Atheist and Agnostic

Created Date: 24-Jan-2025


Last updated: 25-Jan-2025

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1 Atheists and Agnostics
2 The Atheist and Agnostic Predicament
3 Witnessing to an Atheist or Agnostic

Atheists and Agnostics

Both Atheists and Agnostics have different beliefs that actually have a commonality that is not necessarily obvious.  The definitions are:

Atheist Belief that there is no God
Agnostic Belief that nothing is known or can be known of the existence and attributes of God.

The commonality is the Agnostic is an Atheist that will not rule out the existence of God, but will state that since God cannot be known then God does not exist.

The Atheist and Agnostic Predicament

In one of this author's studies, John Ankerberg is attributed to often challenging people that were Atheists and Agnostics with the questions on their beliefs.   At the time of this topic writing, this author does not have access to these challenges and quotes of John Ankerberg's questions and comments, where appreciated credit is being given.

It is interesting that one simple question for each view can be used to hopefully open their minds.

Type Purpose Question
Atheist To realize the ignorance Are you claiming that you have investigated and have knowledge of the Universe and all Dimensions to emphatically state there is no God?  This normally will have the Atheist say no to the question and then have to admit they are Agnostic.
Agnostic To realize the gamble If there is possibly a God then is there a reasonable explanation for not being visible and knowable?  This normally will have the Agnostic say it is reasonable but the religions of the world do not make sense as they appear to be the source of wars, greed, and hypocrites.

Witnessing to an Atheist or Agnostic

Without confrontation, as evangelizing and witnessing to anyone that is an Agnostic is to be done to win all to Jesus Christ and the Plan of God.  When the person is only responding with sarcasms, annoyance, and possibly criticism, then:

  1. You say nothing more about Christianity. 
  2. Be very polite without confrontation and thank them for sharing their thoughts.   
  3. Engaging someone has planted a seed in the Atheist and Agnostic's mind.
  4. Has witnessed to the Atheist and Agnostic which often will have themselves think more on their beliefs. 
  5. The Holy Spirit will draw all people to God where some people refuse.

The greatest witness of being a Christian for everyone is being an Ambassadorship of representing Jesus Christ with confidence, love, patience, understanding, and friendship.  We are to a friend of God, that has nothing to do with traditions and rituals that can be described as antireligious.  We are to use wisdom on witnessing along with having friendships with other believers in Jesus Christ that is a witness to those who do not have Jesus Christ in their lives.

What to read next?

See: (a) Time and Time Travel, (b) Time Domains, (c) Kingdom of God, (d) Singularity and the Big Bang Theories, (e) Evolution, (f) Ten Dimensions of the Universe, (g) Age of the Earth, Periods that Developed Life, Heavens, (h) Gap Theory of Genesis 1:2 - Earth formless for billions of years (i) Science Topics Menu