Abortion.  Is it Murder?

Created Date: 1-Sep-2024

Adult Human Parts Harvesting

Last updated: 1-Sep-2024

Warning: Mature Subject Matter  
A A A  help


1 Disclosure
2 Preface
3 Rhetoric Used to Condone Abortion
4 Statistics and the Law
5 Is Abortion Justifiable?
6 Is Abortion Murder?
7 Who Supports Abortion and is Abortion used Politically?

It is the hope and prayer of this author that this topic be a starting place for understanding the Christian perspective of Abortion. 


This author is not a Medical Doctor, and this author is not a trained or licensed Psychologist.  Anyone seeking help when dealing with an Abortion should seek guidance and help from people that are trained in consulting and treatment. 

This author is going to be mentioning adult human-being harvesting of organs, skin, and much more that is done in many, many places in the world where the donors are not voluntary.  Additionally, the harvesting from human-beings, that were alive before any procedures, is resulting in the donor's death.  This needs to be mentioned in this topic because just like an Abortion, the harvesting of body parts is identical.


Jesus Christ made the restitution payment for all sins committed by human-beings at the Crucifixion Event.  Everyone can seek permanent forgiveness for all sins by asking Jesus Christ to be their Savior.  Having Jesus Christ as our personal Savior gives entrance into Eternity with God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.  Our lives, and how we live determine Rewards in Heaven.

Having an Abortion, as provable through the scriptures, is murder and God does forgive murder.  All unborn babies are human-beings.  All human-beings under a specific age, and other human-beings under specific circumstances have provisions by God under the Age of Accountability to have entrance into Eternity with God.

Unfortunately the following observation and discussion areas on Abortion have been made for many decades of years: 

  1. Women have often claimed that there is gender discrimination by male assertion of dominance over women's lives that includes not allowing or speaking against Abortions.
  2. Christians are correctly stating that life begins in the womb of the woman.
  3. People that are for the ability to have an Abortion are stating that a human-being is not a human-being until a specific point.  These people will state that first there is a zygote and after a specific amount of days, such as eight weeks, then the zygote stage begins and becomes a fetus.  It is is not until a specific stage, as stated by some people that a human baby is determinable in the womb.
  4. There are Satanic Temple websites and Witch websites that support Abortion in many ways.  There have been some disclosures in the media that Satanic Cult members and Witches will pay for any cost of an Abortion as long as they are present to conduct sacrificial incantations, spells, and offerings.

Rhetoric Used to Condone Abortion

All of us, through a variety of sources in the media, have heard the following statements in different forms:

  1. "This is my body and I can do what I want with it".
  2. "The growing mass of cells in my body is not a baby until it is born".
  3. "I was taken advantage of sexually and do not want to be pregnant.",
  4. "It is my birth control process and I can choose not to go through the process.",
  5. "I was raped by a man and that caused this growth in my body so I do not want anything to do with it."
  6. "I did not plan to have this growth in my body."
  7. "If I have the Abortion within the first few weeks, then the growth in my body has not become a baby yet."
  8. "Men have no authority to tell women that they cannot have an Abortion because they cannot get pregnant."
  9. "If I continue with this pregnancy then I will have to quit my job because my job requires physical aspects that I will not be able to do when pregnant."
  10. "I cannot afford to raise a baby."

Statistics and the Law

Some interesting and disturbing points regarding people and Abortions:

  1. If anyone murders a pregnant woman, then it is a double-homicide in criminal law in most countries.
  2. If a mother suffers from Postpartum Depression and kills her baby then there is the possibility of the murder being legally ruled as psychological stress that should be treated with no prosecution in some countries.
  3. If a mother decides to have an Abortion because she doesn't want the baby then the Abortion is legal in most countries.
  4. If a father decides that he doesn't want the baby before the birth then his has no baring on responsibilities if the mother decides to give birth.  The father can, and in the United States, will be put into prison for not paying a monthly support.
  5. If a woman tricks a man into thinking she is using birth control when she is not and becomes pregnant then the man is still required to support the baby being born until adulthood in most countries.
  6. As evidence of human beings development in the womb is recognized as life in the United States in 1996, the Dickey-Wicker Amendment amendment was submitted for legal reasons for protection against many types of usages of pregnancies that is often called "harvesting.  This indicates recognition of what a human baby in the womb is identifiable.   
    Dickey-Wicker Amendment excerpt:

    SEC. 509. (a) None of the funds made available in this Act may be used for--
    (1) the creation of a human embryo or embryos for research purposes; or
    (2) research in which a human embryo or embryos are destroyed, discarded, or knowingly subjected to risk of injury or death greater than that allowed for research on fetuses in utero under 45 CFR 46.204(b) and section 498(b) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 289g(b)).
    (b) For purposes of this section, the term `human embryo or embryos' includes any organism, not protected as a human subject under 45 CFR 46 as of the date of the enactment of this Act, that is derived by fertilization, parthenogenesis, cloning, or any other means from one or more human gametes or human diploid cells.

    The Dickey-Wicker Amendment is an amendment attached to the appropriations bills for the Departments of Health and Human Services, Labor, and Education each year since 1996 restricting the use of federal funds for creating, destroying, or knowingly injuring human embryos.


  7. The harvesting of unborn babies through Abortions and alive people is a very profitable world-wide system.  This author is reminded of the men, in the times of the sailing ships, being shanghied into force labor on a ship as a sailor, which is minor in comparison to human body harvesting but shows there are evil people throughout the entire history of the world.   Perform a search on any Internet Search Engine on adult human body harvesting and you will find:
    (a) Documentation of the world-wide murdering of adult human-beings for their body parts.  As an example: "China forcefully harvest organs".
    (b) Videos from survivors and witnesses to forced adult human body part harvesting.
  8. From a WIKIPedia link on Abortions summary, which has some caveats, the data below is based on 2019 statistical gathering of world-wide countries.  The Abortions are in this author's opinion staggering and unexplainable without even even considering any question on ethics or morality
      Country in 2019 Rate per 1,000 women per year Number of Abortions per year
    1 Albania 9 6,548
    2 Algeria 0.4 8,000
    3 Angola 33 229,000
    4 Argentina 33 368,000
    5 Armenia 12.8 10,718
    6 Australia 16 93,800
    7 Austria 1.3 1,800
    8 Azerbaijan 11.8 34,712
    9 Bangladesh 35 1,580,000
    10 Barbados 45 3,000
    11 Belarus 11.4 16,696
    12 Belgium 8 19,500
    13 Belize 32 3,300
    14 Benin 32 84,300
    15 Bhutan 32 6,400
    16 Bolivia 38 108,000
    17 Bosnia and Herzegovina 11 8,500
    18 Botswana 31 18,600
    19 Brazil 32 1,830,000
    20 Bulgaria 11.9 19,328
    21 Burkina Faso 30 136,000
    22 Burundi 26 65,000
    23 Cambodia 45 195,000
    24 Cameroon 34 201,000
    25 Canada 12 97,500
    26 Cape Verde 49 7,100
    27 Central African Republic 27 28,500
    28 Chad 17 58,400
    29 Chezh Republic 6.4 16,886
    30 Chile 7 33,000
    31 China 28 9,700,000
    32 Colombia 27 360,000
    33 Comoros 31 6,100
    34 Congo 44 54,700
    35 Costa Rico 21 27,500
    36 Croatia 2.7 2,594
    37 Cuba 55 147,000
    38 Denmark 12 14,600
    39 Djibouti 21 5,100
    40 Dominican Republic 37 101,000
    41 DR Congo 33 593,000
    42 Ecuador 28 123,000
    43 Egypt 23 1,050,000
    44 El Salvador 24 43,300
    45 Entrea 21 16,500
    46 East Timor 34 10,100
    47 Estonia 10.3 3,741
    48 Eswatini 29 8,800
    49 Ethiopia 24 632,000
    50 Finland 6.5 8,322
    51 France 15.5 201,000
    52 French Guiana 29 2,100
    53 Gabon 41 21,100
    54 Gambia 16 8,800
    55 Georgia 15.7 35,401
    56 Germany 5.4 99,948
    57 Ghana 37 266,000
    58 Greece 15 34,600
    59 Greenland 84.7 870
    60 Guatemala 19 85,400
    61 Guinea-Bissau 59 26,600
    62 Guinea-Bissau 26 77,400
    63 Guyana 36 7,300
    64 Haiti 38 111,000
    65 Honduras 21 53,000
    66 Hungary 9.8 23,901
    67 Iceland 13 990
    68 India 48 16,600,000
    69 Indonesia 25 1,770,000
    70 Iran 10.7 450,000
    71 Israel 8.4 17,582
    72 Italy 4.9 65,757
    73 Ivory Coast 35 207,000
    74 Jamaica 38 29,800
    75 Japan 5.1 122,725
    76 Kazakhstan 20.1 71,442
    77 Kenya 43 551,000
    78 Kyrgyzstan 31 49,500
    79 Laos 34 64,100
    80 Latvia 6.4 2,848
    81 Lesotho 23 12,800
    82 Liberia 42 47,600
    83 Lithuania 4.3 2,794
    84 Luxembourg 5.2 559
    85 Madagascar 60 376,000
    86 Malawi 31 134,000
    87 Maldives 42 4,700
    88 Mali 23 92,600
    89 Mauritania 17 17,800
    90 Mexico 31 1,040,000
    91 Moldova 18 19,400
    92 Montenegro 6 860
    93 Mongolia 21 17,400
    94 Mozambique 40 277,000
    95 Myanmar 26 387,000
    96 Namibia 29 18,600
    97 Nepal 41 348,000
    98 Netherlands 7 26,500
    99 New Zealand 12 13,100
    100 Nicaragua 14 26,800
    101 Niger 15 69,000
    102 Nigeria 33 2,000,000
    103 North Macedonia 14 7,300
    104 Norway 11 13,100
    105 Pakistan 23 2,240,000
    106 Panama 30 31,200
    107 Papua New Guinea 36 77,200
    108 Paraguay 34 60,900
    109 Peru 42 353,000
    110 Philippines 36 973,000
    111 Poland 10 93,000
    112 Portugal 5.6 14,075
    113 Puerto Rico 31 23,100
    114 Romania 6.7 31,889
    115 Russia 13.1 553,500
    116 Rwanda 28 84,300
    117 Saint Lucia 37 1,900
    118 Samoa 43 1,800
    119 Sao Torne and Principe 39 1,900
    120 Senegal 15 57,900
    121 Serbia 4.8 8,005
    122 Sierra Leone 45 82,600
    123 Singapore 5 7,400
    124 Slovakia 4.4 6,180
    125 Slovenia 6.1 2,945
    126 Solomon Islands 32 4,900
    127 Somalia 29 93,200
    128 South Africa 30 461,000
    129 South Korea 21 50,000
    130 South Sudan 25 63,600
    131 Spain 7.5 88,269
    132 Sri Lanka 28 149,000
    133 Suriname 31 4,500
    134 Sweden 17 37,300
    135 Switzerland 5.1 10,775
    136 Taiwan 17 93,211
    137 Tajikistan 26 58,100
    138 Tanzania 38 482,000
    139 Thailand 25 437,000
    140 Togo 32 60,300
    141 Tonga 25 620
    142 Trinidad and Tobago 48 17,100
    143 Turkey 2.7 43,000
    144 Turkmenistan 19 28,900
    145 Uganda 43 418,000
    146 Ukraine 6 64,893
    147 United Kingdom 18.6 214,256
    148 United States 14.4 930,160
    149 Uruguay 11 9,500
    150 Uzbekistan 23 198,000
    151 Vanuatu 39 2,800
    152 Vietnam 64 1,630,000
    153 Zambia 35 140,000
    154 Zimbabwe 18 67,300
      Total for 2019   54,769,500

    These staggering statistics indicate that men and women are participating in sexual intercourse, that may be forced, where there wasn't consideration with protection to prevent a pregnancy that is an indication in this author's mind as being grossly ignorant and stupid.

    Any period of time of pleasure during sexual intercourse when receiving an Abortion is:

    (a) Not worth the future cost of having to pay for an Abortion as means of birth control,
    (b) Is dangerous with the potential loss of future ability to conceive,
    (c) The time to heal from an Abortion, and
    (d) Loss of working for a living during the healing process.

There are many people, including medical personnel, that are correct in stating that there is a low risk medically in terms of harm to a woman's body from receiving an Abortion.  Abortions do include Psychiatrist aspects, which is why so many websites, books and pamphlets are distributed which have detailed documentation on the mental recovery. 

Is Abortion Justifiable?

The questions on Abortion being ethically justified are:

  1. Is an Abortion permissible when the Abortion will save the mother's life?
  2. Is there a specific day into the pregnancy which the development into a baby is not a baby?
  3. Should a woman that has been raped be allowed to have an Abortion no matter how long into the pregnancy?
  4. Can an unborn baby that is medically proven to be brain-dead or without life sustaining organs be Aborted before birth?
  5. Can a baby, moments after birth, be killed for reasons such as rape or other undesired determinations such as Down Syndrome?
  6. Can parts of a baby before or after birth be donated and used in helping other human-beings?

With the absence of a over-riding belief in Christianity or another religion that believes in a baby being a viable human-being inside the womb then the answers to these questions can have different answers.  Using the scriptures, the answers are:

  1. Yes, and can be the mother's choice, as the survival of a parent is required for the sustaining of other potential children and others.
  2. No, and this argued from a scientific standpoint on how can a lump of cells be described as something which has consciousness. 
  3. No, as that is premeditated murder.
  4. Yes.
  5. No, as that is premeditated murder.
  6. Yes, with stipulations that require a long explanation that is not germane to the context of this topic.

The law allowing Abortion has recently changed in the United States, and perhaps other countries, and will most likely change again.  The change in Abortion in the United States occurred in the 2022 Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization case which resulted in States of the United States setting up specific laws. 

Is Abortion Murder?

There has been Biblical Scholars for decades stating that Lucifer loves Abortion because

  1. The action wounds God knowing the innocent are murdered before they are even born so that they are not able to be part of God's plan for them. 
  2. The action is an sacrificial offering unto Lucifer that involves the Satanic Realm rejoicing in hurting God.

There is an amazing comparison between Lucifer's action behind all the carnality, violence and selfishness that leads to Abortions and Jesus Christ's Gift that righteously overpowers every single Satanic Action:

If you have had an Abortion then you must understand the act of an Abortion is murder where you need to know that God forgives Murder because of Jesus Christ that gives all of us Grace and Mercy but there is still consequences in our lives

There are women that this author knows that had Abortions in their teenage years because of reckless sexual situations, where these women still feel:

A woman, along with a man who participated in the act of Abortion, are to take steps to move foreword in being a Forgiven person who God loves and a God that forgives Murder.  Besides the medical steps, these are some suggestions after an Abortion that was not conducted to save the life of the mother.

  1. Consult a licensed Therapist for counseling.
  2. Know that God that forgives Murder.
  3. Do not blame others for decisions leading up to and after becoming pregnant.
  4. Live your life as a witness to others in not having an Abortion, and to giving Glory to God for your forgiveness in all areas where you live your growing in love for God.

Here are just a few scriptures to consider that show that God considers life in the womb as s human-being.

Exodus 21:22-25 22 “When men strive together and hit a pregnant woman, so that her children come out, but there is no harm, the one who hit her shall surely be fined, as the woman's husband shall impose on him, and he shall pay as the judges determine. 23 But if there is harm, then you shall pay life for life, 24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, 25 burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.
Palm 139:13-16 13 For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast formed me in my mother’s womb. 14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:
marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.
15 My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. 16 Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written,
which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.
Psalm 22:10 On you was I cast from my birth, and from my mother's womb you have been my God.
Psalm 127:3-5 3 Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. 4 Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. 5 Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.
Psalm 139:13-16 13 For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. 14 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. 15 My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. 16 Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me,
when as yet there was none of them.
2 Kings 8:12 12 And Hazael said, “Why does my lord weep?” He answered, “Because I know the evil that you will do to the people of Israel. You will set on fire their fortresses, and you will kill their young men with the sword and dash in pieces their little ones and rip open their pregnant women.”
Job 31:15 Did not he who made me in the womb make him? And did not one fashion us in the womb?
Ecclesiastes 11:5 As you do not know the way the spirit comes to the bones in the womb of a woman with child, so you do not know the work of God who makes everything.
Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.”
Luke 1:41-44 At the sound of Mary’s greeting, Elizabeth’s child leaped within her, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.

Who Supports Abortion and is Abortion used Politically?

In a very complicated, intricate, and exposing research there is no clear political party that opposes and supports Abortion even though many people may claim otherwise.  There are tenants of political groups in all countries that often have statements of their stance, but the statements are always written and spoken:

  1. To be vague in reasons allowing, and
  2. Detailed in reasons for protection of a woman

to have an Abortion.

There is often an axiom statement that can be used in analysis of political reasons on why anything is allowed or not allowed which is:

"Look for who benefits financially and politically where this will expose the true reasons on profitability in not only financially but in in control of power."

There are many companies and the individuals that are in them, that include Medical Doctors and Medical Staff, that make a great deal of money in profit from the Abortion Industry.  The question has been asked for decades is Abortion clinics, with the companies running them, motivated by their beliefs or to make a great deal of money?

In an informative read from MarketPlace, which should inform all of us that there is alternate motive in Abortion:

This author would state that after working as a contractor in computer areas for one of the largest cities of the United States that what is said in public is not done in private.  I was exposed to so many hypocritical politicians and supporters that was alarming to my perception of people I once admired.  It is also very clear that elected politicians are controlled by very powerful people and entities that are not publically exposed.

Across the entire world of politics these generalities can be stated concerning controlling people and their viewpoints with allegiances:

  1. If the area of an elected or appointed politician's candidacy and serving contains people that are of financial means that makes expenses in Abortion not always obtainable in having an Abortion then the politician is statistically going to state they are for Abortion.
  2. The higher ranking politicians in large areas of a country to the entire country recognize that providing anything that they cannot purchase at the expense of others through government develops dependency and even loyalty which can be exploited against another political group in the stating that the other political groups do not have your best interests in their minds.  See the topic on Communism and Socialism for an explanation.

In an interesting article from the Pew Research Center on "Republicans who favor legal Abortion and Democrats who oppose it" in 2022 written by Michael Lipka in the United States, there are some points being made that expose Abortion tendencies by demographics which is worthy of reading with these quick points being made by this author: 



What to read next?

Should Mary be worshipedPope - Scripturally Correct?  Did Mary remain a virgin after the birth of Jesus Christ?  The Crucifixion Psalm, Abraham's Location with Isaac,  Risen - 4 Gospels and is there a discrepancy on Easter? and Noah's Ark rests the day before Christ's Resurrection.  What is Salvation?  Is it is possible to lose Salvation?  We have eternal life Evolution is not real.  When a Christian suffers is there benefits from it.  Rewards in heaven.  Do we Tithe?  What does the 3rd Commandment tell us?  What is Grace and Mercy?  Is there an Age of Accountability?  Is there a place of unending punishment and exile form God?