit (KMT).  The KMT were the so-called indigenous ancient people in the area.  As a reference, that is highly speculative, is the writing in Islam have Hakim (one of 99 names of Islam's god) called the Khemit people as Sesh which were theorized to be part of forty-two tribes that colonized that area of the world besides northeast Africa.

It is interesting the theories on:

The theories listed next are based on:

  1. The Greek Historian Herodotus wrote approximately in the year 450 BC that the Great Pyramid took twenty years to build
  2. Researchers from other Internet sources that state the building took twenty-seven years. 
  3. All sources state that the massive stone weighing multiple tons were transported by boats and carts. 

When doing some very simple calculations that focus on the construction aspect of the Great Pyramid based on the theories:

  1. That does not consider the technical aspects.
  2. That does not consider the transportation systems and people involved in the Stones transportation.
  3. Uses the 27 years instead of 20 years to build the Great Pyramid.
Assembly on site of Great Pyramid Estimation  
Number of blocks 2,300,000   Estimation as of the year 2024
Number of years to build 27   Estimation as of the year 2024
Years converted to days 9862   =(27 years X 365 days) + leap years (7 days)
Required Stone Blocks placed daily 233   =2,300,000 Stones divided by 9862 days (No holidays or rest days)
Work day 9 hours   This assumes workers are on site for eleven hours and have breaks
Stone Blocks Placement per hour 26   = 233 Stones divided by 9 hours

Some points regarding the assembly calculations that staggering in the implication of the how it was possible:

  1. The volume of stones, all having various sizes and weights in tons means there was a method that was used and did accomplish the construction.
  2. If the building of the Great Pyramid was accomplished in less than 30 years, approximated at 27 years, then according to the estimated number of Stone Blocks numbering 2,300,000 would require a placement of an average of 26 Stones every hour of the work day for a 27 year's building project.
  3. Even considering our modern-day construction equipment, there is no plausible theories on the equipment and methods required that would have been available to the ancient builders to move massive multiple ton stones at any point from the Rock Quarry to placement on the Great Pyramid.
    (a) For the reader's general knowledge, which this author is not endorsing, there are a few websites that have the theory that the Stone Blocks were made nearly weightless using some type of reverse magnetic lifting even though there is no metallic composition
    (b) There is the interesting history of Ed Leeskalnin who built Coral Castle in Florida that consists of 1,000 ton limestone blocks that Ed Leeskalnin stated he did not use anything that was very elaborate in the construction.  Some theories have stated that the method used to move one ton coral stones is the same method the ancient builders of the Great Pyramid could have possibly used albeit the Great Pyramid stones were significantly larger.
  4. The idea of wooden carts being able to have the massive stones loaded on is not feasible as the weight would have broken the cart and the wheels. 
  5. The idea of wooden boats being able to transport massive stones as cargo is not feasible based on the current knowledge of the types of Egyptian boats from that era.
  6. There are a few sources that are speculating that the massive stones were made to be almost weightless with reverse gravity like to magnets that repulse one another to enable the transporting of massive stones.
  7. No one has explained the rock quarry method that would have stones being cut with any type of equipment to be nearly or perfectly square along with the stone from being excavated from the source limestone.
  8. A recent proposal has the massive stones being moved across desert by wetting the sand in front of the stone to aid in movement.  This proposal is based on a wall painting in the tomb of Djehutihotep dated to 1900 BC.

A new theory, as of they year 2024, has the building blocks being formed from a liquid type of concrete that was poured in shapes:

  1. On the site of the Great Pyramid (or near by), then after hardening was moved into the required place on the pyramid, and
  2. In the actual required place was poured into a wood-shape box, where as it was hardening, the wood was removed to leave no gaps, and workers would continue to maintain the required shape with shovel type of tools.

The Questions that No One Can Answer

As long as there has been archeological research into the Great Pyramid, the true purpose has not been fully ascertained.  The three most prominent questions are:

There are many archeologists, including this author, that do not believe the Great Pyramid's primary purpose was built for a burial chamber.  The thought of the Great Pyramid being a burial chamber appears to be invented in the mid nineteen century.

Covered with limestone and exterior surface smooth?

According to Herodotus, the Great Pyramid had smooth stone work.   When looking at this translation in we read:

Notice that Herodotus makes mention of figures, not of gods, carved on the stone but he doesn't give a description of the figures which may have been placement indicators.  From many recent archeological investigations, there is very workable theories on how blocks were transported on the exterior to the interior of the Great Pyramid which would also possibly require placement directions.  Regarding the smooth service, it is a possibly that indicates it:

Religious Carvings on the Great Pyramid?

Throughout all the ancient stone temples and tombs found in the Egyptian area along with the unearthed ancient Jewelry, there is always carvings with religious significance.  The Great Pyramid, as of the date of this writing, appears to have no such stone carvings to give honor to gods.  This is very significant and mysterious which is why many Biblical Scholars believe in the theories of the Great Pyramid being built to honor one God.

Isaiah 19:19-20, Jeremiah 32:20 Theory

The two scriptures that some Christians believe are pointing to the theory that the Great Pyramid is mentioned in the Bible are:

Isaiah 19: 19-20 19 In that day there will be an altar to the Lord in the heart of Egypt, and a monument to the Lord at its border. 20 It will be a sign and witness to the Lord Almighty in the land of Egypt. When they cry out to the Lord because of their oppressors, he will send them a savior and defender, and he will rescue them.
Jeremiah 32:20 You performed signs and wonders in Egypt and have continued them to this day, in Israel and among all mankind, and have gained the renown that is still yours.

Notice that the location of the Great Pyramid is on the border between the upper and lower kingdom of Egypt.

Do these two scriptures point to the Great Pyramid as some have speculated?  Remember that the scriptures often have dual meanings like those concerning Lucifer Certainly, the Jeremiah passage is referring to the Exodus but does it also refer to the Great Pyramid because of the words "continued them to this day"?

Many Biblical Scholars have three primary points when arguing against the Pillar being the Great Pyramid in Isaiah 19:

  1. The scriptures are pointing to the nation of Egypt and what is about to happen to them as a nation.
  2. Egypt, in the Old Testament Period, was symbolic of the Satanic controlled areas of the World with the pagan gods.
  3. God would not use a Pillar made by pagans.  

While the first two points are valid and true, the third point cannot be definitely relied upon as no matter what is said by Archeologists concerning who built it as there is no definitive proof on who built the Great Pyramid.  The Great Pyramid may not have been designed and built by a Pagan architect.  Note that even if Seth did build the Great Pyramid, it doesn't mean that Isaiah 19: 19 is referring to the Great Pyramid. 

It almost goes without saying but needs to be mentioned, that the true inspiration for all of mankind is the God of the Biblical Scriptures.  If there is a scripture that points to everything we see in the universe, which could apply to the Great Pyramid, then it might be:

Romans 1:20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

This writer of this topic has mixed feelings about the builder.  Furthermore, this author cannot definitely say yes or no as to the Great Pyramid being referred to in the Scriptures.  Also, this author cannot endorse any other information detailed about the Great Pyramid as originating from God from any other documentation.  If the Great Pyramid was known to be a monument to the God of the Scriptures, then it has been lost as of the date of the writing on this topic. 

Statistical and Descriptive Information

These bullet items, are not an exhaustive list of the mathematical equations discovered dealing with the Great Pyramid.  They are based on several abbreviated excerpts from Books, which may contain some miss-calculations but are still worthy of some evaluation.  Take into consideration that with any structure being built, what are the chances of us getting so many details accomplished, over 4,000 years ago, without very advanced thinking, tools and knowledge? 

Calendar Theories

Starting around the 1920s and 1930s there were many attempts to equate dates with the measurements of the Great Pyramid to predict many things including the Rapture of the Church.  One of the more common methods was using inch measurements to correspond to years.

The basis of this was using a line starting from the slab of granite in the Antechamber to the base of the Grand Gallery which then intersects with an imaginary line from a side of the Great Pyramid.  Next an assumption was made that mankind started 4000BC and then using the intersection, of the imaginary line, to point with some calculations, the birth of Christ was then established as an anchor point.   As another example, using more measurements, WWI was pinpointed.  Without going further into many of the details, refer to other sources for the calculations and how a prediction was made to when the Rapture would occur.  The author of this Topic recalls three very familiar anecdotal sayings used in the Computer Software Engineering Realm:

This of course makes it sound like this author is ridiculing theories based on measurements, but actually, the points dealing with the calculations:

  1. Were most likely made by very talented historians, mathematicians, Bible prophecy lovers and people who evidentially love God very much and are hungry to learn from anything that might have God involved.
  2. The dates and calculations are a very interesting and fun read which may prove in the end to be correct, partially correct, wrong or completely misunderstood unfortunately. 

As always pointed out by this author, our authority is the written Word of God and nothing else can contradict or supersede it.  Also, an admonition to always remember is Revelation 22:19.

Revelation 22:19 and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book

One other interesting part (this author is not endorsing it) of the calculations is the theory that the time span, found in the calculations, points to a 25,826-year span of the Earth being in existence.  In this time span theory, the unexplained years are "assigned" to the "Gap Theory" of Genesis 1:1-2.  In other words, the 18,000 plus years are when the Earth lay void before God began the complete "rebuilding/redesign/creation", assuming there has been 6000 plus years of mankind on the earth.  The 6000 plus years comes from adding up the years of Generations listed in the Scriptures up until the time of Jesus the Christ and then adding an additional 2000 plus years since that time.

Some Scriptures to consider:

  1. Proverbs 25:2 has many implications where the question could be asked if God did conceal something in the Great Pyramid in the architecture.  Again, the reader of topics written in Biblical Thoughts are reminded, the ultimate authority for the Christian is the Word Of God.
    Proverbs 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honor of kings is to search out a matter.
  2. Romans 1:30 is another scripture that often applied to everything seen in God's Creation which He expects us to recognize based on "without excuse".  If the Great Pyramid was built by a Believer of God, which many well intentioned Christians are asserting, then can it be eliminated as not giving glory to God?  As mentioned in #1 above, still our authority is the Written Word of God.
    Romans 1:30 For his invisible attributes, that is, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen since the creation of the world, being understood through what he has made. As a result, people are without excuse.
  3. Regarding a prediction of the Rapture date, we know from scriptural verses in Mark 13:32 and Matthew 24:36, that no one can know the date.   At the time of Jesus speaking this to the Disciples, Jesus did not know but after His Ascension, Jesus would know the date and time according to Biblical Scholars.  Predicting the Rapture is a very complex discussion and cannot be done!  Most conservative and highly venerated Apologetics of the last few decades are mostly in agreement that it is impossible to know the date of the Rapture.  Once the Rapture does take place then there is a time table of events that can be constructed based on the prophecies of events given in the Scriptures.  It is therefore, the belief of this author, that no matter the good intentions of anyone trying to use measurements in the Great Pyramid to predict the Rapture, even if the Great Pyramid was built for any purpose by/for God, it is futile and a waste of time.  To rephrase what was just said, even if the Great Pyramid has a Godly purpose, it is the opinion of this author that it is not to predict the Rapture.
    Matthew 24:36 But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.

Shaft Theories

There are new theories that are emerging that the previously thought of air shafts that come out of the Great Pyramid are both:

  1. Hydrogen power induction piping to machines inside the Great Pyramid
  2. Hydrogen conducting communication channels to send data from the Great Pyramid to other Star Constellations such as Orion's Belt, Taurus, and others.

The hydrogen power theory has absolutely zero credibility because there not any evidence.  The hydrogen power theory is based on the theory that the air shafts were communication channels requiring hydrogen channeling.  Therefore the hydrogen power theory is based on believing in the second part of the theory of the air shaft pointing to star constellations, that require hydrogen power to send communications as part of the theory.  This theory on air shafts pointing to any star constellation has already been proven to be incorrect.  See this excellent analysis link from Ancient Origins, by Ralph Ellis, that discusses the the communication channel aspect.  If the link is missing, click here.

From Edge's AI on "great pyramid shafts":

King’s Chamber Air Shafts:

Located within the north and south walls of the King’s Chamber, these narrow shafts are sometimes referred to as “air shafts.”
They face each other and are positioned approximately 0.91 meters (3.0 feet) above the chamber floor and 2.5 meters (8.2 feet) from the eastern wall.

The dimensions of these shafts are intriguing: they have a width of 18 to 21 centimeters (7 to 8.5 inches) and a height of 14 centimeters (5.5 inches).
Initially, it was assumed that these shafts served as ventilation passages during the pyramid’s construction.
However, doubts arose because the shafts do not extend all the way to the pyramid’s exterior.
Additionally, the intentional placement of stones obstructs their path, making it unlikely that they were used for stargazing or ventilation.

In 2010, a robot explored one of these shafts and discovered a small chamber with red ochre markings on the floor, followed by another large stone blocking the way 1.

Theories of Purpose:

Orion’s Belt Connection: Some theories suggest that the south shaft pointed toward Orion’s Belt during the pyramid’s construction. However, this alignment couldn’t have been used for actual star observation due to the blockages.

North Circumpolar Stars: Another hypothesis proposes that the north shaft was meant to point toward the north circumpolar stars, often called “The Indestructibles.” These stars were associated with eternity and the afterlife in ancient Egyptian beliefs.

Courtesy of Dessault Systems/Djedi Team

Note that this author is not endorsing the burial chamber theory, but only acknowledging the names given to the chambers in the diagram which have now become adopted as identifications for the areas inside the Great Pyramid.

A Power Source and Radio Transmitter?

There is theory that the Great Pyramid was once an ancient power source or radio transmitter.  The science behind the theory does appear to be possible but there is no evidence to prove it was one of the purposes at the time of the building.  The possibility, which cannot be proven or disproved, is simply because the Great Pyramid is now a relic in ruins.

In some areas of research on the Great Pyramid, there is the theories that if the pyramid or any other ancient pyramids had originally:

then the pyramid would be capable of creating electrical energy and also being a radio transmitter.

There are archeologist that state in the 9th Century, 820 CE, the dielectric granite embedded with quartz materials was still surrounding the surface areas of the Great Pyramid but were removed by Caliph Al-Mamun in his desire to find opening into the pyramid where treasures could be found.  The theory is Caliph Al-Manum had heard of other pyramids and ancient enclosed stone monuments had entrances in their northern facing sides which was the reason for the demolishing the exterior. 

In the project of searching for entrances and creation of entrances, the discovery:

  1. King's Chamber,
  2. Queen's Chamber,
  3. A so-labeled abandoned subterranean chamber, and
  4. Grand Gallery

were found.   These abandoned subterranean chamber were found to be connected by a long corridor into the Grand Gallery.

We know from common scientific sources, regarding the electrical charges:


The following chart is based on research obtained from several old sources:

Image (c) by JKM 2017

In March of 2025, there have been reports in the news media about subterranean passageways and supporting beams, columns or coils found by using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) that originated from possibly a 2022 white-paper research document.  The eight beam, columns or coils extend 648 meters, 21256 feet, below the surface area of the Great Pyramid has been proposed by Corrado Malanga and Filipo Biondi in announcements.  At this theory, as of 2025, is highly speculative and not provable.

Other Types of Power Sources Inside Pyramids?

There are currently many modern-day small pyramids built in places like Russia where people come to seek healing and enhancement of general health by going inside the modern-day small pyramids.  The theories behind it are based on the shape and size of the pyramid focuses energy which our bodies, plants, animals and even possibly machines can gain energy. 

Because of research in this area, there have been other interesting theories about the Great Pyramid and other pyramids that if it were possible to harness the energy inside the pyramids, then there could be hyperspaces or inter-dimensional doorways to other parts on either Earth or the Universe.  These theories have fueled many science fiction books, TV series and movies like Stargate. 

Note that this author does not believe in the possibility for inter-dimensional doorways in pyramids, but mentions it to make the reader aware, plus our biological design does not allow the ability to enter higher dimensions of reality.  As of 2018, scientific analysis has theorized that we live in a 10-dimensional universe that includes the perceived four dimensions of length, width, depth and time.

Chambers in the Great Pyramid that are Still Unknown?

It is interesting that the exploration of inner chambers, corridors, tunnels, and stairways are still being discovered.  In November of 2017 a research team has possibly identified a previously unknown chamber through equipment which has the primary purpose of Astronomy.

This undiscovered chamber has been confirmed by Egyptian Officials who have also stated the chamber is very large.  This void is reported to be in the north face and along the northeastern edge.

Other Pyramids Creating an Electrical Power Grid?

The earth literally has pyramids almost everywhere that:

  1. Time has covered them up;
  2. Their materials have been salvaged for buildings afterwards;
  3. They have been purposely hidden for unknown reasons. 

There are several Pyramids in China that have been purposely covered up by the Communist Government.  Some speculation is they were covered up to eliminate the people believing in a different China ancestry that involved pyramids.

The Mayans, as of 2018, built the greatest number of pyramids that total approximately 80.  In some very controversial and highly speculative photos, regarding Antarctica, some images are being said to be of a pyramid buried in the ice that is in ruins.

There is the belief that all or some of the ancient pyramids, which includes the Great Pyramid, could have created electromagnetic energy and made sort of a modern-day power grid that allows electricity to be readily available almost anywhere in the world.  The problem is none of the existing pyramids are in the original state with metal capacitors on top of the pyramid which is part of what would be necessary for power to be created and shared in a modern-day power grid. 

Note that there are more elaborate theories that involve water in the base of a pyramid to cause a compression wave, along with zinc and hydrochloric acid to create power through the tunnels.  From modern day experiments with hydrochloric acid and zinc, the two chemicals generate a hydrogen flammable gas with a byproduct of zinc chloride which is salt.  This gas, by no means generates electricity from anything visible or found in any pyramid; but some theorist point to salt reservoirs found nearby some pyramids. 

Serapeum of Saqqara

The Serapeum of Saqqara is located north-west of the Pyramid Djoser, the Step-Pyramid.  It appears to be a burial place under the ground, that is approximately 70 feet long with alcoves, which contains twenty-five sarcophagi of granite.  These sarcophagi are similar to a coffin but with a very large lid, weighing between 70 to 100 tons.  The speculation is these boxes were coffins for sacred god-bulls because the remains of one bull was found in one of the boxes, which is very speculative just because one sarcophagus had the remains of a bull. 

The mystery of Serapeum is the weight, the drawings on the outside of the sarcophagi and the perfectly smooth sides and tops of the granite sarcophagi that a modern-day T-Square shows perfect 90-degree angels from sides to the cover.  The Serapeum are mentioned in this topic because this is another example of unexplained relics that defy explanation on how a sarcophagus, when dealing with ancient technology, could have been created, moved and what was the purpose. 

UFO Connection?

There is a theory, often given by many articles, websites and old books, that if the Great Pyramid had a cap area covered in metal, then because of the height, mass and metal, the Great Pyramid would be a conductor of wireless electrical energy for use in machinery that included the flying objects depicted in many of the ancient carvings in the ancient Egyptian Structures.  It was rumored that Nikola Tesla even mentioned this but the writer couldn't find a reference at the time of this writing albeit heard this information during a lecture in the 1980s.  

Regarding the possible UFO aspects mentioned by some secular archeologists, there is a belief for the theory, by them, because of the carving of an ancient god of Egypt Ra or (Re) that was said to be able to fly by his own means or on winged chariot.  Ra is inscribed on all the lesser pyramids and tombs, but not the Great Pyramid.  Sa-Ra was said to be Ra's son and had the same abilities.  The conjecture is that there was some sort of vehicles that used the Great Pyramid for energy to fly in the air and even out into space.  People who believe in this theory, point to the carvings depicting Ra with a possible flying vehicle and wearing a space helmet.  In some areas of Christianity, there is the belief that Ra was a Fallen Angel that participated in the forbidden action of taking women as wives to create the Nephilim as mentioned in Genesis 6:2.

Note that this author would state the following:

  1. I do not believe in any of the theories of Ra or Sa-Ra being able to fly vehicles in the air. 
  2. There is a possibility of illusions and trickery to confound the common person at that time with the purpose of getting worship, where Fallen Angels or the Nephilim aided in this purpose to counterfeit the power of the true God.
  3. Any carvings of objects that look like spacecraft and space helmets were part of advertisements like what is done today for getting people excited about an upcoming sports event or movie. 
  4. The supposed drawing of a spacecraft was most likely an ordinary chariot being portrayed with the ability to soar above the people.
  5. The supposed drawing of a space helmet theory was most likely something like a tribal head dress which would be impossible to carve in stone.
  6. From the scriptural references described in the space travel topic, God has given human beings the domain of the Earth and would not have allowed any advanced attempts by the Fallen Angels to interfere in the affairs of human beings to reach into the universe.  One of many scriptural proofs, concerning space travel, is God confused the language at the Tower of Babel, future city of Babylon, because there was an attempt to do something that was far more than build a temple or for protection, as indicated in the "then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them", at that time in history.
    Genesis 11:5-7 But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower the people were building. The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.”
  7. An interesting point that this author has never heard brought up concerning the belief in UFOs, is why would extraterrestrials in UFOs come to Earth to build primitive homes, buildings, monuments and temples out of massive sized stones where the technology required to travel hundreds to thousands of light-years away from other places in the Universe to Earth would make no sense?  Benevolent or even mischievous extraterrestrials, which this author does not believe in, would have colonized, improved and not have left a planet with so many natural resources such that they would still be here. 
  8. Why would Extraterrestrial build spaceships, which would require advanced technology beyond recognition, have lights all over them so that the spaceships could be seen at night flying in the sky?  Does the USA, Russian, European or Chinese space shuttles, rockets or advanced military aircraft fly around with the lights on?  The answer is the UFOs being seen at night with lights shinning from them, and caught on film, are man-made where the flying object require lights for take-off and landing along with safety requirements have the lights on at night.
  9. The United States CIA and possibly other agencies, along with other countries were using occult telestheisa and traveling clairvoyance, known as Remote Viewing to explore the theory there are pyramids on Mars back in the 1980s.  This author does not believe there are pyramids there, but this is a theory by a well-known and respected Biblical expert, so it is mentioned in case the reader comes across this area.  For more on this see the Remote Viewing area in the UFO topic which includes transcript from a Remote Viewing session released by the CIA. 

Want More to Read on the Great Pyramid?

Here is a PDF version of a great summary by Jack Kelley who argues in favor of the Great Pyramid being the alter referred to in Isaiah 19:19.

Two other great books are:

  1. The Great Pyramid Its Divine Message by D. Davidson, H. Aldersmith
  2.  The Great Pyramid: Prophecy in Stone by Noah Hutchings - which unfortunately has some date setting around the year 2000 but this does not diminish the fact that it is an interesting read.

What to read next?

See: (a) Time and Time Travel, (b) Time Domains, (c) Kingdom of God, (d) Singularity and the Big Bang Theories, (e) E=mc²,  (f) Ten Dimensions of the Universe, (g) Age of the Earth, Periods that Developed Life, Heavens, (h) Evolution (i) Science Topics Menu