Wives Sexual Responsibility |
Creation date: 21-Dec-2022 |
Maintaining Marriage Sexual Intimacy | Last updated: 14-Jan-2025 |
A A A help |
Warning: Mature
Subject matter is contained in this topic. This topic does not
replace the possible requirements for medical and therapy consultation.
Ultimately, in most marriages before a man's mid-life, husbands will desire sexual intimacy very regularly where the wife may desire but does not make the time to permit sex which is why the wife is responsible for maintaining sexual intimacy in the marriage. As a woman, do an internet search on "sexless marriages" on YouTube and only watch the presentations from women physiatrists and the presentations, some are T.E.D. talks, that state almost exactly what this topic on Biblical Thoughts is stating to help with the problem.
Up until mid-life, atypically 50 years-old, wives because of stress, lack of sleep, children, hormonal problems, menopause, emotional anger not released and other causes will often not want to plan or allow sexual intimacy with their husbands. Regarding planning as a prerequisite for sexual intimacy, for most women planning is very important after the other problems were removed. When a wife is looking forward to sex with her husband, then she will dedicate preparation time ahead of the encounter where if there isn't that time for preparation then she often removes the option to have sex in her day. As a corresponding proof, a married couple can recall in the dating process and early parts of a marriage, how eager a woman was to spend time on a date where she planned everything about what she was going to wear, perfume to use, hair style, jewelry and so much more.
Men equate sexual intimacy with love for a successful marriage where there is not many requirements for preparation. As read in the topic on sex concerning hygiene dealing with husbands, the need for planning and hygienical preparation time is not a requirement for themselves and in the husband's mind sometimes not even for their wives as having sex is the immediate goal.
When reading this entire topic, women will realize that their husbands for a majority of the marriage, until after mid-life, has a stronger desire for sexual intimacy, that requires a wife to find balance in her life and to find a routine for mutually understood days in a week (based on age) that still allows the possibility of impromptu sexual time. When there is balance and mutually understood routines, then this will hopefully eliminate the negative misunderstandings, feeling of being deprived, anger, disappointment and much worse.
1 Corinthians 7:1-7 Spouses are to have sexual relations |
1 Now for the matters you wrote about: “It is good for a man not to have sexual relations with a woman.” 2 But since sexual immorality is occurring, each man should have sexual relations with his own wife, and each woman with her own husband. 3 The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. 4 The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his own body but yields it to his wife. 5 Do not deprive each other except perhaps by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control. 6 I say this as a concession, not as a command. 7 I wish that all of you were as I am. But each of you has your own gift from God; one has this gift, another has that. |
This topic is stating the following preface points:
Note that this author is a husband who has suffered in this area of
desiring more intimacy with my wife, as it seems every man that I have
known to talk about it until a woman reaches a certain age. Most wives seem to reach around 50 years
of age or older and then become very desirous of intimacy without any
This author's first marriage lasted 24 years, that I ended for Biblical Reasons. Some additional information can be read in the "background on this author" section in the Roles in a Relationship topic This author:
all of which are being used to help others in counseling, topics like this one and others dealing with relationships. Why this topic is important:
Unfortunately, men between the ages of eighteen years-old to most likely around the age of sixty years-old, will complain about not being sexually satisfied along with the possibility of not having enough spontaneity and variations of sexual intimacy.
The importance of sexual intimacy is to maintain many important aspects of the marriage along with preventing all of our selfish desires that may include lust and desires for sexual experiences with others, that can lead to adultery, Pornography, and fanaticizing having sexual experiences with someone other than a spouse while performing sexual self-gratification.
Very important aspect
to understand that this author has never seen in any Biblical
Commentaries or Studies: If one or both spouses withdraws sex from a marriage and one or both spouses commit adultery, then the scriptures imply there is culpability from any spouse who did not allow sexual relations in the marriage. An adulterous spouse is absolutely guilty of a very grievous sin that is labeled as one of the four greatest sins by many Biblical Scholars including this author. There are sin consequences for the spouse that is withdrawing regular sexual intimacy that causes the other spouse to sin in one or more of these three areas:
The following two points are to be understood in loving penalty consequence that God will administer with Grace and Mercy for a spouse withdrawing regular sexual intimacy:
First Corinthians 8:9, albeit is referencing primarily eating of specific foods and many other scriptures, verify and imply the previous two points to be understood that all married couples have a responsibilities of sex in a marriage.
We all have the choice to not allow a sexual encounter with our spouse for any reason which should be explained to the other spouse and then if possible then be accompanied with plans for the next available opportunity. The spouse that wanted to initiate sex and who was lovingly denied must accept the other spouse's choice without any retaliation. As stated in many places in this topic, sex is never to be demanded! Sexual intimacy in a marriage is an investment in the bond of a marriage. The absence of sexual investment in a marriage is analogous to making withdraws, when there was no sex, from a bank account that was built up in deposits from past sexual intimacy without ever making new deposits. To be more clearly understood, every time one spouse wanted intimacy and it did not happen, then the sexual balance at the bank account goes down. This eventually causes the bank account balance to reach zero, and has spouses thinking and looking for other bank accounts to substitute required sexual funding. The other bank accounts can be substitutes in shopping, food, alcohol, and one of the APFs. In another analogous bank account with deposits of a marriage having spouses working jobs, cleaning the house, making dinner are a different type of investment. This other bank account, while absolutely required, is not a substitute for sexual intimacy. Additionally, this other type of bank account requires participation jointly by both spouses. |
It is interesting that as we age, that in the senior years it is God's loving providence to take away some of the stronger sexual desires, along with other worldly desires that can include wealth and power, of earlier life in order for all of us to focus on what is important in life listed in the Rewards in Heaven five areas next for all men and women.
This list of five is an excerpt from
Rewards in Heaven topic. Everything done through faith that:
will contribute to rewards in Heaven.
Regarding importance of God's directives for us regarding sexual intimacy and much more:
1 Corinthians 7:3 | The husband must fulfill his duty to his wife, and likewise also the wife to her husband. |
1 Corinthians 7:5 | Stop depriving one another, except by agreement for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer, and come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control. |
Ephesians 5:33 | However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband. |
1 Corinthians 13:4-8 | 4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does
not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5
It does not dishonor others, it is not
self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of
wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil
but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. |
Song of Songs 7:7-10 | 6 How fair and how pleasant art thou, O
love, for delights! 7 This thy stature
is like to a palm-tree, And thy breasts to its clusters. 8 I
said, I will climb up into the palm-tree, I will take hold of the
branches thereof: Let thy breasts be as clusters of the vine, And
the smell of thy breath like apples, 9 And
thy mouth like the best wine, That goeth down smoothly for my
beloved, Gliding through the lips of those that are asleep.
10 I am my beloved s; And his desire is toward
me. 11 Come, my beloved, let us go
forth into the field; Let us lodge in the villages.12 Let
us get up early to the vineyards; Let us see whether the vine hath budded, And its blossom is open, And the pomegranates are in flower: There will I give thee my love. |
Hebrews 13:4 | Marriage is to be held in honor among all, and the marriage bed is to be undefiled; for fornicators and adulterers God will judge. |
The analogy below gives a great comparison for wives to understand their husbands who are in the age range of 18 to around 55 years old. As noted in other topic areas of Biblical Thoughts for God's Glory, the desire for sexual intimacy changes for both genders as we all get older.
The Analogy: You, as a young wife, are told that you have inherited the following gift from you father for your enjoyment of your entire life:
As a woman, how often would you be excited and have desire to go into the stores? Your desire to go to the stores would most likely be several times a week or even possibly daily as you possibly try on items there before taking them out of the store. A husband for most of his marriage has the same sort of desires where he believes, loves and sees his wife with sexual excitement that he wants to have intimacy like the woman who has unrestricted access to the three stores of the analogy. Now imagine as a wife being taken by your husband to the best jewelry, clothing and shoe stores and told:
As a wife, how would you feel towards your husband after these three previous statements? You, as a wife would most likely feel:
Wives, after reading the previous section of this topic, can then start to understand that marriage intimacy is dependent upon you as the wife because the wife is the store with which a husband enjoys going to daily.
A husband, for most of the marriage starting at youth, will desire routine sexual intimacy that requires his wife to find ways to relax, be in the mood and have desires. A husband absolutely must provide security, love and romance to be part of sexual intimacy, where romance sometimes is not going to have the possibility because of responsibilities for that day, which should not be a deterrent for considering a quick sexual intimacy time.
1 Corinthians 7:5 | Do not deprive one another, except perhaps by agreement for a limited time, that you may devote yourselves to prayer; but then come together again, so that Satan may not tempt you because of your lack of self-control. |
The following is an excerpt from the
Marriage Roles
Regular sexual fulfilling
intimacy, with sexual romantic love after the first few years of marriage,
is statistically very, very low according to Psychologist sources. |
An excerpt from the Dating Topic section on the
Life Cycle of a Single Person's Selection Process
Unfortunately there is a well-known problem, which young and middle-life men speak candidly with their best male friends and this is often illustrated in TV shows along with movies. It is an extreme lack of sexual fulfillment in their marriages where they wonder if other men are experiencing the same problem. Young and middle age men will state that their sexual lives began great in early parts of the marriage and then became almost non-existent because their wives are constantly not interested in having sex. It doesn't matter if the husband and wife are attractive and a great affectionate lover as a factor of why this occurs. Husbands get to the point of no longer trying to initiate and asking, where the consequence is the man doing solitary self-fulfilling sexual gratification that involves his imagination with the possibility of pornography and even affairs. The wives then interpret their husband no longer initiating and asking to mean they do not love them, and this leads to the wife also doing self-fulfilling sexual gratification and sometimes affairs. God gave women the gift of enhanced emotional thought processes, where the negative aspect with this gift is wives will try to assign blame of a poor or absent sexual fulfilling marriage on their husband. Of course there are all types of scenarios, but the overwhelming cause of the problem, according to research recourses, is usually the wives. (This is explained earlier in this topic.) On the rare side of problems, if a wife gets no response from her initiating then there is a possibility that her husband has found other choices for his sexual needs that has replaced his wife, which should be an alarm warning for the wife to consider. A wife can state that it cannot be their fault if there is no desire because of hormonal imbalances, stress and lack of sleep, but older women will state that the problem was her own lack of balance and planning, routine exercise, eating correctly. Older women realized that whenever they did have sexual experiences in the past, when there was no initial desire, the desire did come after foreplay that the younger wife should have realized on a routine basis. One of this author's best friends stated to me at age 35 that he can't figure it out. If his wife would just have sex routinely, then she could have absolutely everything she ever want that he could provide. This same friend is now 62 years old, and after numerous health problems, is unable to have sex anymore and he says his wife now wants to have sex almost daily with little hints of hope routinely given that involves his service without reciprocation as it can't be received, where he says it just makes him angry and he can't say anything. He also believe she is now having an affair. |
An interesting video blog from the year 2023, has the woman "Pearl" explaining the reason husbands have affairs is because wives "do not treat their husband like a man" with complaining, disrespect and no sex. She adds that the wife must take responsibility that part of problem of her husband having an affair is because of her, and why does she care since she is not having sex with her husband. This author agrees with the possibility, but her assessment requires a little more explanation. If a woman is:
then that will have the dual affect of:
Pearl, in her blog, also states no matter what is going on, the husband should not cheat (have an affair) on his wife. This author absolutely agrees. Women need to also understand that if their husband is not having an affair then he is forced into self gratification which involves his imagination or pornography, with thoughts of other women. A wife should want her husband's sexual intimacy desires to be focused on her.
Most likely most men do not understand the full range of emotional needs of a woman are for the entirety of a marriage, as many facets of a wife's needs are not the same as a husband's needs. In the beginning of a relationship a man is getting to know about his future wife where all details, with emotions, are of important interest to him. After marriage, unless there is a problem that must be fixed, then a man wants and believes the next phase of their relationship is about:
A husband, unfortunately to their wives, enjoy hearing from their wives:
A good husband understands that his wife needs to express herself which may require very detailed listening dealing with all types of problems where the wife is expecting her husband to have empathy with reactions that show and include being quite, hugging, holding hands and also stating he would feel the same way.
Imagine a scenario in a employment, where a manager comes to the man subordinate about a problem, and the subordinate reacts to a problem being told by the manager with comments like
Those responses may be appropriate in some circumstances, but the purpose of a manager meeting on problems is to get them solved. This unfortunately to wives is how husbands often approach relationships during emotional discussions in marriage where discussions are treated like a business arrangement which then breaks the emotional bond that the wife has for her husband.
Both genders need to be mature in their understanding of each gender's differences, where the husband has the greater responsibility to be emotionally connected to his wife, and next the wife has to understand a husband's proclivities on emotions are very different.
Husbands, that are reading this topic, absolutely must daily and throughout the day look for ways to emotionally connect with their wife.
This is an excerpt from the
Roles in a
Relationships topic: An example funny story that reflect reality on how men and women are different. A happily married couple, who enjoy each other, sometimes have a weekend for the husband and wife to spend time with some of their best friends of the same gender. The husband and wife always choose the same weekend so that neither of them are home alone while the other is on the weekend vacation. The husbands goes on the weekend, with several of this best male Christian friends, to a ski-resort that has spectacular views, great skiing, trails to explore on the mountains, and spectacular nighttime skies to view while sitting around a camp fire in the woods. The wife goes on the weekend, with several of her best female Christian friends, to a spa resort hotel which has several amazing spas, wonderful restaurants, heated outside pools, and beautiful gardens to walk around. When the husband and wife return from the vacation weekend, the two of them talk about their weekend where the woman speaks first:
There are examples for wives to learn from regarding mistakes that other women commit such as adultery. Adultery always has very punitive consequences and unfortunately the importance of avoiding and recovery from it are never taught in Pastor's Sermon or a Bible Study.
Learning from mistakes in other marriages of all kinds, can help in a person's marriage understanding and even particularly in a sexless marriage. This may seem like an oxymoron statement, but there are many key points in this comparison where Psychologist have written that sometimes examples of adulterers can teach both a husband and wife about their own individual problems and inactivity that are applicable to sexless marriages.
This author:
Many Christian Therapists, including the belief of this author, state that adultery is more prevalent in the Christian professing marriages because Christians are the targets of the Satanic Forces that want to destroy and discredit a Godly marriage, and many Christians think they can sin freely as Jesus Christ will simply forgive without consequences (forgive yes but consequences will happen).
Regarding Christian marriages, there is often either the man or the woman that is the more stronger in living a Christian life, so the Satanic Forces in the world will bring people into the weaker of the marriage partners to be tempted. Absolutely all of us will be tempted in life in all areas of a marriage.
These are some sexual areas in adultery that are often lacking in an overwhelming number of Christian marriages. These seven points are listed with a summary statement is given after the list:
This author would state that most likely it is difficult for women and men reading these seven previous points to not become a little sexually stimulated and desirous for this type of sexual fulfillment in a marriage when they are missing.
The question to ask ourselves is why the seven points are not most likely happening in our marriages? Can the experiences that adulterers describe teach us positively about sex? The answer is "yes".
The reason why the answer is "yes" is the seven sexual stimulating points have these attributes:
Note: that if you are a man reading this topic, women sometimes will use an explanation (or excuse) that their estrogen level is low which is supposedly causing the lack of desire. This can be truthful, where if the problem is persistent then help from a medical source and perhaps therapy is required as sexlessness is often a symptom of a larger problem, that must be fixed. Challenge your wife in a positive way that you want to help to fix all problems which must consists of emotionally being supportive without any criticism!
For men reading this section of the Wives Responsibility topic, it is a good idea to read the hygiene section of the Sex Topic.
This is an excerpt from the
Roles in a
Relationship topic: Some humor that also dramatizes the point of how unfortunately men have a tendency to not take care of themselves physically while believing they still look desirable, and women often have the opposite perception. ![]() Source: Public Domain from around 1990s. If source is known, please contact site to give credit. |
What to read next?
See Dating and Dating Sites. Friendships between women and other women. For the family in crisis Adultery & Cheating - Affairs & Divorce & Relational breakups and for the importance of Christ in our employment Abuse of Power Hope for an old relationship from the past: 60 Year Love Story