Borders - Unauthorized entry into the USA

Creation Date: 15-Dec-2018

Is there Racism and Cultural Prejudice involved?  Who is to blame?

Last updated: 3-Feb-2025

Illegal Immigration comes from other Continents besides South America.  
A A A  help

1 The Cost is $157,000,000,000 2 Who's at Fault?  It is Americans!
3 Explaining the Real Problems 4 President Obama Summarized it very Eloquently
5 First a Scripture 6 Is it Racism, Cultural Prejudice or Something Else?
7 A List of Problems, Objections, Criticisms and Facts 8 Drugs, Human Trafficking and Much More
9 Illegal Drugs and the Borders 10 Political Weapon
11 Summation Solution and Know Mexico's Laws are Tougher and Extremely Punitive    

Countries like Mexico are acknowledging mass violence, kidnappings, and even attacks by Cartels (and even small gangs) against their own police and military bases.  This topic discusses the misconceptions, reasons. and even the causality.  The United States media often does not report the extreme harm of the border problem on the countries that border the United States, and other countries that use Mexico as a portal.  

This link to two Newsweek articles (missing click here), FROM 2024, are amongst hundreds that can be found of the problem.  Contrary to the often heard wrong media portrayal, the border crossing problem is not about some people visiting the United States and deciding not to go back home.

The reciprocal problem is the United States is unable to stop the weapons export into Mexico and other countries that are illegally and legally purchased in the United States.  There is even added problem that weapons confiscated during policing actions that set the weapons for destruction are sold in black market areas and even sometimes legally (from 2024). (if link is missing click here.)  

The Cost is $150,700,000,000 and the Belief that Taxes Paid by Unauthorized Immigrants on Purchases Cover the Cost is Ludicrous

From the

Unauthorized Immigrant Population Estimates for the United States as of 2022:




The costs as of 2025 is $150.700,000,000 where every USA citizen is paying $1,156 for the Federal costs.   The Belief that Taxes Paid by Unauthorized Immigrants on Purchases Cover the Cost is Ludicrous. 

$150,700,000,000 divided by 10,990,000 equals $13,712.46 that every unauthorized immigrant should be paying in taxes to State and Federal taxing authorities.

Every nation in the world that does not regulate and govern immigration creates a very well documented environment:

  1. Discriminates against unauthorized immigrants
  2. Forces working by unauthorized immigrants for poverty wages and almost slave labor
  3. Conducive to organized criminals to prey upon not only unauthorized immigrants and Citizens of the country that unauthorized immigration is occurring.
  4. Creates an underground and hidden market, estimated to be in thousands each year, that is importing of women, children and babies for:
    (a) Sexual exploitation that often is filmed for blackmail against people in power.  (Jeffery Epstein is an example.)
    (b) Slavery <- Global Slavery Index
    (c) Organ Forced Donations
    (d) The Misconceptions of Child Trafficking - United States Department of State
    (e) Satanic Rituals that perform blood draining, drinking and torture for sexual gratification where secret filming is done as blackmail.
    (f) Weapons trafficking as spin-off additional revenues.
  5. Sets up kidnappings of young men, women, and children from the unauthorized immigrant's country to be sent across borders where the kidnapped individuals are told that if they object in anyway then their parents and relatives will be tortured and killed.  

The statistical cost:

Source: New FAIR Cost Study: Illegal Immigration Now Costs American Taxpayers At Least $151 Billion a Year

Among the key findings in FAIR's report, The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers:

  • The gross annual cost of illegal immigration (the total amount before taxes paid by illegal aliens are factored in) is now $182 billion, annually.
  • Taxes paid by illegal aliens only cover around 17.2 percent of the costs they create for American citizens, bringing the net cost to $150.7 billion a year.
  • The largest component of the cost is K-12 education, which must be provided under a 1982 Supreme Court ruling. The annual K-12 education cost for illegal aliens (and their U.S.-born children) is $78 billion, of which $70.4 billion is borne by states and localities.
  • Health care for illegal aliens costs taxpayers about $42.7 billion annually.
  • A variety of food assistance and nutritional programs used by illegal aliens and their children cost taxpayers about $13.5 billion annually.
  • Combined federal, state, and local criminal justice costs associated with illegal immigration run about $47 billion annually not including the cost of damages to victims.

"As America struggles to meet countless societal needs while facing the realities of our staggering $31 trillion national debt, the costs of providing for millions of people who have no legal right to be in the United States continues to grow at an alarming rate," commented Dan Stein, president of FAIR. "To be clear, most of this enormous financial burden has been inflicted on taxpayers by the open borders advocates at every level of government. Not only is the Biden administration refusing to rein-in illegal immigration or remove the people who are breaking our laws, they are promulgating policies that actually encourage more of it while offering new protections and benefits to those who settle here illegally. Likewise, a growing number of states and localities create their own costly magnets for illegal aliens by declaring themselves sanctuaries and offering new benefits and services. This has to stop."

Who's at Fault?  It is Americans!

Because there is so much polarized opinions with people already having their minds set on what the problems are in the United States Border crisis, that has been going since the 1930s with greater emphasis since the 1970s, the quick answer to the question of "Who is to blame?" is the American Citizen.  The people of the United States have:

A few primary points of many:

  1. How can citizens demand the laws against illegal immigration be enforced when citizens are breaking their own civil and criminal laws which is aiding and abetting the illegal immigration, contraband and services?
  2. How can anything constructive and fair be accomplished to fix the problems when one Political Party too often claims any fix is racist? 
  3. A very important process, that MUST happen, is an easier path towards citizenship for those already illegally in the United States.  This will improve the lives of immigrants from Latin American, Asian, African and European countries!  President Obama summarized the problem in a very eloquent way that is listed below. 

Note that this topic is putting the blame on Americans, and the reader should know that the use of words like "undocumented" rather than "illegal" is causing harm to the very people which softer adjectives are being used to help.  In other words, the real problems are the harm against anyone here in the USA, who came here wrongfully, as continuing with words as undocumented, because this has the end result of justifying in American's minds that it is okay to stay that way, which is:

Explaining the Real Problems

If Americans allow anyone to remain here as an illegal immigrant, working for wages without the benefit of being ultimately a citizen, then that very action jeopardizes the wellbeing, happiness and future of every legal and illegal immigrant, who are not citizens. 

Americans needs to realize the two major problems, which coexists together:

  1. There are Employers who will continue to take advantage of the legal and illegal immigrant as long as they are not Americans.
  2. There are Employers who will not hire newly made citizens because they cost more, compared to an legal or illegal immigrant.  Additionally, some Employers know that hiring Americans will make their service or product cost more and thus not be competitive with their competition that employees legal and illegal immigrants.


  1. Allowing legal and illegal immigration without an end result of citizenship, hurts all legal and illegal immigrants in the long run. 
  2. The continued abuse of allowing the process of immigrants being taken advantage of is evil. 
  3. Builds resentment against Americans for putting legal and especially illegal immigrants into this position. 

These three listed items are part of a greater problem that Americans are to blame, and this topic goes into those other facets, further down in this topic.

President Obama Summarized it very Eloquently

President Obama, in 2014 and on many other occasions, had the following to say. See this link to see the full speech by President Obama.

First a Scripture

Mark 12:17 Jesus said to them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar s, and to God the things that are God s. And they marveled at him.

Was Jesus letting the citizens of Israel know that they needed to pay the taxes, even though there was treachery being done by the tax personnel, over taxation and subjugation by the Romans who invaded Israel?  The answer is yes.  It is also evident that Jesus was letting them and us know that they also needed to give unto God what God was due. 

The laws of immigration in the United States do not go against the tenants of the Bible and while there is much talk about improving the broken system of immigration, the laws are still intended for the betterment of everyone involved.

Continuing reading through the last section of this topic to make your own decision on whether or not the United States is reaping the negative consequences of illegal immigration and whether or not the United States is its own worst enemy that has caused their own problem.  It is the opinion of this author that the United States is causing the problem.

Is it Racism, Cultural Prejudice or Something Else?

The list below is just a few of the many points regarding illegal immigration.  Unfortunately, there is unquestionably racism and cultural prejudice against immigrants.  Prejudice and racism have always been there where historically it came in time spans against the Irish and Irish Indentured Servants; the Chinese and Chinese Slaves; the Africans Slaves; the Polish; the Italians; and others as they began immigrating or were brought to the United States throughout the United States history.  Rhetorically the question could be asked: Because there is racism or cultural prejudice, then should that allow illegal immigration to occur and be ignored? 

In this author's travels to four continents thus far, as of 2018, there is facets of small and sometimes larger scale racism and cultural prejudice that are everywhere by every group in the world, so no group is innocent.   Note that racism and cultural prejudice are two distinctly different problems.  As Christians, we all should know that any type of prejudice is absolutely wrong.

A List of Problems, Objections, Criticisms and Facts

  Problem, Objection, Criticism or Fact? It is True? Is this a fair argument now?  Reasons & Logic
1 There are laws that the United States put into place that allow for legal methods for immigration and everyone should use this process.  True  Yes, as mentioned by every President of the United States for decades.
2 Is there racism and cultural prejudice that makes victims of legal and illegal immigrants? True  Yes, and this is also causing human sex trafficking, slave labor, kidnapping, murders, tortures, prostitution and many forms of abuse.
3 In the recent past history of the United States, all that was needed to become a citizen of the United States was to cross the border or take a ship to the United States.  It is not fair that people, primarily from Europe in times past could simply enter that way and now peoples of primarily Latin Descent cannot enter in the same way. True  Immigration in the past was entering undeveloped land, building a civilization compared to coming into a post-industrial nation.  Now it is necessary to use processes to be integrated into programs like Social Security, Medicaid, Schools, Drivers Licenses with Insurance, taxes that collectively benefit all people.  
4 There are Drugs, weapons and sex trafficking occurring through the borders between Mexico and United States so the borders need to be highly guarded. True  Yes, and this includes water entries.  The borders also include Canada.
5 Illegal immigrants are taking manual labor jobs from citizens because they will work for less.  They are paid off the books and without taxation which gives them higher wages than the citizen taking the same job and this allow illegal immigrants to qualify for food and financial aid because they do not show a source of income. True  Yes, and this causes lower wages for citizens.  It is estimated that employment in the USA is 85% to 99% of small businesses of less than 20 people.  Employing citizens and illegal immigrants off the books, paid in cash, has become the normal business model in too many businesses.
6 Any business hiring illegal immigrants should be fined, owners potentially should have face jail time and the offense should be a Federal Crime.   (Note that stolen and fake social security numbers SSN are often used, which is another problem in enforcement.  Do a search on IRS is not informing citizens that their SSN have been stolen.) True  Yes, and this is a key area that could fix, deter and force illegal aliens to register for citizenship.  It also removes the unfair competition between businesses which do not hire illegal immigrants as their costs are higher.
7 In the illegal immigrants' communities, there is increased crime against their own group(s) because the illegal immigrants are afraid to report criminals for fear of deportation and isolation by their own community. True  Yes, and this has been reported for decades.
8 Illegal immigrants are paying taxes when they buy groceries, textiles or anything at a store. True  Yes, but the taxes by no means cover the costs of other benefits derived by living in the United States.
9 Illegal immigrants from Latin American Countries are sending US Dollars back to Latin American Countries. True  Yes, and this is a large revenue for businesses like Western Union.
10 Latin American countries, where the illegal immigrants are coming from, have been receiving millions to billions of US Dollars, for decades, which should have stabilized these countries but it has not.  True  The exact amount of money given in many forms is staggering.  This indicates fraud, embezzlement and no oversight by the United States.
11 Illegal immigrants are costing the Local, State and Federal Government money that exceeds tax revenues.  Illegal Immigrants receive many free items such as: (1) health care, (2) education, (3) food subsidies like food stamps.   Proponents for "undocumented workers" often state they pay taxes but does the taxes paid overcome the total of other costs?  (Legal Migrant Farm Workers are one of the primary examples given, but they are not illegal.)  Statistical analysis which includes every working area shows the costs are a great deal over the taxes paid.  True  Yes, and while there are no exact estimates, the 2018 numbers range between 70 Billion to 100 Billion a year nationally for the cost of having an Illegal Immigrant population in the United States.  This amount is spent by local, State and Federal Governments which comes out of taxes.  Was the tax system designed to balance out Illegal Immigration costs?  No.
12 Illegal Immigrants cost the Local, State and Federal Government along with private industries in money that exceeds tax revenues for having to pay for items such as: (1) uninsured vehicle accidents, (2) jails and prisons incarcerations, and (3) deportation investigating and services, (4) Government paying Hospitals for services rendered to Illegal Immigrants who are unable to pay. True  Yes.  For example: Costs that average $31,000 a year for each inmate of prisons per 2018 data and illegal aliens make up an estimated 18% to 22% of prison inmates in 2018.
13 When the good people are leaving their countries, to enter the United States illegally, then that further erodes the opportunities for improvement in the country that they are leaving. True  Yes, and this is a very disappointing aspect.
14 The previous eradication of old diseases like the Measles, Mumps, Whooping Cough and Chicken Pox are making a "come back" because of illegal immigration in the United States True  The good news, is treatment is readily available for both citizens and illegal aliens.  The problem is suffering and the cost of dealing with the problem.
15 There may be the potentially, that the ultimate plan is the destabilizing of the United States for future integration of the United States into a World Government which illegal immigration and its problems is part of the process? ? It appears true for many reasons which would require much more of an explanation than permissible in this topic space area.
16 Is the illegal immigration debate being used to further polarize voters and to be used for aiding one specific political party who uses the debate to claim the other political party has racist and cultural prejudices. True This is seen in Political Party debates and is a very unfair tactic which causes reverse racism.   Unquestionably, when Democrats are in control at the Federal Level, news concerning illegal immigration is always discussed as being controlled but when Republicans have control in any facet at the Federal Level, Democrats with the Media's help will blame the problems on Republicans even if the Border Controls are exactly the same.
17 Because of the large numbers of illegal immigration on a daily basis along with the lack of adequate protection of the borders, there is the possibility of terrorist entering and causing great destruction and loss of life. True Yes, and there have been attempts already being stopped in 2018 and 2019.  The main stream media is not reporting.  One example:  "At least 15 known Terrors have been arrested"
18 Because of the extensive areas on the border that have easy access to cross, crime is very difficult to stop when criminals can escape jurisdiction. ? In the past this has been true and depending upon the area, recent years of increased security has brought crime rates down.  The decrease is deceiving based on the crimes per population statistics.
19 There are States, such as California as of 2018, that prohibits an arrested illegal immigrant, who committed a crime which might be violent, from being turned over to ICE because of Sanctuary Cities (SC) laws. The Police are forced to release the illegal immigrant after "due process", where they are then allowed to stay in the United States where many commits more crimes and the "cycle of catch and release" continues.   There are many documented cases of "catch and release" illegal immigrants (who might have been also deported in the past) who go on to commit murders of other illegal immigrants and also citizens. True It has been popularized that the needs of many, outweigh the needs of the few.  To benefit illegal aliens, who are law abiding and have families in the USA, harm would come to their family if they are deported with their family remaining, so the SC is helpful.  Others argue that victims of Illegal Immigrant crime are forced to live with this situation that makes the citizens the victims, who has to pay the price in many ways. 
20 There are countries, such as Israel, that have deployed and are using walls on their borders that have stopped or drastically reduced many problems from illegal entry and immigration along with the terrorist attacks that are so prevalent against Israel by Muslims. True As of 2018, Israel's statistics showed it stopped 99% of illegal immigration and 90% of terrorist attacks.
21 In the year of 2018, there is a wait list of 700,000 people from countries around the world to enter the United States and begin the process of becoming a citizen.  The USA's governmental staff is set up to handle 675,000 applicants per year but handles more than that.
True Why is it fair for someone to circumvent the process illegally and force immigration processes to deal with them when there are those who following the rules?  There are those who state people are here for political asylum or fleeing violence, where the sheer numbers claiming this reason do not support their claims, which has been proven multiple times.
22 In 2017: 1,127,167 were granted permanent residency.  707,265 became naturalized citizens.  Largest by Country: (a) Mexico = 169,980, (b) China = 66,479, (c) Cuba = 64,749, (d) Dominican Republic = 58,348, (e) India = 57,155 True This shows that the United States system of fair immigration is working.

Drugs, Human Trafficking and Much More

The consequences of recreational and habitual illegal drug use in the United States has many direct and indirect consequences.  The United States, along with many countries, have recreational and habitual illegal drugs use which continues to escalate.  The illegal drug consumption, without argument against the fact, is very lucrative where the importing businesses has grown to include:

With all of these areas, there are many harsh and deadly problems for all peoples in the countries affected. 

(Note: The United States has been dealing with problems establishing and verifying children at the border are actually with their parents, which means separation from the adults they were found with.  This is understandable, albeit very scary for the children and parents.  The reasons are the cases of children, who were abducted or kidnapped, are very reluctant to inform on their captors for:

  1. Fears of harm against themselves by their kidnappers when they believe they will be given back to them;
  2. Their real parents will be harmed or killed by accomplices of the kidnappers;
  3. The kidnappers told the children lies about United State Border Agents doing bad things to them.

Unquestionably, the United States has many problems dealing with illegal drugs where many of the sources are coming from countries that are south of the border of the United States.  The realities of Drug Cartels and their emissaries, in many cities and areas on both sides of the border, have caused the disintegration of the family unit as people who try to live near the Drug Cartels and their emissaries experience many problems.  Law abiding citizens of effected countries are forced to ignore, participate or face horrific consequences that include loss of income, violence, torture, rapes and death. 

With the advent of advanced surveillance and computerized auditing of banking transactions by many government agencies in United States and also the source countries, it is very difficult to believe that the Drug Cartel entities and their individual persons who control the money, are not known.  As heard and read on news outlets, there are entities like the National Security Agency (NSA) that can routinely identify bank accounts for closure because of money laundering associated with terrorism.  The question is why are there not more closures of Drug Cartel entities bank accounts and arrests made in the United States? 

There are two conjectures, that may not be to off from reality.  The first conjecture is there are secret agencies of many countries that get their funding through drug profits so that their source and actions can remain off the accountability of the public sector.  This conjecture has been the plot of many books and movies where a Central Intelligence Agency initiative, that requires very expensive tools, is involved in the actual Drug Cartel business for the money required and bank accounts are flagged as off the radar of scrutiny by government investigation agencies.  A second conjecture is there are some people in power in the United States who have the ability through bribes to have their shipments ignored and only the small shipments are seized occasionally so that law enforcement entities can appear to be making a difference.

Illegal Drugs and the Borders

The main point against the very innocuous drug use by anyone, is the use of illegal drugs has caused and is causing the destabilizing and corruption of many Latin American countries or geographical areas in the countries because of the wealth from the profits and crimes that accompany Cartels and Illegal Drug distribution.  In the United States, the problems are very self-evident in major cities and rural areas.

There is evidence that recreational illegal drug usage will eventually lead to drug addiction as evidenced by the expansion of Addiction Recovery Companies in the United States.  The cost of treating those who are addicted to drugs effect the cost of Insurance for everyone.

The Criminal Justice System in the United States is constantly dealing with the problems of Illegal Drug Usage by Criminals.  Two points of many:

  1. Does the use of illegal drugs cause permanent cognitive impairments, resulting in people who cannot exist safely in society?
  2. Does the use of illegal drugs, which become addictions, lead to criminal who steal to support their drug habit?

As Christians, we should all should see that as part of the Satanic Plan.   A family dealing with an addict suffers greatly and the addict can affect the psychological well-being of a spouse, children, parents and future generations. 

The money involved in drug trafficking is so large, as seen and read in newspapers, that it too easily corrupts politicians, police, border control agents and so many more.  As seen in so many arrests and court cases that have been popularized in many books and movies, the option for many people is to participate or die with the clich of "You only have two choices: lead (bullets) or Silver (money)."  

The absolute root of the problem of the Drug Cartels, and their emissaries, which are causing the havoc, torture, death and mayhem in both source and consumer countries is squarely to blame on the consumers.  If there is no consumption, then there is no illegal drug trafficking.  This does not mean that all drugs should be legalized.  There is no innocence when using illegal drugs. The far-ranging consequences are obviously and unfortunately not being taken into account which includes secure borders.  The permutations of the drug business are one of the main problems which is causing the destabilizing of areas and countries that immigrants are trying to leave.

Political Weapon?

Unquestionably, illegal immigration from the southern border is used a political party by the Democrat Party with claims of racism, while the Republicans use the immigration problem to point out a crime problem.  Note that there is an illegal immigration from Asia, Africa and the Middle East which is never discussed in the media.

When the Democrats are in power, which they have been nearly 2/3 of the time since the 1960s through 2019, then:

When Democrats are not in power, then

Click on this video clip, with apologies because it is a campaign video, but none-the-less shows the real problems at the Border from the Democrat perspective which changes when not in the oval office.  There are poignant points and actions being made by President Obama, President Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and Senator Chuck Schumer.

Summation Solution and Know Mexico's Immigration Laws are Tougher and Extremely Punitive

Considering all of the risks for the opportunity for a better life in the United States, where:

then illegal crossing of border will continue as they have for almost 100 years since the establishment of immigration requirement laws in the 1920s.  Note that there a period of time when immigration was effectively stopped in the Great Depression of the 1930s with only 23,000 allowed immigration totals.

Most of the News Media and Hollywood are conducting a very slanderous attacks in the year 2025 against the President of the United States with baseless accusations of racism, cultural prejudice, and murder that are very blatant.  The News Media no longer reporting all aspects of political news events, but have change to opinion information distribution that is clearly goal oriented in political bias in favor of liberals and the Democrat Conundrum

In almost every political news event, as well-document groups are statistically gathering, are easily discerned to be against conservatives and also Christians.  It is clearly evident to have intentional omissions and slander that is composed of:

  1. Giving partial information that portrays problems with out explanation on why there is a problem.
  2. Stating a solution is causing emotional problems while not explaining why.

There is even the problem with Search Engines favoring liberal and Democratic viewpoints that become very evident for any user wanting to find documentation on controversially topics in desire of finding more information from all aspects.  This search engine problem documentation is even hidden from search results, (see this link.)   When starting to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) searching, the problem often still occurs because of the ranking protocols programmed in the AI answering designs.

An excerpt from the Media Bias topic:

Some worthy quotations from Mark Twain to frame this topic:

  1. Never tell the truth to people who are not worthy of it.
  2. If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're miss-informed.
  3. A half-truth is the most cowardly of lies.


It is possible to tell the truth, but speak with deception by the omission of facts and information.

The solution rhetoric not heard from any Politician, Governing Agency, or Media outlet is:

In all matters concerning the law of immigration and unauthorized entry, which is infiltration, and unauthorized remaining, then the following should be an axiom from the highest legal spokesperson in every country:
  1. The equal and absolute enforcement of laws are for everyone attempting immigration even when people do not agree with the laws.
  2. Every country has the rights to enforce their immigration laws.
  3. Anyone entering a country in an authorized way is to be categorized as infiltrator with intentions to harm, unless they immediately identify themselves to authorities for legal reasons such as asylum that still requires the laws established to allow their continued and possible permanent entrance to the country.
  4. Anyone aiding an abetting unauthorized immigration should also be accountable to the laws of the country they reside in and be consider a traitor to their country and subject to treason accountability laws. 

This is the truth and reality for many, many countries.  The United States record of humanitarian immigrations has always been extraordinarily kind and recent decades proven to be a detriment to its own citizens. 

MEXICO'S IMMIGRATION LAWS ARE TOUGHER AND MEXICO'S LAWS ARE EXTREMELY PUNITIVE FOR UNAUTHORIZED IMMIGRATION!  Mexico, in 2025, is now trying to put on a positive publicity campaign that their history cannot erase from public records.

Research on the internet.  See this link and if the link is missing click here for a good summary comparison with over 20 source links

As already stated throughout this topic, the real cause and blame still resides on the United States, and prayerfully now this might be fixed.

What to read next?

(1) Political Hypocrite (2) Communism and Socialism vs. Democracy with Additional Thoughts and Clarity on Fascism, (3) Media's effect on Racism, Cultural and Christian Prejudice, (4) Liberalism and the arguments used, (5) Historical Racism, (6) Racism Test, (7) Cops Kill by Race?