Solar Winds and Cosmic Rays

Created Date: 11-Jan-2025

in Outer Space in our Solar System

Last updated: 31-Jan-2025

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1 Solar Winds
2 Cosmic Rays
3 Fountains of the Deep Breaking Up Remove a Protection for Living Organisms?
4 More Informational Links

There are two fascinating aspects of Outer Space that not many people are cognizant, and are part of God's design of the Universe which was done on the fourth day of Creation.  These two features are Solar Wind and Cosmic Rays which have the implication of limiting space travel for human beings that was in many Science Based Biblical Scholar beliefs, including this author, that this was a designed limitation done purposely.

As not commonly known, any space craft going outside of the Earth's protections of primarily the Magnetic Field, would require protection for the Astronauts that technology is not currently invented.  See the topic on Space Travel for more information on problems and limitations.

Solar Wind

Solar winds are not anything like air moving on Earth but there are some similarities in the description that has caused the name comparison.  The following are interesting points about Solar Wind:

  1. It is when the Sun emits plasma from the corona which travels outward from the Sun into the Solar System. 
  2. The plasma is the source of Solar Winds, and the Solar Wind is a continual stream of protons and electrons.
  3. The source of the plasma has not been completely identified on the cause, but describe as a high-speed ejection with jets that occurs routinely and all the time.
  4. The interesting point about the source of the plasma is the Sun's outer atmosphere is theoretically believed to be hotter than the perceived and continuous oval surface area.
  5. Observations of plasma ejecting from the Sun can occur every few minutes or continuously for a sustained period.  This author has had the exciting inexperience of observing several time.
  6. The speed of Solar Wind ranges from 250 miles (400 kilometers) per second to 500 miles (800 km) per second.
  7. The effect on Earth from Solar Wind is a flurry of charged particles in the magnetosphere.  The area in the magnetosphere is the location of the magnetic field lines going to both the south and north poles of Earth.  The strength of the Solar Wind can sometimes cause a geomagnetic storms associated with beautiful aurora displays but cause problem with satellites, telecommunications and power grids.
  8. Solar Winds can exit our known Solar System.

Cosmic Rays

  1. Cosmic Rays are atom fragments that continuously bombard the Earth from outside of our Solar System.
  2. Cosmic Rays move at the speed of light.
  3. Cosmic Rays can cause damages to Satellites.
  4. There is the theory that source of Cosmic Rays is from Stars in Supernova states, but this is not the only theorized source.
  5. The Earth is mostly protected from Cosmic Rays by the Atmosphere and Magnetic Field.  The atoms in the Atmosphere collide with Cosmic Ray atoms that causes a type of barrier.
  6. Cosmic Rays are damaging to human-being's cells with enough exposure can cause damages to the DNA which eventually can cause cancers and mutations that will eventually lead to death.
  7. It is not commonly known that the Earth omits naturally occurring xenon from radioactive isotopes in the Earth's crust that are also harmful to humans. 

Note that radioactive isotopes coming several forms that are known for uses in many positive medical procedures and processes, but in specific quantities are very harmful and life threatening.

Fountains of the Deep Breaking Up Remove a Protection for Living Organisms?

It is interesting that planets, like the Earth, are also a source of radioactive isotopes.  The radioactive isotopes on the Earth are not omitted into outer space, like other planets because of the greater barriers around the Earth, like the magnetic field, which has the ability to stop the exiting of the radioactive isotopes.  There is no known measurements regarding the planets in our Solar System's omissions, other than theories on possible radioactive isotopes omissions.

There two questions regarding the Earth:

  1. Is it is possible that the Earth's Crust, which is described as a "thick outer shell of rock" called the Lithospere that is floating as part of tectonic plates does not block radioactive isotopes as it once did before the Great Flood?
  2. Did the process of God opening the "fountains of the great deep" in Genesis 7:11 to be part of the waters that caused the Great Flood also changed the "thickness" to be not as dense and thick along with the stress-points in the tectonic plates to omit more radioactive isotopes from the entire Earth's core areas?

The theory by this author, which has not been seen anywhere in research, is this change to the Lithospere because of God breaking up of the Earth's Crust in Genesis 7:1 is also a contributing cause to decreased life-spans after the Great Flood in conjunction with the:

  1. Water Canopy Theory's protection removal by God, and
  2. Barometric pressure reduction change by God.
Genesis 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah s life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on that day all the fountains of the great deep burst forth, and the windows of the heavens were opened.

In order by the "fountains of the great deep" to burst forth, then the barrier between them and the surface of the Earth was broken by God.  There are many new research studies that are stating that there are underground reservoirs, inside the Earth, that hold as much as three times the amount of water than in the Earth's oceans.  The water is stored as:

around 400 miles down that divides the upper and lower mantles of the Earth's regions.

More Informational Links

For more information on Solar Winds and Cosmic Rays click the very informative article form

What to read next?

See: (a) Time and Time Travel, (b) Time Domains, (c) Kingdom of God, (d) E=mc , (e) Evolution, (f) Ten Dimensions of the Universe, (g) Age of the Earth, Periods that Developed Life, Heavens, (h) Gap Theory of Genesis 1:2 - Earth formless for billions of years (i) Science Topics Menu