Why is Lucifer still trying

Create Date: 29-Oct-2018

to wipe out the Jewish People?

Last updated: 13-May-2019

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1 Why is Lucifer still active now?    

Why is Lucifer still active now?

Many ask why is Lucifer and Satanic Forces still active in the world if Jesus completed His mission to redeem mankind on the Cross? 

  1. Certainly, the knowledgeable Christian can answer correctly that Satanic Forces are committed to the destruction of all of mankind and to stop anyone from being "Saved" but it is more than that. 
  2. The more complete answer is tied to God completing the work which is yet to be done with Israel. 

Lucifer is still trying to thwart the plan of God by trying to eliminate all Jews from the planet so that Israel cannot recognize their Son, who they pierced and ask Him to return, which is a prerequisite to His Second Coming.  In other words, if there are no Jewish people left alive ** on the planet Earth then the Anti-Christ cannot be stopped because Jesus Christ will not be returning, per the Scriptures.  The tribulation period is for Israel to recognize their Messiah and Son, which they will do.   If Jesus Christ does not return, in Lucifer's hopes, then the Tribulation Period will continue.  Obviously, God's plans will absolutely succeed and Israel will petition God for Jesus Christ to return. 

Hosea 5:15 "I will go and return to my place, till they acknowledge their offence, and seek my face: in their affliction they will seek me early."  Notice to return meant He had to leave that place.
Psalm 22:16 Dogs surround me, a pack of villains encircles me; they pierce my hands and my feet.  Jesus on the Cross is looking at the Satanic Realm around Him watching to see what the Plan of God was doing.
John 19:37 And again another Scripture says, "THEY SHALL LOOK ON HIM WHOM THEY PIERCED.This has dual prophecies.
Matthew 23:37-39 37 “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing! 38 See, your house is left to you desolate. 39 For I tell you, you will not see me again, until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’”

The forth coming Tribulation Period is not for Gentiles on Earth***, albeit Gentiles and Jewish people will still be Saved in great numbers through the work of the Holy Spirit in (a) 144,000 virgin men evangelizing from 12 of the tribes of Israel, (b) the Two Witnesses, (c) ministering Angels and (d) those who are Saved during that period.  The Tribulation Period is for Israel**** to be pushed to a place where they, as a nation, will recognize their Messiah and they will.

** Note that Satanic Forces attempts to wipe out Jewish people from the entire earth is more than a strong hatred because of the Messiah coming from Israel, but it is because elimination would mean they will stop the plans of God which includes Lucifer and Fallen Angels eventual destination of the Lake of Fire.  There have been many attempts to wipe out all of the Jews on the planet, along with the Royal Blood Line, and none have been successful.  For example, there was Hayman in the Book of Esther who was the Adolf Hitler of that time.  In the Tribulation Period there will be great loss of life to Israel at the hands of the Anti-Christ.

*** The scriptures point to the very important fact that the True Believers, who are Saved, will be Raptured before the start of the Tribulation Period.   The True Believers are all peoples that have made Jesus Christ their personal Savior. 

**** Israel here is mentioned as those who are of Israel who have not accepted Jesus Christ as their Messiah.

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