Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Creation date: 17-Feb-2024

Is There a Reference in the Scriptures? Yes

Last updated: 2-Jun-2024

A A A  help

1 What is Artificial Intelligence?
2 Do We Need to be Worried about Gathering of Data?
3 What Artificial Intelligence Can Do and Can NEVER Do.
4 Is Artificial Intelligence in the Scriptures?

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can more accurately be described as an Algorithmic Learning System with these summary points:

  1. Uses existing known data to provide an approach for a required task based on the knowledge of recognizing words and images as tokens to use a logic path in the solution
    Excerpts from Microsoft's AI explanation of tokens:

    'For example, the word “hamburger” gets broken up into the tokens “ham”, “bur” and “ger”, while a short and common word like “pear” is a single token. Many tokens start with a whitespace, for example “ hello” and “ bye”.'

    'Detailed: Low resolution mode is fastest, High resolution mode is scaled down for searching'

  2. Known data sources are also imported into efficiency based storage that is more advantageous to an AI search algorithm. 
    (a) There is Vector search that is based on numeric value for a solution
  3. Solutions, provided for AI inquiries, are:
    (a) organized, called indexing, by the quantity of popularity, acceptance, and validated correctness.
    (b) "AI enrichment" is sometimes required for a solution.
    (c) Semantic ranking of information is considered and determined for tokens that have multiple meanings.
    (d) The name for AI providing more correct solutions is called "training" which is accomplished by ration of accepted results increasing from base-line modeling.  Modeling is a programmed method of using a dictionary and result sets that do not require more human intervention in establishing of acceptable solutions.

At the point when computers became a reality to run processes, then well-meaning scientists and science fiction writers began to theorize that there would be a day when computers would become self-aware.  The idea of a machine becoming self-aware in the past has been around for over 100-years as read in WIKI's article on Artificial Intelligence.

There are amazing computer technologies that are continuously being improved upon in rapid almost daily development by many universities, companies, governments and even individuals that are nearly a perfect simulation to communicating with a human-being, but the responses are from computer programs. 

AI programs, as there are many, are more than one computer software program.  It is a amalgamation of

In this particular time of the year 2024, AI programs are yielding many wonderful and life enhancing changes along with improving so many areas of how work is performed across the Earth.  For many people there is the question regarding the potential for wrongful use of AI where the answer, as theorized by many Christians and non-Christians, is yes.

These are the high level summary steps in the formation of all AI computer systems.   

Step Category Purpose Goal
1 Gather Data The language written on a computer interface or heard through a voice recognition is analyzed to detect human language being used.  Currently language are assigned values that are used to determine matching algorithms.
2 Gather Data Sentences are determined by word recognition, pauses in speech or ending punctuation. Used as part of key to determine possibilities of next steps in a sequence.
3 Gather Data Determine nouns and then map to known persons, locations, machines, something built, and also related to known program component names To determine the goal of all sentences asked.
4 Provide Data Provide information for the user to determine if the possible displayed or spoken results is what is needed for the inquiry. Provide useful results that will be catalogued for successful answers to words combinations, the human sentences.   This is called AI learning.
5 Predictive Learning ability Through analysis of data accumulation, then predictive results in every type of work such as accounting, mechanical drawing, streamlining process of navigation, law enforcement, and especially programming code can be derived. To replace the remedial and fundamental areas of all type of work requirements to allow designing to be done that does not require the known time requirements for development.
6 Eventual Ability to Change, Control and Restrict in all areas of life One of the predominate theories is in the near future, there will be the next generation of AI systems that come online, that are mandated by government that require all people in countries to interface, participate, and use. 

As an example, a simple to complex country tax submission will be done automatically as the Government computer systems will already have all income, purchases, employment costs, expenses, and deductions brought into AI tax programs that also can retrieve payments along with refunds.
To control the population in all areas of life with the subterfuge of AI will bring peace and insure everyone participates in ventures for the betterment of all people. 

This becomes one of the greatest tools of power, with the ability to know everything about a person.

Excellent movie example of AI from 1968

Note that this author absolutely recognizes this movie mentioned next contains very subtle theoretical assertions that replace the need for God.  These assertions in the movie have a monolith, from an unknown source, replacing key parts in the Earth's History of evolution.  At the movie's premiere, the assertions were actually frightening, but now is laughable and ludicrous when understanding evolution basics.  This author saw the movie as a small boy with my family where despite the subtle inference of the monolith's power, the movie is not much different from watching something like Star Wars, Star Trek, the Day the Earth Stood Still (1951), and Forbidden Planet (1956) movies.

This epic movie from 1968, is called "2001: A Space Odyssey", inspired by a 1951 short story called the Sentinel, which even by today's cinematic and special effects accomplishments is an excellent masterpiece in this author's opinion.  The AI's voice and conversations are brilliantly done and choreographed, where the movie presented the danger of AI becoming self-aware that murders and does once final attempted murders for self-preservation, along with speaking lies to stop his own termination.  The wiki article on the movie is an excellent commentary.

Below is an autographed photo, owned by this author of the two principle actors, from a scene in 2001: A Space Odyssey", where the onboard self-aware computer, called HAL 9000 is reading the lips of the two astronauts.  HAL learns that the two Astronauts, Dave and Frank are going to kill HAL by turning off the power to major areas of HAL's central computer.

In the movie scene, the two astronauts went into an escape space-pod to have a private conversation about HAL so that HAL could not hear them, but unbeknownst to the Dave and Frank, HAL was able to read their lips from one of the remote computer workstations, "red dot" in the computer remote terminal. 

There is an old famous cliché expression, from the movie, spoken in a very calm and accusatory voice that people would use to mimic HAL's voice when speaking to someone doing something wrong.  The expression was "What are you doing Dave?", which in the movie was when HAL confronts Dave when Dave was going to shut off HAL after HAL had murdered crew and Frank.

This author's great friend, Dr Dave Dyer, got both Gary Lockwood and Keir Dullea's autographs from a SciFi convention in September of 2001.  Dave Dyer framed the photo and gave it to me as a gift which is hanging in my home office for over twenty years.  It was a very special and a very valuable autographed photo that is celebrating the year of the movie's title.

Two interesting notes:

  1. There was a programming language called HAL/S was developed and began use in 1973 for the Space Shuttle Program. 
  2. This author worked with a software engineer, Dirar, that was involved in the conversion of programs written in HAL/S and other Fortran like programming systems  in the early 1990s so that the programs could be Y2K compliant when converting to a new computer language. 

    In the 1970s through 1980s, programmers did not put internal documentation in the code because of memory was always too limited to slow down the compiling.  Dirar told me that the engineering group hired the best PhD computer scietists from across the country to decipher the formulas in the HAL/S programming code where the PhD scientists had to just accept the trajectory and other propulsion formulas because they had no idea in most cases how they worked. 

    I asked Dirar how come these PhD programmers couldn't use handwritten or typed external documentation, or go ask the original programmers?  Dirar laughed, well the assigned managers that had possession of documentation threw away the old spiral bound books thinking that it was very old technology that no one ever would need.  Also, unfortunately all the original engineers who wrote programming code used in many of the NASA systems, were very old, retired, or dead.   Dirar's final comment was the PhD guys did not want to admit the genius of their predecessors but showed in their actions that they were humbled with questions like "Where did they come up with this formula with the 'constants'?"

    Why NASA Needs a Programmer Fluent In 60-Year-Old Languages (

Do We Need to be Worried about Gathering of Data?

My profession has been in Computers since graduating from college in the 1980s with a Computer Science degree and minors in accounting, business administration and mathematics.  If you have not figured it out, there is nothing electronic that can be hidden or kept secret if someone or an entity desires to find it. 

This is a list of the most easily understood aspects of electronic data collecting that could also be called surveillance.  For this list of items, this author is personally not alarmed by any of it, and would state that the high percentage use of it is for honest and sales reasons.

  1. Your phone uploads your contacts, photos, appointments and web searches to the cloud. 
  2. Your phone, when GPS tracking is turned on and you are driving, informs hosts like Google your location for more reasons than getting navigation and traffic data.  It provides hosts the location you are currently at and a history is kept.
  3. Your home Tablet, Computer, Entertainment TV device and Virtual Assistant sends information on you to a central data repository on what you like to search on the Internet, view on the Internet, watch on TV, record, download from the Internet, ask questions about and purchase. 
  4. Your bank and credit card companies, track your expenditures to create marketing profiles along with spending habits to protect against fraud. 
  5. Your emails and text messages are stored in the cloud. 
  6. There are websites that can give the user an estimate or factual on how much someone else is worth, their income, credit score and even civil/criminal judicial records. 
  7. There are websites that use phone text history, phone call history, phone GPS coordinate history, gasoline purchase history, credit card purchases to project the possibility of someone having or had an affair along with giving the name and address of the two possible adulterers. 
  8. At your home, your Internet Service, your Satellite or Cable TV service, and even the movies you rent have you sign a waiver on your rights to allow your information to be collected by the company that you are using where it might be sold, even if they state it will not until you discover the proverbial "fine print" caveat legal paragraphs.  There has to be these legal caveats for more reasons than one.  As an example a Service Provider may be bought or sold where this allows the data on a customer to be transferred and prohibits lawsuits.
  9. Your Electricity, Water and any utility usage is publicly available. 
  10. Where you live is public information. 
  11. Your phone numbers and email addresses are publicly available. 
  12. As of 2024, computer user interface system companies have been developing and announced that almost every detail of activity done on your computer workstation, tablet, and even phone will be stored in a local and cloud database source with the intention to be able help users to remember valuable information.  A user can then instantly recall historical applications, by day and time, used with the documents opened, websites visited, phone calls made with audio and speech to text recording, text message conversation and more to help in all facets of improving work, social and health activities. 

Manufacturers, Retailers, Banking, Political Groups and Consumer Marketing Groups depend upon consumer metrics, marketing demographic information so there has been data collection on everyone for decades which is extremely valuable, is purchased and is shared on websites. 

What Artificial Intelligence Can Do and Can NEVER Do

AI is not a self-aware living creature, and can only be programmed to have responses based on inputs.  AI, and all created machines by human-beings, cannot become self-aware.  Simulated self-awareness is already accomplished where human-beings can have conversations with AI machines and have machines perform actions that can stimulate a human-being's sense of friendship, concern, empathy, anger, and so much more. 

The following is a few simulated responses and actions examples, in layman's terms, in AI that can give the human observer the impression of self-awareness:

  1. AI Conversation
    (a) The voice reception device interprets sounds, using pattern recognition, to build words where words are collected into sentences after matching language. 
    (b) A human's sentence is matched with probabilities of a statement, that requires no response from the AI, or a question which requires a response from the AI.
    (c) When the AI program logic interprets a human sentence as a question, then a matrix of possible response is created with an assigned probability of the best responded based a database of best known accepted answers for the word tokens. This is often called learning, where it is not the same as a biological creature, but can be thought of a database of learned probabilities. 

    As an easily viewed example of conversation is performing searching on the internet which provides a series of possible links to websites that the search engine had evaluated as the best descending choices for providing the search.

  2. Visual Actions

    (a) The AI hears a series of words that are programmed to have the AI's simulation face smile, frown or express another type of visual emotional response.
    (b) The AI machine will control a machine body that has simulated human-being hair, skin and so many other features.
  3. Mind of the Machine - Copyright (c) JKM
    Humanoid Appearing Machine - year 2000

    All responsive actions from AI are based on data provided choices only!  AI is a computer program that no matter the extreme and amazing wonderful complexities, the actions such as speech and movement is based on data available choices. 

    As an hypothetical example, imagine an AI machine that resembles a human-being with all of the abilities in moving and computer programmed conversations where the AI machine is in a house that just began to catch fire with all the escape options are barricaded.  In this hypothetical house, there are fire extinguishers in some rooms that could be used to stop the fire.  If the AI's database of information does not have information on fire extinguishers and how to use, then the fire would not be extinguished. 

    The AI machine of any kind is absolutely only able to perform any all areas based on the availability of data information.

  5. Good and Evil Potentials of AI

    A general abbreviated history of computer programming is a good background to understand regarding the power, functionality and future use of AI, which in its core is simply computer programming.  The following table is a provided in a high-level summary computer (machine) software tools along with some other relevant information not contained in the WIKI link:
    1st Generation .Machine Code Very limited processing based on detection of electronic inputs that were usually done by wire that received power in intervals.
    2nd Generation Assembly Language

    Only worked on a specific machine
    Machine language required explicit moving of data elements to specific storage internal fixed address.  Data values from storage, could then be reference and move through code to memory that allowed the processor to perform usually math functions to the data.  Results of  which then could be connected to devices for automation.  The assembly languages had the ability to count, multiply, calculate differences in data elements.
    3rd Generation Operating Systems Introduction of Operating Systems that could interface with a monitor, keyboard, printer and a limited set of peripheral equipment.  Often OS were primarily used on Main Frame Computing systems that became decentralized with the transition to workstations on local area networks with file, printer, and database sharing.
    3rd Generation Fortran, Basic, PL/I, COBOL

    Work on machines with specific Operating System
    Programming languages that did not require the programmer to assign data into storage and memory, where interpreter compilers of the programming language would create an executable with all of the data storage and processes that were understandable by the Operating System's execution of a compiled code modules.
    4th Generation FOCUS, dBase, Paradox Programming language had constructs to shorten the requirement for building User, Reports, data Viewing, Importing and Exporting Data
    5th Generation

    Artificial Intelligence
    Programs that Generate Programs, Documents, Processes, and so much more. Code generator programs, that do not require a programmer, as the questions asked by the code generator determines the functionality required that is often fully functional without a programmer requirements.

    When the design of fifth generation programming building began, the designers realized the potential for programs to also generate so much more based on the ability to the use the best solutions collected

    AI has the potential to eliminate, augment, and change specific types of jobs in areas that have repetitive human requirements such as

    (a) Increasingly more sophisticated manufacturing
    (b) Elementary programming,
    (c) Basic accounting functions,
    (d) Legal processing,
    (e) Body physical examinations,
    (f) Many medical exams to determine of problems with prescriptions issued,
    (g) Many types of surgeries,
    (h) Traffic enforcement,
    (i) Warfare,
    (j) Airplane travel, and
    (k) much more. 

    There will still be the requirements of human management and intervention in these areas just listed, but most of the elementary areas will become redundant. Skilled craftsmen will become more increasingly needed with higher momentary compensations.

The separation from AI and living creatures also is extended by the senses given to living creatures from God, as part of His Creation.  The complexity of the following list, that could be longer, shows the impossibility of evolution because any improvement on a living creatures, just like an AI machine, requires external design, involvement, and implementation, also known as Darwin's Problem.

1 Smell Smell can stimulate peacefulness, beauty, hunger, fear, repulsion, association with a memory, and so much more.  Detection in the machinery designs such as smoke detectors and even very small amounts of particular elements in air, is making living healthier environments, but is not as far ranging in application for living creatures.   
2 Taste Taste can stimulate generation of salvia, stomach ingestion, desire for more of the same food or beverage source, and so much more.  In an AI machine, there is no sense of taste that even imaginable to have the ability to program.  In the AI machine, there is only energy consumption and depletion measuring with requirement to refill.
3 Hearing Hearing is more than detecting sounds and language for living creatures.  Sound in the forms of music can cause many emotional responses such as peace, love, anger, energy to move and much more. 

Science in the last few decades are also finding some sounds, in the forms of frequencies, can heal and destroy living matter, incapacitate a living creature, and even destroy physical structures.  An AI machine is not going to know a sound frequency that can incapacitate or destroy itself.
4 Seeing Besides human-beings, the multiple areas of sight is beyond a simple summary.  The abilities of machinery to see in the micro and macro cosmos is amazing, but there is still the areas of the results of sight that can stimulate hunger, love, peace, fear, confusion and even in some new developments having the ability to incapacitate a living creature.

There is also the complex area of emotions such as love in a romantic sense, love in a parental role, loyalty, bonding based on experiences, and many more complex emotions.

The assertion by some people, as often portrayed in science fiction entertainment venues, is there will come a time in the future when a computer system of programs will become self-ware that is identical to a living created creature that God created.  For entertainment purposes, the ideas can be interesting and fun to watch, but with our ability to imagine without limitations is immediately destroyed with the realities of the complexities that God gave His created beings.

Is Artificial Intelligence in the Scriptures?

Unbeknownst to many Christians, AI is actually in the scriptures.
The following is an excerpt from the Abomination of Desolation Topic:

There will a second occurrence of the Abomination of desolation when the Antichrist will walk into the Holy of Holies in the Jerusalem Temple and proclaim himself to be god and place an "image", Revelation 13:15, there.  A few Biblical Scholars, as far back in the 1970s through the present, have speculated the "image" is some sort of biometric human appearing entity, with artificial intelligence (AI), that resembles the Antichrist (not the false prophet) and goes into the Holy of Holies.  The Revelation 13:15 indicates the AI Human Appearing Entity will speak.  This will occur to start the last 3.5 years of the Book of Daniel's 70th week, which is known as the Tribulation Period.

Revelation 13:15 And it was allowed to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast might even speak and might cause those who would not worship the image of the beast to be slain.

Note that as of 2022:

  • The biometric appearing "image" can be speculated to be a human life-like type of android, with artificial intelligence (AI), according to many Biblical Scholars, that is a counterfeit as Lucifer cannot create life, which will be controlled by internal software to speak in all languages of the Earth (already achievable) and with the ability to have a conversation (already achievable). 
  • There are many examples of nearly life like robots who walk and talk, where there is also advanced biological types of research that for decades have had the ability to grow skin and even organs outside of a human-being.  Skin and hair could be possibly used to cover the android Antichrist's image to make it appear completely human.

The idea of having a replica of someone is not a new idea as world leaders and elite businessmen in history have been using body-doubles for security, logistics and to protect against assassinations of the true person.  The Antichrist's reasons are to offend God in the most defamatory way.

Some key points along with some excerpts in a high-level summary from the Tribulation Period and Tribulation Purpose topics:

Matthew 24:15-18 15 "Therefore when you see the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION which was spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (let the reader understand), 16 then those who are in Judea must flee to the mountains. 17 "Whoever is on the housetop must not go down to get the things out that are in his house. 18 "Whoever is in the field must not turn back to get his cloak.
  1. Currently there is no standing temple in Jerusalem, but through this verse in Matthew 24:15-18 and others, we know that the Temple will be rebuilt.  Note that there are several Biblical Scholars along with Archeologists in Israel who believe the location of the previous Temple was not at the exact location of the Dome of the Rock
    (a) This means the Jewish Temple can be rebuilt without disturbing the Dome of the Rock building; and besides not disturbing, there is nothing that mandates the Jewish Temple be over the "Foundation Stone" boulder that is inside of the Dome of the Rock.
    (b) It is this author's belief that the rebuilt Jewish Temple, without harm to the Dome of the Rock, will enable the false peace of the first 3.5 years of Daniel's 70th week before the Tribulation Period starts after the Abomination of Desolation event, as a destruction of the Dome of the Rock would inflame the Muslim religious world.
    (c) Interestingly, there is no mention, in the scriptures, of the Antichrist erecting an image of himself in the Dome of the Rock, which in this author's mind shows that the Muslim religion does not worship the true God.  Most likely, the Antichrist will execute and stop any activity at the Dome of the Rock out of jealousy that might also involve destroying the building.
  2. When Jesus Christ is speaking in the Matthew 24:15-18 passage, He is instructing that when this event occurs that Jewish people in the land of Israel "Judea ", should flee immediately into the mountains for sanctuary
  3. In order for this warning by Jesus Christ to be relevant, even though it was spoken 2,000 years ago, the "seeing the event" has to mean:
    (a) A television news event seen worldwide with multiple rebroadcasts. 
    (b) An Internet news event seen worldwide, with links emailed and available on multiples of websites in every language.
    The Levitical Priests, and any other Jewish worshippers, that are present at the Temple are going to be immediately executed before the event.
  4. Not all of those fleeing from the Abomination Event will make it to the mountains.  The remnant of Jewish people that arrive in the mountains will be kept safe for the entire 3.5 years of the Tribulation Period as discussed in the Tribulation Period topic section of "Remnant of Israel is Hidden for 3.5 Years". 
  5. Those who do not make it to the mountains will be killed by the Antichrist's forces or they will possibly accept the Mark of the Beast.  The primary focus of Lucifer through the Antichrist, as identified in the scriptures regarding the Tribulation Purpose, is to kill every single Jewish person alive on Earth.
    (a) If Lucifer, through the Antichrist, can kill all the Jewish people in the earth then Lucifer can stop Jesus Christ from coming back and ending the Tribulation Period.  If Jesus Christ doesn't come back then this also stops other events in God's Plans that eventually lead to Lucifer being in the Lake of Fire for eternity.
    (b) Two Thirds, 2/3 ~ 2 out 3 Jewish people, will be killed during the Tribulation Period according to Zechariah 13:8-9.  Verse 9 speaks about those of Israel that survive.
  6. After this event, the Mark of the Beast will also be immediately enforced with execution, that will be predominately a beheading, for failure to take it. 
    (a) The false religion set up by the Antichrist and the False Prophet will be killing anyone who accepts Jesus Christ as their Savior as read in Revelation 17:6.
    (b) Many Biblical Scholars suggest beheadings will be the predominate execution method.  This is because of the merging of the Muslim and Christian hierarchical administration into a merged religious entity in name only that the Antichrist uses to get power.  Note: as all true Christians were Raptured before the 70th Week of Daniel starts, then leaves only fake Christians in power and in administration of Christian religions.   This false religious entity is later destroyed by the Antichrist in Revelation 12:15-18 after the Antichrist no longer needs the religious entity.  (There will be many, many people accepting Jesus Christ as their Savior during this time by many methods who will form groups to worship Jesus Christ and reject the Mark of the Beast, resulting in millions and millions of people having Salvation.)
    (c) The Japanese in WWII, at one well-known horrific event, had a contest on how many beheadings could be done in a period of time.  Additionally, there is a museum in Shanghai China, that this author visited briefly, that spoke about the mass beheadings done by the Japanese forces during the occupation of China.  The western beliefs and feelings, about beheadings, often consider the execution method as an evil method that had its historic climax with the French Guillotine.  In many previous Asian cultures, beheading was considered an honorable, quick and merciful death when done for a legitimate criminal punishment.  This beheading by the Japanese point is mentioned to open the reader's mind on beheadings as more common in history than thought, and most likely the Antichrist's final method to frighten someone to take the Mark of the Beast.

{much more in the Abomination of Desolation topic}

What to read next?

What is Salvation?  Is it is possible to lose Salvation?  We have eternal life Evolution is not real.  When a Christian suffers is there benefits from it.  Rewards in heaven.  Do we Tithe?  What does the 3rd Commandment tell us?  What is Grace and Mercy?  Is there an Age of Accountability?  Is there a place of unending punishment and exile form God?